Topic Review
The Climate Change Crisis
Anthropogenic climate change (ACC) has evolved into a set of crises due to society’s deep economic dependency on fossil fuels. These multiple crises have been well documented and span diverse ecological, human health and economic settings. Given the scale and breadth of CC impacts, expert labeling of the issues has gradually changed from the somewhat benign sounding “global warming” to the more frightening description of a “climate emergency”. Notwithstanding calls for transformative societal change, serious attempts to confront ACC have been hampered by decades of government policy inaction, various scientific debates, political conservatism and denial and public ignorance or apathy. 
  • 323
  • 19 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Outdoor Air Pollution and Childhood Respiratory Disease
The leading mechanisms through which air pollutants exert their damaging effects are the promotion of oxidative stress, the induction of an inflammatory response, and the deregulation of the immune system by reducing its ability to limit infectious agents’ spreading. This influence starts in the prenatal age and continues during childhood, the most susceptible period of life, due to a lower efficiency of oxidative damage detoxification, a higher metabolic and breathing rate, and enhanced oxygen consumption per unit of body mass. Air pollution is involved in acute disorders like asthma exacerbations and upper and lower respiratory infections, including bronchiolitis, tuberculosis, and pneumoniae. Pollutants can also contribute to the onset of chronic asthma, and they can lead to a deficit in lung function and growth, long-term respiratory damage, and eventually chronic respiratory illness. Air pollution abatement policies, are contributing to mitigating air quality issues, but more efforts should be encouraged to improve acute childhood respiratory disease with possible positive long-term effects on lung function. 
  • 225
  • 07 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges
Tipping bucket rain gauges (TBRs) continue to be one of the most widely used pieces of equipment for rainfall monitoring; they are frequently used for the calibration, validation, and downscaling of radar and remote sensing data, due to their major advantages—low cost, simplicity and low-energy consumption.
  • 398
  • 20 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Wildfire Spread Risk Challenge
Wildfires are sudden and destructive natural hazards that pose significant challenges in response and relief efforts. Wildfires occur annually across the globe, influenced by factors such as climate, combustible materials, and ignition sources. In recent years, researchers have shown increasing interest in studying wildfires, resulting in a large number of related studies. These studies cover a variety of topics including wildfire forecasting and forecasting, spatial and temporal pattern analysis, ecological impact assessment, simulation of wildfire behavior, identification of contributing factors, development of risk assessment models, management techniques for combustible materials, firefighting decision-making techniques, and fire protection. burning method. Understanding the factors that influence wildfire spread behavior, employing modeling methods, and conducting risk assessments are critical for effective wildfire prevention, mitigation, and emergency response.
  • 497
  • 16 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Theory of Urban Farming
Urban agriculture attempts to advance sustainable agricultural methods, such as composting, the use of organic fertilizers, and water conservation. It involves a multidisciplinary approach, combining knowledge of soil science, plant physiology, sustainable agriculture, and technology. Crop rotation and companion planting are two other methods urban farmers can utilize to lessen the demand for pesticides and herbicides. The crops are managed using advanced technology involving sensor-based monitoring, automated irrigation systems, and data analysis to maximize crop output. Urban crop farming is regarded as an important agricultural activity for the modern and circular economy, as it can also improve the urban residents’ income and reduce agricultural waste and gaseous emissions from long-distance transportation.
