Topic Review
Metabolomics is the latest trend in the “-omics” sciences, of which technologies are widely used today in all life sciences. Metabolomics gave impetus to the description of biochemical processes that occur in many organisms by means of measuring of low molecular compounds by high-throughout technologies, search for new biomarkers of disease, and laid the foundation for new clinical laboratory diagnostics. The purpose of this entry is to show how metabolomics is represented in the science and to demonstrate the successes and main achievements of scientists in this field.
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  • 15 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Acetylation, also known as acetylation or acetylation, refers to the chemical reaction of adding an acetyl functional group to an organic compound. Conversely, the reaction in which the acetyl group is removed is called deacetylation or deacetylation. Acetylation of proteins is a post-translational modification.
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  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled to Hyperspectral Imaging
Near-infrared (800–2500 nm; NIR) spectroscopy coupled to hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) has greatly enhanced its capability and thus widened its application and use across various industries. This non-destructive technique that is sensitive to both physical and chemical attributes of virtually any material can be used for both qualitative and quantitative analyses.
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  • 18 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Plant Tolerance to Drought Stress
Increasing temperature leads to intensive water evaporation, contributing to global warming and consequently leading to drought stress. These events are likely to trigger modifications in plant physiology and microbial functioning due to the altered availability of nutrients. Plants exposed to drought have developed different strategies to cope with stress by morphological, physiological, anatomical, and biochemical responses.
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  • 19 Oct 2021
Topic Review
African Bush Elephant
The African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana), also known as the African savanna elephant, is the largest living terrestrial animal with bulls reaching a shoulder height of up to 3.96 m (13.0 ft). Both sexes have tusks, which erupt when they are 1–3 years old and grow throughout life. It is distributed across 37 African countries and inhabits forests, grasslands and woodlands, wetlands and agricultural land. Since 2004, it has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. It is threatened foremost by habitat destruction, and in parts of its range also by poaching for meat and ivory. It is a social mammal, traveling in herds composed of cows and their offspring. Adult bulls usually live alone or in small bachelor groups. It is a herbivore, feeding on grasses, creepers, herbs, leaves and bark.
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  • 05 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Osteocytes are the most abundant bone cells, entrapped inside the mineralized bone matrix. They derive from osteoblasts through a complex series of morpho-functional modifications; such modifications not only concern the cell shape (from prismatic to dendritic) and location (along the vascular bone surfaces or enclosed inside the lacuno-canalicular cavities, respectively) but also their role in bone processes (secretion/mineralization of preosseous matrix and/or regulation of bone remodeling). Osteocytes are connected with each other by means of different types of junctions, among which the gap junctions enable osteocytes inside the matrix to act in a neuronal-like manner, as a functional syncytium together with the cells placed on the vascular bone surfaces (osteoblasts or bone lining cells), the stromal cells and the endothelial cells, i.e., the bone basic cellular system (BBCS). Within the BBCS, osteocytes can communicate in two ways: by means of volume transmission and wiring transmission, depending on the type of signals (metabolic or mechanical, respectively) received and/or to be forwarded. The capability of osteocytes in maintaining skeletal and mineral homeostasis is due to the fact that it acts as a mechano-sensor, able to transduce mechanical strains into biological signals and to trigger/modulate the bone remodeling, also because of the relevant role of sclerostin secreted by osteocytes, thus regulating different bone cell signaling pathways.
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  • 09 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Acinetobacter Baumannii Infections
Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest challenges for the clinical sector and industry, environment and societal development. One of the most important pathogens responsible for severe nosocomial infections is Acinetobacter baumannii, a Gram-negative bacterium from the Moraxellaceae family, due to its various resistance mechanisms. The enormous adaptive capacity of A. baumannii and the acquisition and transfer of antibiotic resistance determinants contribute to the ineffectiveness of most current therapeutic strategies, including last-line or combined antibiotic therapy. In this review, we will present the current progress in developing innovative strategies for combating multidrug-resistant A. baumannii (MDRAB) infections.
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  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Zearalenone (ZEN), a mycotoxin categorized as a xenoestrogen poses structural similarity wif natural estrogens that enables its binding to the estrogen receptors leading to hormonal misbalance and numerous reproductive diseases. 
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  • 20 Feb 2021
Topic Review
BMSC Osteogenic or Adipogenic Differentiation
Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) are multipotent cells in the bone marrow which can differentiate into chondrocytes, osteoblasts, adipocytes (fat cells) and other cell types. Many factors have been identified to control the process of BMSC osteogenic or adipogenic differentiation in the bone.
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  • 12 Aug 2021
Topic Review
the Major Facilitator Superfamily
Bacterial pathogens are serious causative agents of infectious disease. Such microorganisms are resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents, thereby compromising the therapeutic efficacy of treatment.  Multidrug-resistant pathogens harbor antimicrobial efflux pumps, many transporters of which are members of the extensive major facilitator superfamily of proteins. These bacterial multidrug efflux pumps are good molecular targets for modulation and possible inhibition.  This entry briefly discusses several current developments for drug efflux pump modulation. 
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  • 27 Oct 2020
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