Topic Review
Climate Change Education
Climate Change Education (CCE) is one of the initiatives taken to deliver the facts about the current climate status of the world and the proper mitigation actions that need to be done to the youth, as they will be the ones who will have to face and deal with the consequences of climate change.; thus, CCE has now become a critical factor in strengthening the climate change awareness of young people. CCE is one of the sub-areas of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) where the focus is on the complexity and challenges involved in understanding and responding to the impact of climate change; furthermore, the implementation of CCE in ESD should include a holistic and integrated view of all dimensions, covering the ecological, economic, and social aspects of the consequences of climate change.
  • 631
  • 24 May 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change Education (CCE)
Climate Change Education (CCE) is learning geared toward helping people address and develop effective responses to climate change. It helps learners understand the causes and consequences of climate change, prepares them to live with the impacts of climate change and empowers learners to take appropriate actions to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. CCE helps policy-makers understand the urgency and importance of putting mechanisms into place to combat climate change on a national and global scale. Communities learn about how climate change will affect them, what they can do to protect themselves from negative consequences, and how they can reduce their own climate footprint. In particular, CCE helps increase the resilience of already vulnerable communities who are the most likely to be adversely affected by climate change. CCE is rooted in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
  • 913
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change Education in Finland
The climate change education (CCE) is understood as a component of environmental education and education for sustainable development. Its core concept is CC literacy, which means that students understand the scientific concepts related to CC and the relationships between them, as well as the effects of CC and their own activities on the environment. CCE is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. Multidisciplinarity means that knowledge of various individual sciences is needed. Interdisciplinarity, on the other hand, incorporates elements from a variety of disciplines and also integrates environmental, economic, social and political issues.
  • 1.9K
  • 30 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change Impact Urban Transportation Resilience
Global warming, sea-level rise, and rapid urbanization all increase the risk of compound extreme weather events, presenting challenges for the operation of urban-related infrastructure, including transportation infrastructure. In this context, some questions become important.
  • 577
  • 16 May 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change Impacts Beach Microbiota
Global climate change is affecting beach microbial contamination, via changes to conditions like water temperature, sea level, precipitation, and waves. In addition, the world is changing, and humans travel and relocate, often carrying endemic allochthonous microbiota. 
  • 412
  • 10 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change Impacts on Sunflower Plants
Elevated concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and increased temperatures, carbon and nitrogen metabolism will  affect the plant’s oxidative state in sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) plants
  • 2.2K
  • 24 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change Impacts, Public Attitudes, and Climate Action
European member states have high emission reduction potential. They send a strong signal to the rest of the world with their action or inaction on climate change. Yet, within the EU, national-level climate policies (NLCP) lag behind the EU Commission’s overall climate goals. Transparency of and accountability for climate action requires an integrative perspective.
  • 296
  • 23 May 2023
Topic Review
Climate Change in the Caribbean
Anthropogenic climate change is caused by the rapid increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere principally from burning fossil fuels, converting forestland to pasture and monoculture cropland, with the greatest contributions happening in the period since the Industrial Revolution. Climate change could pose disadvantageous risks to the islands in the Caribbean. The environmental changes expected to affect the Caribbean are a rise in sea level, stronger hurricanes, longer dry seasons and shorter wet seasons. As a result, climate change is expected to lead to changes in the economy, environment and population of the Caribbean.
  • 444
  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change in Vietnam
Vietnam is considered, in coming decades, to be among the most affected countries by global climate change. A large number of studies that Vietnam is experiencing climate change and will be severely negatively affected in coming decades. These negative effects include sea level rise, salinity intrusion and other hydrological problems like flood, river mouth evolution, sedimentation as well as the increasing frequency of natural hazards such as cold waves, storm surges will all exert negative effects on the country's development and economy including agriculture, aquaculture, road infrastructure, etc. Some issues, such as land subsidence (caused by excessive groundwater extraction) further worsen some of the effects climate change will bring (sea level rise) especially in areas such as the Mekong Delta. The government, NGOs, and citizens have taken various measures to mitigate and adapt to the impact.
  • 624
  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change Maladaptation
Maladaptation is caused by adaptation that fails to reduce vulnerability or inadvertently increases it. Maladaptation can be defined as: ''maladaptation occurs when short-term strategies increase vulnerability in the long term'' or ''action taken ostensibly to avoid or reduce vulnerability to climate change that impacts adversely on, or increase the vulnerability of other systems, sectors, or social groups.''
  • 2.3K
  • 29 Mar 2021
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