  • 1.4K
  • 23 May 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
A Methodology for Air Temperature Extrema Characterization Pertinent to Improving the Accuracy of Climatological Analyses
The suggested methodology for the characterization of temperature extrema presents a multistep preprocessing procedure intended to derive extrema time series of correctly identified and thermally defined daily air temperature extrema pairs. The underlying conceptual framework for this approach was developed in response to the existing gaps in the current state of daily extrema identification and the development of extrema-based synthetic air temperature time series. A code consisting of a series of algorithms was developed to establish four-parameter criteria for a more accurate representation of daily variability that allows easy replication of temperature distribution based on the correct characterization of daily temperature patterns. The first preprocessing step consists of subjecting the high-frequency temperature time series to a theoretical diurnal observing window that imposes latitudinally and seasonally crafted limits for the individual identification of daily minima and maxima. The following pre-processing step involves the supplementation of air temperature extrema with the information on the occurrence of extrema timing deemed as vital information for the reconstruction of the temperature time series. The subsequent step involves the application of an innovative temperature pattern recognition algorithm that identifies physically homogeneous air temperature populations based on the information obtained in previous steps. The last step involves the use of a metric for the assessment of extrema temperature and timing parameters’ susceptibility to climate change. The application of the presented procedure to high-frequency temperature data yields two strains of physically homogeneous extrema time series with the preserved characteristics of the overall temperature variability. In the present form, individual elements of this methodology are applicable for correcting historical sampling and air temperature averaging biases, improving the reproducibility of daily air temperature variation, and enhancing the performance of temperature index formulae based on daily temperature extrema. The objective of this analysis is the eventual implementation of the presented methodology into the practice of systematic temperature extrema identification and preprocessing of temperature time series for the configuration of physically homogeneous air temperature subpopulations.
  • 462
  • 29 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Ambient Nanoparticles Mapping in Thailand
Nanoparticles (NPs), nanoaerosols (NAs), ultrafine particles (UFPs), and PM0.1 (diameters ≤ 0.1 µm or 100 nm) are used interchangeably in the field of atmospheric studies. PM0.1 mainly originate from combustion processes such as in motor vehicles. The highest mass concentration of PM0.1 occurs during the dry season, in which open fires occur in some regions of Thailand. The northern area of the country has higher PM0.1 mass concentrations, followed by the central and southern areas. Carbonaceous nanoaerosols are produced during normal periods, and the proportions of organic to elemental carbon and char to soot suggest that these originate from motor vehicles. However, in haze periods, biomass fires can also produce carbon-containing particles. PM0.1 pollution from local and cross-border countries also needs to be considered. The overall conclusions reached will likely have a beneficial long-term impact on achieving a blue sky over Thailand through the development of coherent policies and managing new air pollution challenges and sharing knowledge with a broader audience.
  • 318
  • 11 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Flood Prediction Using ML Models
Floods are among the most destructive natural disasters, which are highly complex to model. The research on the advancement of flood prediction models contributed to risk reduction, policy suggestion, minimization of the loss of human life, and reduction of the property damage associated with floods. To mimic the complex mathematical expressions of physical processes of floods, during the past two decades, machine learning (ML) methods contributed highly in the advancement of prediction systems providing better performance and cost-effective solutions. Due to the vast benefits and potential of ML, its popularity dramatically increased among hydrologists.Researchers through introducing novel ML methods and hybridizing of the existing ones aim at discovering more accurate and efficient prediction models. The main contribution of this paper is to demonstrate the state of the art of ML models in flood prediction and to give insight into the most suitable models. In this paper, the literature where ML models were benchmarked through a qualitative analysis of robustness, accuracy, effectiveness, and speed are particularly investigated to provide an extensive overview on the various ML algorithms used in the field. The performance comparison of ML models presents an in-depth understanding of the different techniques within the framework of a comprehensive evaluation and discussion. As a result, this paper introduces the most promising prediction methods for both long-term and short-term floods. Furthermore, the major trends in improving the quality of flood prediction models are investigated. Among them, hybridization, data decomposition, algorithm ensemble, and model optimization are reported as the most effective strategies for the improvement of ML methods. This survey can be used as a guideline for hydrologists as well as climate scientists in choosing the proper ML method according to the prediction task.
  • 10.6K
  • 04 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Basis of Tracing Fossil Fuel CO2 Using 14C
Carbon dioxide (CO2), the most important greenhouse gas, is a significant driver of global warming. Radiocarbon (14C), a widely used dating method in archaeology, geosciences, etc., is a direct tracer and a promising method to differentiate the emissions of fossil fuel and non-fossil fuel from atmospheric carbon.
  • 292
  • 30 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change and Its Impact on Crops
Plants are a highly advanced kingdom of living organisms on the earth. They survive under all climatic and weather variabilities, including low and high temperature, rainfall, radiation, less nutrients, and high salinity. Even though they are adapted to various environmental factors, which are variable, the performance of a crop will be compensated under sub/supra optimal conditions. 
  • 327
  • 22 Dec 2022
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