Topic Review
Non-Coding RNA Transcriptome
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) represent a research hotspot by playing a key role in epigenetic and transcriptional regulation of diverse biological functions. Due to their involvement in DNA translational control, their regulation of mRNA and protein expression levels and their ability to reprogram cellular signaling pathways in oral inflammatory diseases, ncRNA could be used to diagnose and predict disease and to improve patient-tailored treatments, as integral part of precision medicine for oral inflammatory diseases. 
  • 377
  • 09 Aug 2022
Topic Review
The Local Neuropeptide System of Keratinocytes
The synthesis and activity of neuropeptides and their receptors in epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes. Note that the term "neuropeptide" was originally coined to indicate small protein molecules that are contained in neurons, however it is now known that the synthesis of this class of peptides is not restricted to neurons.
  • 376
  • 04 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Bisphosphonates and Their Influence on the Implant Failure
The use of bisphosphonate (BP) may impair the osseointegration. It is a class of drugs that are frequently selected when there is an alteration in the bone metabolism, which are utilized to prevent bone loss. It can be administered orally (e.g., daily, weekly, or monthly) for treatment of osteoporosis and Paget’s disease, or intravenously (every 3 months or annually) to treat malignant skeletal oncological diseases.
  • 374
  • 17 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Dental Implants in AUBB and ALBBs
The Implant survival rates were negatively affected in sub-entities linked to more extensive augmentation procedures such as bone donor site and dentition status. The inclusion and pooling of literature with a low level of evidence, the absence of randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) comparing AUBB and ALBB and the limited count of comparative studies with short follow-ups increases the risk of bias and complicates data interpretation.
  • 373
  • 08 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Obesity, Bone Loss, and Periodontitis
Obesity and periodontitis are both common health concerns that have given rise to considerable economic and societal burden worldwide. There are established negative relationships between bone metabolism and obesity, obesity and diabetes mellitus (DM), and DM and periodontitis, to name a few, with osteoporosis being considered a long-term complication of obesity. In the oral cavity, bone metabolic disorders primarily display as increased risks for periodontitis and alveolar bone loss. Obesity-driven alveolar bone loss and mandibular osteoporosis have been observed in animal models without inoculation of periodontopathogens. Clinical reports have also indicated a possible association between obesity and periodontitis.
  • 373
  • 08 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Topical Agents for Nonrestorative Management of Dental Erosion
A nonrestorative approach to the management of dental erosion is the foremost option: controlling dental erosion. Nonrestorative approaches to dental erosion commonly include dietary analysis and counselling, oral health education and topical use of anti-erosive agents. Topical anti-erosive agents can be broadly categorised as fluorides, calcium phosphate-based agents, organic compounds and other anti-erosive agents. In the presence of saliva, fluorides promote the formation of fluorapatite on teeth through remineralisation.
  • 373
  • 11 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Regenerative Materials in Furcations of Patients with Periodontitis
Periodontitis is a chronic, multi-factorial inflammatory disease, caused by an inflammatory reaction by the host to a dysbiotic subgingival microflora, which can be modified by genetic and lifestyle factors, and it results in the loss of tooth-supporting apparatus, the connective tissue attachment and alveolar bone. Worldwide, periodontitis affects about 20–50% of the global population. Regeneration of lost tissues around the teeth remains a clinical challenge, especially in furcation defects of molar teeth. This research will give an overview of the outcomes of the use of different regenerative materials in the treatment of class II furcation defects in patients with periodontitis. 
  • 371
  • 19 May 2022
Topic Review
Plant-Based Antimicrobials against Periodontitis
eriodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common infectious oral diseases impacting oral health globally. Oral cavity health is crucial for enhancing life quality since it serves as the entranceway to general health. The oral microbiome and oral infectious diseases are strongly correlated. Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria have been associated with periodontal diseases. Due to the shortcomings of several antimicrobial medications frequently applied in dentistry, the lack of resources in developing countries, the prevalence of oral inflammatory conditions, and the rise in bacterial antibiotic resistance, there is a need for reliable, efficient, and affordable alternative solutions for the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases. Several accessible chemical agents can alter the oral microbiota, although these substances also have unfavorable symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and tooth discoloration. Natural phytochemicals generated from plants that have historically been used as medicines are categorized as prospective alternatives due to the ongoing quest for substitute products.
  • 371
  • 07 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Tactile Sensibility Thresholds in Implant Prosthesis/Complete Dentures/Natural Dentition
The periodontium has important proprioceptive receptors that prevent teeth from using excessive occlusal forces during chewing. There are other receptors from adjacent tissues that replace periodontal ones when teeth are extracted and rehabilitated with prosthesis, although they seem to be less effective. Psychophysical studies investigate tactile sensibility thresholds, which are useful to measure this masticatory efficiency in different prosthetic rehabilitations. There are two types of sensibility depending on the receptors that are activated during these studies: active and passive tactile sensibility. The mean values of active tactile sensibility thresholds in complete dentures, implant prosthesis and natural dentition are 64 µ, 23.3 µ and 16.1 µ, respectively. The mean values of passive tactile sensibility thresholds in implant prosthesis and natural dentition are 6.7 N and 0.8 N, respectively. Implant prosthesis have lower thresholds, that are very close to those present in natural dentition, than complete dentures due to an increased tactile sensibility. Active tactile sensibility thresholds present fewer differences between values than passive tactile ones; as these are only influenced by receptors from periodontal or periimplant tissues.
  • 369
  • 11 May 2022
Topic Review
Molecular, Cellular and Genetic Aspects of Peri-Implantitis
Peri-implantitis is a multi-factorial disease with an inflammatory background that occurs in both soft and hard tissues surrounding implants. A wide array of cells stands behind peri-implantitis, as well as cytokines and their genetic variations that take part in the process. Recently, growing interest in this topic has led to the introduction of specific new diagnostic tools to enable a better understanding of patients’ responses to treatment and, in turn, to even enable prediction of the risk of developing peri-implant disease.
  • 369
  • 21 Jul 2023
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