Topic Review
Christian Chinese cloisonné
Cloisonné is the technique of creating designs on metal vessels with colored-glass paste placed within enclosures made of copper or bronze wires, which have been bent or hammered into the desired pattern. Known as cloisons (French for “partitions”), the enclosures generally are either pasted or soldered onto the metal body. The first written reference of Cloisonné in China is in Cao Zhao’s Gegu yaolun (格古要論)), or Important discussions about assessing antiques (1388), where it is called “Dashi (‘Muslim’) ware”. However, the oldest known pieces in China correspond to the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368). Similarly, in Cao Zhao’s book, cloisonné was associated with the trousseau of elite ladies, but was not yet considered appropriate for the art collection of refined literati. In Chinese cloisonné, blue is the predominant color, and the Chinese name for the technique is jingtailan (“blue Jingtai objects”) referring to Emperor Jingtai (r. 1449–1457), in whose times the production of these objects flourished. By the late Ming Dynasty, cloisonné passed from the trousseau of the Chinese elite ladies and Buddhist temples to the collections of the literati as an exquisite object to integrate into the Chinese artistic tradition. What is more, it was even part of sets of offerings in Confucian mausoleums and in the halls of representation of power in the Forbidden City. To achieve the definitive implantation of Christianity in China, since the 17th century the Jesuit missionaries used the adaptationist method in their preaching and artistic practices to be able to empathize with Chinese audiences. Thus, they used Western models, but adaptingadapted to the visual language and the ornamental and symbolic motifs of the Chinese artistic tradition. In any case, the Jesuits aimed to convert the elites first. To do this, they used artistic and literary means already established in the Chinese culture of the literati, such as cloisonné precious objects and Chinese inscriptions. Thus, these objects of art are not only situated within a dialogue between the West and the East but also within the stratification of the Chinese society that the Jesuits took into consideration.
  • 901
  • 22 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Semantic Trajectory and Recommender Systems in Cultural Spaces
Semantic trajectories can efficiently model human movement for further analysis and pattern recognition, while personalised recommender systems can adapt to constantly changing user needs and provide meaningful and optimised suggestions. 
  • 990
  • 22 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Neural Mechanisms of Coping with the Sounds
Listening to music, by definition, refers to the sensorial act of processing acoustic features by the auditory system. Hence, a description in terms of the objective acoustic characteristics may help to tackle some of the elusive aspects of possible causal relationships between music and its effects by describing at least the stimulus side of the music processing chain (input).
  • 575
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Algae and Fungi: use in Pre-Hispanic Mexico
The use of microorganisms in Mexico began before the Spanish conquest. Grains and fruit were fermented for thousands of years around the world, and Mexico was no exception. Many beverages are still prepared nowadays using an assortment of different microorganisms. These beverages use several yeasts, including Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces species. Although not conclusive, it has been suggested (and strong evidence points towards it) that pre-Hispanic cultures not only fermented beverages, but also distilled them.
  • 1.0K
  • 13 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Biophilic Design Patterns for Primary Schools
Existing frameworks for biophilic design have similar strategies and attributes as useful checklists for designers; however, the focus has been on adults rather than children, and there remains the need for more guidance related to school design by extension. The application of biophilia would be a design resolution in schools because of its impact on children’s health and well-being, which has been more important since the pandemic started; however, it remains quite unexplored in school design in many countries, including the UK. Biophilic design patterns can be used in school buildings and grounds for greater connectivity between spaces and nature in order to promote children’s well-being.
  • 1.2K
  • 03 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Artists and Technologists Creating New-Media-Art-Works
       The deeper the combination of art and technology, the more extensive the cooperation between artists and technologists. In many cases, the creation of New Media Art requires the cooperation of artists and technologists. However, since New Media Art is an emerging art form, the process of cocreating New Media Art between the two is at the exploration stage. Especially in areas with underdeveloped New Media Art and underdeveloped technology, there exist many problems in the cooperation between the two, such as a lack of complete understanding of the factors involved in the cooperation process and a lack of reasonable planning for the cooperation process. 
  • 753
  • 02 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Etiopathogenic Theories of Idiopathic Megacolon
Idiopathic megacolon is a condition characterized by an enlarged colon and aperistaltic syndrome in the absence of a detectable cause. The main symptom is considered chronic constipation, refractory to drug treatment and without surgical indication. IM affects both sexes and the symptoms develop early in childhood or in adulthood.
  • 480
  • 01 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Direct Rock Art Dating in China
This paper summarizes the scientific study of rock art in China, focusing on the direct dating of rock art. It pays particular attention to the recent work of the International Centre for Rock Art Dating (ICRAD) at Hebei Normal University and explains the problems of the uranium-thorium analysis of reprecipitated calcium-carbonate skins related to rock art.
  • 755
  • 01 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Vulnerability of Buildings
Vulnerability is defined for buildings as the degree of loss resulting from a hazard at a certain severity level and depends on the reduction in resistance and the level of decay in the structures as a result of constant exposure to environmental factors (such as seismic actions). 
  • 4.0K
  • 23 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Inter- and Intra-Individual Differences in Orang-Utan Drawings
Drawing has increasingly been proposed as an enrichment activity for captive primates in zoological parks and research institutes. The monkeys and apes are free to use the materials at their disposal and are not constrained or conditioned to show this behaviour. This provides a good opportunity to collect drawings by non-human primates and allows for comparative studies between hominids.
  • 511
  • 19 Nov 2021
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