Topic Review
Sustainable Development in Higher Education
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are not insulated from the challenges facing the planet and have been tasked as key stakeholders in sustainable development (SD). Over the last five decades, there has been a shift toward the categories of SD work that necessitate a collaborative culture that is not traditionally inherent in HEIs. It is offered that when HEIs align their institutional capacities with worldwide efforts to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030 and foster an intentionally collaborative culture, they will become better equipped to face their own unique challenges: becoming “changemaker” universities; collaborating with each other in the knowledge economy; placing students at the center of the teaching and learning process; and fulfilling their “third mission” to partner with external stakeholders and society.
  • 453
  • 07 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Changing Food Consumption Patterns and Land Requirements
The food consumed and the household size determine the land requirement for food. Continued population growth without improved living standards and adequate food production output per hectare will further exacerbate food insecurity and land shortage in Nigeria.
  • 744
  • 19 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Education for Environmental Citizenship
Environmental citizenship and environmental education are a particularly special field for the symbolic and practical clashes of competing ideas, interests, and organizations. Smederevac-Lalic et al. explain that formal, informal, and non-formal education are mediators of other types of knowledge and that the perceptions and interests of participants in the three organizational forms also express different intentions and aspirations.
  • 954
  • 14 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Green Hydrogen Economy in Southern Africa
Green hydrogen energy is significant in decarbonizing the entire hydrogen value chain network from its generation to the end-user sectors. It can help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the UNSDG 7, and regional sustainability. Further, the public sector (especially governments) are recognized to have a pivotal role in hydrogen energy deployment because it can enhance or drive the transition from a fossil fuel-based economy to a green economy, especially if the hydrogen energy ploicies are clearly articulated or translated into hydrogen energy statute in each Southern African Development Communities (SADC) country. To ensure that communities and SADC nations appreciate the hydrogen energy economy, there is need to also communicate the benefits that come with green hydrogen, alongside the global pursuit to reduce GHG emissions that cause climate change.
  • 584
  • 10 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Nostocyclopeptides (Ncps) are a small class of bioactive nonribosomal peptides thus far identified only in cyanobacteria of the genus Nostoc. They are composed of six-seven amino acid residues and contain a unique imino linkage formed between C-terminal aldehyde and an N-terminal amine group of the conserved tyrosine. Nostocyclopeptides occur both in cyclic and linear form.
  • 439
  • 05 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Adsorbent Technologies for Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater generation and treatment is an ever-increasing concern in the current century due to increased urbanization and industrialization. To tackle the situation of increasing environmental hazards, numerous wastewater treatment approaches are used—i.e., physical, chemical, and biological (primary to tertiary treatment) methods. Various treatment techniques being used have the risks of producing secondary pollutants. The most promising technique is the use of different materials as adsorbents that have a higher efficacy in treating wastewater, with a minimal production of secondary pollutants. Biosorption is a key process that is highly efficient and cost-effective. This method majorly uses the adsorption process/mechanism for toxicant removal from wastewater. 
  • 7.2K
  • 04 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Climate Change, Security and the Nexus Concept
The nexus concept has been emerging since the Bonn 2011 Conference, “The Water Energy and Food Security Nexus—Solutions for the Green Economy”, with significant involvement from the UN and other international organisations. It has been defined as a “set of context-specific critical interlinkages between two or more natural resources used in delivery chains towards systems of provision”. From a policy perspective, it looks at delivery chains of resources, such as water and energy, in a polycentric manner, i.e., as independent providers based on ecosystem services with interlinkages across delivery stages, but without a presumed hierarchy among those dimensions. Thus, water, energy and food are seen as interrelated and of equal priority for the SDGs, considering the specific conditions of their provision and the strategic interests of relevant actors.
  • 818
  • 15 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Industrial Ecology Education
Industrial ecology (IE) education is a topic that has received attention in institutions of higher education throughout the world. Some universities have been teaching and researching IE for the past 20 years but its scope is still being defined. There is a need to catalogue and exchange experiences of IE teaching and their results. In addition to an extensive literature review, this paper provides a framework composed of content and strategies for teaching Industrial Ecology. This framework is tested in teaching IE as a general education course for undergraduate students at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). The methodology applied in this paper is of a descriptive and empirical nature and thus this paper focuses on a practice-oriented perspective in describing the experience at BIT. A range of different strategies, including lectures, group discussions, case studies, role playing games, oral presentations, evaluation, and student feedback have been incorporated into the course. The course received highly positive evaluation by the participating students. Students were impressed by IE’s characteristic of interdisciplinarity, way of thinking and practical value. Additionally, the course appears to influence students’ values, attitudes, and behavioral intentions. The paper concludes with some thoughts on ways of improving IE education in the future.
  • 718
  • 06 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Green Goldmining
Green goldmining was proposed since goldmining has brought about hardship in local communities through pollution of water and air; lost grazing and agricultural land; the creation of unprotected mining pits; exploitation and depletion of natural resources; as well as forced eviction and relocation of communities without fair compensation. Environmental management accounting practices are suggested to facilitate greener goldmining processes.
  • 678
  • 29 Sep 2021
Topic Review
ELVs Recycling in Developing Countries
End-of-life vehicle is a vehicle that has reached the end of its useful life and requires proper treatment.
  • 1.7K
  • 28 Sep 2021
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