Topic Review
Concept of Human Flourishing
Human flourishing is a thriving concept, whose use has greatly increased among academic researchers from a variety of fields, from the arts and humanities and psychology to the social and environmental sciences and economics. The rise of the concept was sparked by the positive psychology movement, which based it primarily on subjective and individual well-being; however, it was soon taken up by other currents, such as capabilities theory, reaching many social and collective concerns. Since 2016, the philosophical roots have especially energized the concept, maintaining the expansion of its use in fields related to the application of knowledge and management. 
  • 7.4K
  • 01 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Quadruple Flutes of Teotihuacan
The Teotihuacan quadruple flutes are among the most elaborate ceramic fipple flute instruments documented for Mesoamerica.
  • 1.2K
  • 25 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Orientation of the Kofun Tombs
The Kofun period of the history of Japan—between the 3rd and the 7th century AD—bears its name from the construction of huge, earth mound tombs called Kofun. Among them, the largest have a keyhole shape and are attributed to the first, semi-legendary emperors. 
  • 649
  • 17 Feb 2022
Topic Review
The New Urban Profession: Entering Age of Uncertainty
The context of urbanism is changing rapidly. The context for working in the field of urban design and planning is influenced by the pace of change; uncertainty; and massive transitions. The urban professional, however, is still used to planning for small changes and repeating traditional approaches. 
  • 651
  • 11 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Development in Higher Education
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are not insulated from the challenges facing the planet and have been tasked as key stakeholders in sustainable development (SD). Over the last five decades, there has been a shift toward the categories of SD work that necessitate a collaborative culture that is not traditionally inherent in HEIs. It is offered that when HEIs align their institutional capacities with worldwide efforts to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030 and foster an intentionally collaborative culture, they will become better equipped to face their own unique challenges: becoming “changemaker” universities; collaborating with each other in the knowledge economy; placing students at the center of the teaching and learning process; and fulfilling their “third mission” to partner with external stakeholders and society.
  • 485
  • 07 Feb 2022
Topic Review
HBIM between Antiquity and Industrial Archaeology
Industrial heritage with secular production activity constitutes a specific field of application to refine digital tools for knowledge within the HBIM (Heritage Building Information Modeling) process. Industrial sites are traditionally linked to the exploitation of local resources, and, not infrequently, are settled by recovering the ruins of ancient buildings and monuments. There is the possibility of creating a diachronic HBIM to investigate a complex industrial heritage, its evolution and production phases, modeling components for this type of architecture, with the deepening of the LOD of BIM (Building Information Modeling) instances applied to machines. The application represents an augmented knowledge process applicable on industrial heritage through modeling instances of machines and industrial processes that would allow regional and transnational cross-sectional studies and the enhancement of fruition and reuse of these sites.
  • 562
  • 01 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Federalists and Council of Europe
This article looks at the first steps of the Council of Europe and seeks to understand how federalists, united in powerful lobbies at the time, sought to make it an instrument for European sovereignty.
  • 491
  • 28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
AI Art
Artists have been working with artificial intelligence (AI) since the 1970s. They comprised a minuscule enclave within the early computer art community throughout the 1970s and 1980s and were largely unnoticed by the mainstream artworld and broader public. In the 1990s and 2000s, more artists got involved with AI and produced installations that question the meaning of agency, creativity, and expression. Since the 2000s, AI art diversified into generative and interactive approaches that involved statistical methods, natural language processing, pattern recognition, and computer vision algorithms. The increasing affordance of multilayered machine learning architectures, as well as the raising socio-political impact of AI, have facilitated the further expansion of AI art in the second half of the 2010s. The topics, methodologies, presentational formats, and implications of contemporary AI art are closely related to, and affected by, AI science research, development, and commercial application. The poetic scope of AI art is primarily informed by the various phenomenological aspects of sub-symbolic machine learning. It comprises creative strategies that explore the epistemological boundaries and artifacts of AI architectures; sample the latent space of neural networks; aestheticize the AI data renderings; and critique the conceptual, existential, or socio-political consequences of corporate AI; a few works criticize AI art itself. These strategies unfold in disparate practices ranging from popular and spectacular to tactical and experimental. The existing taxonomies or categorizations of AI art should be considered as provisory because of the creative dynamics and transdisciplinary character of the field. Similar to other computational art disciplines, AI art has had an ambivalent relationship with the mainstream artworld, marked by selective marginalization and occasional exploitation.
  • 2.2K
  • 27 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Anti-Graffiti Treatments on Natural Stone Materials
Graffiti vandalism represents an aesthetic and structural phenomenon of degradation both for buildings and cultural heritage: the most used sprays and markers can permeate the stone materials exposing them to degradation. Hence, great attention is being currently devoted to new non-invasive chemical approaches to face this urgent problem. This work is aimed at deeply examining the effects of some of the most sustainable chemical protective methods on the physical properties of natural building materials (e.g., tuff and limestone) by testing two commercial antigraffiti products.
  • 622
  • 21 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Digital Folklore of Rural Tourism in Poland
Numerous development techniques and attributes that define the unique essentiality of archaic rural tourism websites in Poland have been identified. However, the use of e-folklore graphics on the websites heretofore has not been analysed. 
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  • 21 Jan 2022
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