Topic Review
Small RNA GcvB
Small non-translated regulatory RNAs control plenty of bacterial vital activities. The small RNA GcvB has been extensively studied, indicating the multifaceted roles of GcvB beyond amino acid metabolism.
  • 504
  • 29 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Small-Scale Rice Processing in Nigeria
Rice processing is an important part of Nigeria’s agricultural sector and has the potential to bring significant value to the country. Rice is a staple food in Nigeria and an important food and calorie source for the population.
  • 771
  • 19 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Small-Scale Urban Green Infrastructure
Urban green infrastructure (UGI) such as green roofs, green facades, public parks, urban forests, urban wetlands, and unmanaged green sites, provide nature-based solutions (NBS) that offer a promising avenue for climate change adaptation in cities to reduce the negative environmental impacts of urbanization, such as the urban heat island effect and altered precipitation patterns. UGI supports a wide range of ES at different spatial levels including but not limited to provisioning (e.g., food, and freshwater), regulating (e.g., urban temperature regulations, noise reduction, air purification, pollination, runoff mitigation, and waste treatment), socio-cultural (tourism, recreation, cognitive development, social cohesion), and supporting (e.g., habitat for biodiversity diversity), with fewer documented health benefits (e.g., good health, mortality). 
  • 765
  • 19 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Smart Agricultural Orchards
The capability of IoT technology has also been used with regularity in agriculture, especially the smart agriculture orchard concept by applying IoT with the sensor nodes to operate independently and construct a network infrastructure in an ad-hoc manner. In the aspect of research regarding smart agriculture production, an IoT-based WSN has been used to observe the condition of the yields and automate precision agriculture by using various sensors.
  • 766
  • 09 May 2022
Topic Review
Smart and Mechanized Agricultural Application
Smart farming can be applied to improve crop quality and profit and reduce costs by optimizing various processes such as environmental conditions, growth status, soil status, irrigation water, pest control, fertilizers, weed management, and greenhouse production environments
  • 627
  • 27 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Smart Cities and Financial Sustainability
Smart city initiatives have become recurrent strategies used by local governments to provide better services, improve their managerial effectiveness, and increase citizen participation in cities’ decision-making processes. Great potential exists to use data, information, and communication technologies (ICT) more extensively to improve city operations. However, depending on the size and financial situation of the cities, some smart city initiatives could be considered investments that are too expensive and not easy to maintain in the long term. If city governments want to achieve most of the benefits arising from the intense use of technology and data, building financially sustainable smart cities should be seen as a priority.
  • 949
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Smart Cities and Natural Disasters
Smart Cities are cities that use technology and data to improve the quality of life for their citizens, enhance sustainability, and increase efficiency in urban services. Natural disasters refer to events that occur in nature and cause significant damage or loss of life. Smart Cities have the potential to play a significant role in preparing for and responding to natural disasters. By using technology and data to monitor and manage urban infrastructure, cities can improve their resilience and ability to respond to disasters quickly and effectively. This research explores the potential benefits of Smart Cities in enhancing resilience during natural disasters, the challenges in implementing Smart City technologies, and the solutions to overcome these challenges.
  • 372
  • 22 May 2023
Topic Review
Smart City Governance Evaluation in Jiangsu
Based on literature review, expert consensus, and the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, researchers developed an innovative smart city evaluation framework. In the framework, an index comprising three dimensions, i.e., smart economy, smart society, and smart environmental protection, as well as several attributes for these dimensions for smart city evaluation were established.
  • 407
  • 25 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Smart Clothing
Smart clothing can be defined as the intelligent system that senses and reacts to the changes and stimuli of the environment and the wearer’s conditions, such as electrical, thermal and magnetic ones. Smart clothing has various functions (e.g., protection, temperature regulation, monitoring, entertainment, expression of personality, etc.) and embodies many features (e.g., efficient, intelligent, computable, etc.), combining cutting-edge technologies in related fields such as electronic information, sensors and materials. Smart clothing has emerged to meet consumers’ personalized needs in healthcare, work, entertainment, etc., and has rapidly become a hotspot in the clothing industry and research field. However, as smart clothing gets popular, sustainability issues are becoming increasingly prominent during its development and circulation. 
  • 10.8K
  • 19 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Smart Glass
The term “smart window” was coined by Granqvist in 1985. From the early 1980s, smart glazing has been a rapidly developing innovative technology that is aimed to help manage energy transfer through the building’s envelope, evading unnecessary “cooling and heating of indoor air”. The use of smart glass, which helps to regulate the amount of light (and heat) entering a building, is one of the possible ways to reduce energy consumption in buildings while maintaining an appropriate level of comfort for users. Smart glass greatly influences the building envelope performance in (i) thermal management, (ii) daylight harvesting and regulation, (iii) reduction of glare, (iv) maintenance of views, (v) power capture, and finally (vi) activating the envelope as an information display. Some technologies are currently available on the market, although—in light of the many shortcomings of the existing solutions—smart glass is the subject of ongoing “intensive research aimed at improving the technology and its widespread use”.
  • 3.2K
  • 23 Sep 2021
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