Topic Review
The Influence of Heavy Metal
There are a multitude of sources of heavy metal pollution which have unwanted effects on this super organism, the soil, which is capable of self-regulation, but limited. Living a healthy life through the consumption of fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, edible products and by-products of animal origin, honey and bee products can sometimes turn out to be just a myth due to the contamination of the soil with heavy metals whose values, even if they are below accepted limits, are taken up by plants, reach the food chain and in the long term unbalance the homeostasis of the human organism. Plants, these miracles of nature, some with the natural ability to grow on polluted soils, others needing a little help by adding chelators or amendments, can participate in the soil detoxification of heavy metals through phytoextraction and phytostabilization.
  • 576
  • 04 Apr 2023
Topic Review
The Influencing Factors of Loess Carbon Sink
The relationship between the source and sink of atmospheric CO2 has always been a widely discussed issue in global climate change research. As one of the main overburdened parts of the earth, loess is one of the important driving factors for atmospheric CO2 consumption.
  • 618
  • 13 Jan 2023
Topic Review
The Interaction between Urban and Rural Areas
The relationships and interactions between rural and urban spaces have long been of interest to territorial sciences. However, approaches to these issues have evolved in line with the changing characteristics of the two types of territories, reflecting new relationships and structures. 
  • 1.1K
  • 26 Aug 2022
Topic Review
The Limitations of Pressure Wave Supercharger
One main direction in improving the efficiency of an internal combustion engine, together with lowering the emissions, is supercharging, i.e., creating a considerable amount of boost for the inlet combustion air. Turbochargers are the most commonly used for this task, but another advantageous alternative exploiting the energy within exhaust gases is the pressure wave supercharger (PWS).
  • 657
  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
The Market Systems Resilience Index
The Market Systems Resilience Index (MSRI) is an innovative approach to measuring the resilience of a market system. The MSRI has been developed both to guide development practitioners in the process of conducting resilience assessments and to promote the inclusion of all relevant actors within a market system.
  • 681
  • 26 Oct 2021
Topic Review
The Metabolism of Islands
Islands are hotspots of biocultural diversity, and home to 600 million people that depend on one-sixth of the earth’s total area, including the surrounding oceans, for their subsistence. Today, they are on the frontlines of climate change and facean existential crisis. Islands are, however, potential “hubs of innovation” and are uniquely positioned to be leaders in sustainability and climate action. In this entry, we introduce key concepts of socio-metabolic research (SMR) and its relevance to island sustainability. SMR suggests that islands can build system resilience by reconfiguring resource-use patterns, and achieve a high quality of life at the lowest environmental costs.
  • 607
  • 01 Dec 2020
Topic Review
The Methods Applied in Geo-Registration
In augmented reality applications, geo-registration refers to the process of aligning and matching virtual objects with the geographic location and orientation of the real-world scene. Currently, there are three common methods for pose estimation: sensor-based approaches, vision-based approaches, and hybrid approaches. These methods have been extensively applied in numerous projects and research endeavors.
  • 363
  • 08 Aug 2023
Topic Review
The New Green Challenge in Urban Planning
The creation of green areas within urban centers was born as a response to profoundly different problems, such as the demographic increase and the progressive urbanization of landscapes. Moreover, up to date, the genetics of plants has not been considered for urban contexts. Considering the multitude of urban contexts, purposes, and needs for which green spaces in cities are created, it is today very challenging to provide an exhaustive definition of ‘urban area’ and its relative ‘urban vegetation’, since the geographic, climatic, and resource-related opportunities, and constraints, are not equally distributed factors across the world and specific for each context. Furthermore, urban vegetation can also include cultural plant typology with agricultural interest related to food production, such as the horticultural species.
  • 578
  • 08 Sep 2022
Topic Review
The New Urban Profession: Entering Age of Uncertainty
The context of urbanism is changing rapidly. The context for working in the field of urban design and planning is influenced by the pace of change; uncertainty; and massive transitions. The urban professional, however, is still used to planning for small changes and repeating traditional approaches. 
  • 658
  • 11 Feb 2022
Topic Review
The NifA–NifL System for Nitrogen Fixation
Nitrogen–fixing bacteria execute biological nitrogen fixation through nitrogenase, converting inert dinitrogen (N2) in the atmosphere into bioavailable nitrogen. Elaborating the molecular mechanisms of orderly and efficient biological nitrogen fixation and applying them to agricultural production can alleviate the “nitrogen problem”. Azotobacter vinelandii is a well–established model bacterium for studying nitrogen fixation, utilizing nitrogenase encoded by the nif gene cluster to fix nitrogen. In Azotobacter vinelandii, the NifA–NifL system fine–tunes the nif gene cluster transcription by sensing the redox signals and energy status, then modulating nitrogen fixation. 
  • 1.2K
  • 06 Feb 2023
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