Topic Review
Chasing the Elusive Luciferin
Regarding dinoflagellates, the mechanisms related to the bioluminescent phenomenon have been well studied; however, at present, some points that remain unknown still persist. That is the case of luciferin biosynthesis, which has been reported to be an intricate process with several metabolic pathways involved. In the context of this controversial scenario, various hypotheses about the biosynthesis of luciferin in dinoflagellates are presented.
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  • 10 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Green Seaweeds and Ulvan
This entry analyzed the recent trend towards, progresses towards the preparation of chemicals of, and value-added biomaterials from marine macroalgae resources, especially green seaweeds and their derived ulvan polysaccharides for various applications. In recent years, ulvan both in pristine and modified forms has gained a large amount of attention for its effective utilization in various areas due to its unique physiochemical properties, lack of exploration, and higher green seaweed production. The pristine form of ulvan (sulfated polysaccharides) is used as a bio-component; food ingredient; or a raw material for the production of numerous chemicals such as fuels, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, whereas its modified form is used in the sector of composites, membranes, and scaffolds, among others, because of its physicochemical properties.
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  • 15 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Cold-Tolerant Microbes
Cold adapted microorganisms represent a large fraction of biomass on earth due to the dominance of low temperature environments. Himalaya is one of the most important low temperature environments on Earth because it possess environmental similarities to Polar Regions. The extreme cold environments of Himalaya are mainly dependent on the tiny life forms because of climatic restrictions to higher plants and animals. These cold loving microbes are known to possess several structural and functional adaptations in order to perform various life processes under the stressful low temperature environments. Their biological activities maintain the nutrient flux in environment and contribute in the global biogeochemical cycles. The culture dependent and culture independent studies revealed their diversity in community structure and functional potential. Apart from the ecological importance, these microorganisms have been recognized as a source of cold active enzymes and novel bioactive compounds. These products have several applications in biotechnological industries. 
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  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Extrusion Bioprinting for Skin Applications
Skin is a large and complex organ that serves protective and regulatory functions and is responsible for communication between the external environment and the inner organism. To fulfill these functions, skin has evolved as an organ with a complex anatomy derived from both the ectoderm (epidermis) and mesoderm (dermis). The skin includes not only these two major compartments but also important appendages, including hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands, nerve endings, and blood vessels, all of which have intricate spatial arrangements that render fabrication of the full skin organ challenging.
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  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
The Biology of Coral
Coral reefs are portrayed as tropical underwater forests, profusely rich in biodiversity and has immense ecological and economical importance. Apart from other marine calcifying organisms, scleractinian corals are the major biogenic contributor of complex bicarbonate structures. Corals are built from a collective group of tiny transparent organisms known as coral polyps. The increasing impact of natural and anthropogenic factors such as variation in temperature, salinity, cyclones, pollution and so forth have exert direct or direct effects on the coral reef, engendering the phenomenon of coral bleaching with severe outcomes. Coral microbiome comprises of diverse microorganisms including symbiotic algae, which play a determining role in coral physiology, immunity and responsiveness. Further, corals are equipped with sophisticate chemical and biological warfare that is used to their advantage in unfavorable conditions. 
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  • 17 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Bioherbicides: Tool for Weed Management
Weed management is an arduous undertaking in crop production. Integrated weed management, inclusive of the application of bioherbicides, is an emerging weed control strategy toward sustainable agriculture. In general, bioherbicides are derived either from plants containing phytotoxic allelochemicals or certain disease-carrying microbes that can suppress weed populations.
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  • 24 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Mulberry has acquired a special importance due to its phytochemical composition and its beneficial effects on human health, including antioxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic and immunomodulatory effects. Botanical parts of Morus sp. (fruits, leaves, twigs, roots) are considered rich source of nutrients and secondary metabolites. Various mulberry-based foods have been developed and marketed around the world.
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  • 24 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Y RNA are a class of small non-coding RNA that are largely conserved. Although their discovery was almost 40 years ago, their function is still under investigation. This is evident in cancer biology, where their role was first studied just a dozen years ago. Since then, only a few contributions were published, mostly scattered across different tumor types and, in some cases, also suffering from methodological limitations. Nonetheless, these sparse data may be used to make some estimations and suggest routes to better understand the role of Y RNA in cancer formation and characterization.
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  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Grain Number per Panicle
Rice grain yield is a complex trait determined by three components: panicle number, grain number per panicle (GNPP) and grain weight. GNPP is the major contributor to grain yield and is crucial for its improvement. GNPP is determined by a series of physiological and biochemical steps, including inflorescence development, formation of rachis branches such as primary rachis branches and secondary rachis branches, and spikelet specialisation (lateral and terminal spikelets).
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  • 06 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Escherichia coli Shiga Toxins
Escherichia coli (EHEC) and Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 are enterohemorrhagic bacteria that induce hemorrhagic colitis. This, in turn, may result in potentially lethal complications, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), which is characterized by thrombocytopenia, acute renal failure, and neurological abnormalities. Both species of bacteria produce Shiga toxins (Stxs), a phage-encoded exotoxin inhibiting protein synthesis in host cells that are primarily responsible for bacterial virulence.
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  • 23 Jun 2021
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