Topic Review
Nibbana-The Mind Stilled
Nibbāna-The Mind Stilled is the translation of a series of 33 sermons titled Nivane Niveema (Sinhala: නිවනේ නිවීම), delivered in Sinhala by Venerable Bhikkhu Katukurunde Ñāṇananda during the late 1980s & early 1990s. The main focus of the sermons was on the psychological import of the term nibbāna and the deeper philosophical implications underlying this much-vexed term. The first volume of the 7-volume series was published in 2003.
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  • 13 Oct 2022
Niccolò Machiavelli
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (/ˌmækiəˈvɛli/, also US: /ˌmɑːk-/; Italian: [nikkoˈlɔ mmakjaˈvɛlli]; 3 May 1469 – 21 June 1527) was an Italian diplomat, philosopher, politician, historian and writer who lived during the Renaissance. He is best known for The Prince (Il Principe), written about 1513.[1] He has often been called the father of modern political philosophy and poli
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  • 23 Nov 2022
Nijaz Ibrulj
Nijaz Ibrulj (born 2 July 1956) is a Bosnian philosopher and a professor at the University of Sarajevo's Department of Philosophy and Sociology. He lectures on logic, analytic philosophy, methodology of social sciences, theory of knowledge, and cognitive science.[1][2] His interests also extend to the field of social ontology. Ibrulj was awarded a Fulbright Visiting Scholarship during the 2000-2
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  • 29 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Nimbarka Sampradaya
The Nimbarka Sampradaya (IAST: Nimbārka Sampradāya, Sanskrit निम्बार्क सम्प्रदाय), also known as the Hamsa Sampradāya, Kumāra Sampradāya, Catuḥ Sana Sampradāya and Sanakādi Sampradāya, is one of the four Vaiṣṇava Sampradāyas. It was founded by Nimbarka (c.7th century CE), and teaches the Vaishnava theology of Dvaitadvaita (dvaita-advaita) or "dualistic non-dualism." Dvaitadvaita states that humans are both different and non-different from Isvara, God or Supreme Being, and is also known as Bhedābheda (bheda-abheda) philosophy.
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  • 10 Nov 2022
Nizam Al-Mulk
Abu Ali Hasan ibn Ali Tusi (April 10, 1018 – October 14, 1092), better known by his honorific title of Nizam al-Mulk (Persian: نظام‌الملک‎, lit. 'Order of the Realm'[1]) was a Persian[2][3] scholar, political philosopher and vizier of the Seljuk Empire. Rising from a lowly position,[4] he was the de facto ruler of the empire for 20 years after the assassination of sultan Alp Arsl
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  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
A Noocenosis (alternative spelling noocenose, noocoenosis or noöcenosis) from Greek νόος (noos) — "mind, thought, perception, sense" and κοινός (cenosis) – "common, mutual, shared, joint", is an artificial biological community (biocenosis) built upon a degraded ecosystem. A noocenosis is the result of structural improvements by man and differs from the original, evolutionarily constructed biological community. The concept noocenosis was first used in Russia (spelling: «нооценоз») in the 1990s by the ecologist Victor Vasilievich Petrashov (Петрашов, Виктор Васильевич). Academic use of the term noocenosis is still predominately limited to Post Soviet countries, with a few exceptions. Closely related terms include "Noobiocenosis" and "Noobiogeocenosis". The term "noobiogeocenosis was introduced in the 1970s by the ecologist Stanislav Semenovich Shwarts (Щварц, Станислав Семёнович). The concept noocenosis belongs to the discipline Ecology and was established by the Russian professor and ecologist Victor Vasilievich Petrashov in his 1993 publication Введение в нооценологи (Introduction to Noocenology). Parallel to the ecological characterization based on Petrashov the term has been adopted in other disciplines, including Economics, Industrial Ecology, Agricultural Science, Philosophy and other Humanity studies.
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Notary (Canon Law)
A notary in the canon law of the Catholic Church (Latin: notarius) is a person appointed by competent authority to draw up official or authentic documents. These documents are issued chiefly from the official administrative bureaux, the chanceries; secondly, from tribunals; lastly, others are drawn up at the request of individuals to authenticate their contracts or other acts. The public officials appointed to draw up these three classes of papers have been usually called notaries.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Now I lay me down to sleep is a classic children's bedtime prayer from the 18th century.
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  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Number of the Beast
The number of the beast (Greek: Ἀριθμὸς τοῦ θηρίου, Arithmos tou Thēriou), also known as The devil's number is a term in the Book of Revelation, of the New Testament, that is associated with the Beast of Revelation in chapter 13, verse 18. In most manuscripts of the New Testament and in English translations of the Bible, the number of the beast is six hundred and sixty-six or χξϛ (the number not being representable by the repetition of 6 or ϛ three times – Greek for 6 is ϛ, but ϛϛϛ is not six hundred sixty-six). Papyrus 115 (which is the oldest preserved manuscript of the Revelation (As of 2017)), as well as other ancient sources like Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, give the number of the beast as χιϛ or χιc (transliterable in Arabic numerals as 616) (χιϛ), not 666; critical editions of the Greek text, such as the Novum Testamentum Graece, note 616 as a variant.
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  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Numbers 31
Template:Infobox bible chapter Numbers 31 is the 31st chapter of the Book of Numbers, the fourth book of the Pentateuch or Torah, the central part of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament, a sacred text in Judaism and Christianity. Scholars such as Israel Knohl and Dennis T. Olson name this chapter the War against the Midianites. Numbers 31, set in the southern Transjordanian regions of Moab and Midian, narrates how an army of Israelite soldiers commanded by Phinehas (commissioned by Moses and Phinehas' father Eleazar) waged a war against the Midianites, killing all men and boys including their five kings, and taking all livestock, women and girls captive. Moses instructed the soldiers to kill all women who had ever had sex with a man, and to keep the women and girls who were still virgins for themselves. The spoils of war were then divided between the Israelite civilians, soldiers and the god Yahweh. Much scholarly and religious controversy exists surrounding the authorship, meaning and morality of this chapter of Numbers. It is closely connected to Numbers 25.:69
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  • 01 Dec 2022
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