Topic Review
Drone Photogrammetry for Underwater Cutural Heritage Documentation
Underwater cultural heritage (UCH) is an irreplaceable resource with intrinsic value that requires preservation, documentation, and safeguarding. Documentation is fundamental to increasing UCH resilience, providing a basis for monitoring, conservation, and management. Advanced UCH documentation and virtualization technologies are increasingly important for dissemination and visualization purposes, domain expert study, replica reproduction, degradation monitoring, and all other outcomes after a metric survey of cultural heritage (CH). Among the different metric documentation techniques, underwater photogrammetry is the most widely used for UCH documentation. It is a non-destructive and relatively inexpensive method that can produce high-resolution 3D models and 2D orthomosaics of underwater sites and artifacts. However, underwater photogrammetry is challenged by the different optical properties of water, light penetration, visibility and suspension, radiometric issues, and environmental drawbacks that make underwater documentation difficult. 
  • 188
  • 11 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Deception, Speaking and Writing
When addressing lying and deception in language production, it is imperative to acknowledge that behavioral indicators may play a role. This include evaluation of multiple distinct verbal and nonverbal behavioral indicators, such as gaze cues, pulse rate, hand movements, and manifestations of nervousness. Here, the role of cognitive load during speaking and writing, and how cognitive load due to the parallel tasks of deciding what to say/write, and how to say it while actually expressing the thought may be visible during language production is discussed. The assumption is that lying and deception would increase the cognitive load and that this will, to some extent, be observable through the behavioral indicators. 
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  • 11 Mar 2024
Topic Review
The Dravidian Race in Tamil Social Thought
In the closing decades of the 19th century, a wide range of Tamil authors and public speakers in colonial India became acutely interested in the notion of a Dravidian “race”. This conception of a Dravidian race, rooted in European racial and philological scholarship on the peoples of South India, became an important symbol of Tamil cultural, religious, and social autonomy in colonial and post-colonial Tamil thought, art, politics, and literature.
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  • 01 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Autobiographical Design through Digital Transformable Fashion and Textiles
To promote a resilient user-product relationship for sustainable fashion, design methods for emotional durability are required. Digitally transformable fashion design can be seen as a practical approach that enables dynamic, sensory, experiential, and emotional interaction.
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  • 29 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Codes of Conduct at Zoos
Zoos consistently implement codes of conduct in efforts to manage visitor behaviour. Zoos worldwide have implemented the use of codes of conduct to regulate and manage the activities and actions of visitors. Zoos have been an ethical ground for negotiating the relationship between people and animals. Codes of conduct in zoos are uniquely placed, manifesting this ethical dialogue between species.
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  • 27 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence for Digital Heritage Innovation
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a game changer in many fields, including cultural heritage. It supports the planning and preservation of heritage sites and cities, enables the creation of virtual experiences to enrich cultural tourism and engagement, supports research, and increases access and understanding of heritage objects. Despite some impressive examples, the full potential of AI for economic, social, and cultural change is not yet fully visible.
  • 1.0K
  • 27 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Buildings’ Sustainability after COVID-19
The concept of sustainability, or sustainable development, was introduced in 1987 through the UN Brundtland Report, in which it is defined as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". The link between COVID-19 and sustainability is made up of a variety of psycho-sociological and perceptual aspects, such as the fact that the occupancy pattern of buildings is one of the determining factors in assessing the energy performance and sustainability of buildings.
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  • 26 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Eco-Sustainable Approaches for Fungal Biodeterioration on Easel Painting
Cultural Heritage (CH) materials are susceptible to being complexly damaged physically, chemically, and aesthetically by the growing and metabolic activities of living beings, as investigators know as biodeterioration. Historical easel paintings have a mixture of materials and layers, increasing their conservation complexity. Materials such as cellulose on the support, rabbit skin glue, egg yolk, linseed oil, or varnishes on the polychromy are some organic materials that can compound an easel painting, although the painting layer also contains inorganic pigments. These organic materials can be degraded by fungi if the environmental conditions are favorable. Eliminating and controlling fungal biodeterioration is one of the most important challenges of easel painting conservation.
  • 193
  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Virtual Heritage Dissemination and Immersive Learning
Lost architectural heritage refers to buildings, structures, or other physical features of the built environment that have been damaged or altered over time to such an extent that they are irretrievable through physical experience alone. This loss can occur for many reasons like neglect, disaster, demolition, or renovation works. Such heritage is commonly known to us through sparse sources of multiple and varied layers of the past that are often uncertain and contradictory. Each lost artifact uncovers cultural, social, and spiritual significances embedded within dynamic relations that are ambiguous from a contemporary mindset. 
  • 210
  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Ubuntu in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Ubuntu has been defined as a moral quality of human beings, as a philosophy or an ethic, as African humanism, and as a worldview. 
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  • 17 Feb 2024
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