Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Oral Diseases
Today, artificial intelligence (AI) has been suggested useful in disease diagnosis, predicting prognosis, or developing patient-specific treatment strategies. Particularly, AI can assist dentists in making time-sensitive critical decisions. It can remove the human element of error in decision-making, providing a superior and uniform quality of health care while reducing the stress load on the dentists.
  • 716
  • 13 May 2022
Topic Review
Barrier Membrane in Regenerative Therapy
Guided bone and tissue regeneration remains an integral treatment modality to regenerate bone surrounding teeth and dental implants. Barrier membranes have been developed and produced commercially to allow space for bone regeneration and prevent the migration of unwanted cells. Ideal membrane properties, including biocompatibility, sufficient structural integrity and suitable shelf life with easy clinical application, are important to ensure good clinical regenerative outcomes. Membranes have various types, and their clinical application depends on the origin, material, structure and properties. 
  • 612
  • 11 May 2022
Topic Review
Tactile Sensibility Thresholds in Implant Prosthesis/Complete Dentures/Natural Dentition
The periodontium has important proprioceptive receptors that prevent teeth from using excessive occlusal forces during chewing. There are other receptors from adjacent tissues that replace periodontal ones when teeth are extracted and rehabilitated with prosthesis, although they seem to be less effective. Psychophysical studies investigate tactile sensibility thresholds, which are useful to measure this masticatory efficiency in different prosthetic rehabilitations. There are two types of sensibility depending on the receptors that are activated during these studies: active and passive tactile sensibility. The mean values of active tactile sensibility thresholds in complete dentures, implant prosthesis and natural dentition are 64 µ, 23.3 µ and 16.1 µ, respectively. The mean values of passive tactile sensibility thresholds in implant prosthesis and natural dentition are 6.7 N and 0.8 N, respectively. Implant prosthesis have lower thresholds, that are very close to those present in natural dentition, than complete dentures due to an increased tactile sensibility. Active tactile sensibility thresholds present fewer differences between values than passive tactile ones; as these are only influenced by receptors from periodontal or periimplant tissues.
  • 369
  • 11 May 2022
Topic Review
Diode Lasers for Impacted Teeth Minimally-Invasive Exposure
The use of diode lasers for oral surgery soft tissue procedures is associated with less pain and bleeding, quick recovery, and better surgical site visibility.  For uncovering superficially impacted teeth with no overlying bone layer, the conventional surgical exposure and orthodontic traction often involve reflecting the surgical flap with a scalpel, releasing incisions apical to the adjacent teeth, and managing surgical site bleeding, pain, and postoperative swelling. The management of impacted teeth is time-consuming (two to three years) and expensive.
  • 452
  • 09 May 2022
Topic Review
Short Implants in Sites without Bone Augmentation
Moderate evidence exists suggesting that short implants perform as well as longer ones in the rehabilitation of edentulous sites without the need for bone augmentation. Further long-term, well-designed RCTs, however, are still needed to provide specific evidence-based clinical recommendations for extended use of short implants in non-atrophic sites. 
  • 532
  • 06 May 2022
Topic Review
Post-Operative Endodontic Pain Management
Endodontic treatment comprises the overall management of pre-, intra- and post-operative symptoms, including post-operative endodontic pain, considered as a complication susceptible of chronicization. Post-operative pain is very common and highly unpreventable and has a multi-factorial etiology and a potential pathogenic link to the acute inflammation of the periapical area, secondary to localized chemical, mechanical, host and/or microbial damage occurring during endodontic treatment. 
  • 1.3K
  • 05 May 2022
Topic Review
Human Dento-Facial Evolution
Human evolution is replete with achievements such as the invention of tools, writing, scientific method, mastering of fire/cooking, agriculture and others that all together have influenced human culture.
  • 499
  • 05 May 2022
Topic Review
Prevention and Treatment of Oral Complications
Phase I, before initiation of cancer treatment (review of medical record and oral history, planning of preventive strategies and dental treatments); phase II, from initiation of chemo-radiotherapy to 30–45 days post-therapy (maintenance of oral hygiene, reinforcement of parent/patient education in oral care, prevention and treatment of complications derived from cancer treatment); phase III, from 1 year to lifetime (periodic check-ups, maintenance, and reinforcement of oral hygiene, dental treatments, symptomatic care of the effects of long-term cancer treatment). The use of standardised protocols can avoid or minimise oral cancer complications and the side effects of cancer therapies. 
  • 391
  • 29 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Effect of Oral Infections on Systemic Health
Immunological mechanisms are known to affect the oral cavity with characteristic pathologic alterations. Infections in general have been suggested to trigger autoimmune diseases such as rheumatic diseases and diabetes and their oral microorganisms such as P. gingivalis may play a role. In The Stockholm Study, the prevalence of autoimmune diseases was investigated and 50 such patients were detected in the database.
  • 453
  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Dentistry
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have been found to be beneficial tools for clinical practice and for enhancing the learning experiences of students during their pre-clinical education and training sessions. Clinicians can use VR technology to show their patients the expected outcomes before the undergo dental procedures. Additionally, AR and VR can be implemented to overcome dental phobia, which is commonly experienced by pediatric patients. Future studies should focus on forming technological standards with high-quality data and developing scientifically-proven AR/VR gadgets for dental practice. 
  • 2.4K
  • 22 Apr 2022
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