Topic Review
Fracture Characterization of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Recent developments in fracture characterization, modeling, and the impact of fracture networks on oil recovery in naturally carbonate-fractured reservoirs have been reviewed. The pivotal role of fracture identification and characterization in understanding production mechanisms and developing realistic fracture modeling approaches has been highlighted. This concludes that improved fracture network modeling requires considering various factors, such as data collection, fracture characterization, reservoir simulation, and model updating based on newly acquired field data. Integrating multiple techniques and data sources is recommended for obtaining a reliable reservoir model to optimize primary and enhanced oil recovery methods.
  • 362
  • 08 May 2023
Topic Review
Frame of Reference
In physics, a frame of reference (or reference frame) consists of an abstract coordinate system and the set of physical reference points that uniquely fix (locate and orient) the coordinate system and standardize measurements within that frame. For n dimensions, n + 1 reference points are sufficient to fully define a reference frame. Using rectangular (Cartesian) coordinates, a reference frame may be defined with a reference point at the origin and a reference point at one unit distance along each of the n coordinate axes. In Einsteinian relativity, reference frames are used to specify the relationship between a moving observer and the phenomenon or phenomena under observation. In this context, the phrase often becomes "observational frame of reference" (or "observational reference frame"), which implies that the observer is at rest in the frame, although not necessarily located at its origin. A relativistic reference frame includes (or implies) the coordinate time, which does not correspond across different frames moving relatively to each other. The situation thus differs from Galilean relativity, where all possible coordinate times are essentially equivalent.
  • 3.0K
  • 21 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Framework Proposal for Achieving Smart and Sustainable Societies
The proposed model is based on the integration of three smart strategies: (1) water provision that consists of the use of greywater and rainwater; (2) sanitation provision that comprises the nutrients recovery from excreta and organic solid waste and; (3) resource-oriented agriculture that conceives the use of the water provision system for the production of food with the use of nutrients recovered from the sanitation system. The S3 framework has the potential to increase the well-being, human development, water availability, food safety, poverty alleviation, and healthy environments of societies through the provision of safely managed basic services as well as the recycling of nutrients and water to achieve sustainability at household and community levels.
  • 567
  • 29 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Frameworks and Practices for Smart City Assessment
Frameworks and practices for smart city assessment belong to five main categories: best practices, ranking frameworks, index-based frameworks, initiative-based evaluation, and maturity models.
  • 346
  • 29 Aug 2023
Topic Review
FreedomWorks is a conservative and libertarian advocacy group based in Washington D.C., United States . FreedomWorks trains volunteers, assists in campaigns, and encourages them to mobilize, interacting with both fellow citizens and their political representatives. It is widely associated with the Tea Party movement.
  • 585
  • 10 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Freight Transport Decarbonization
Freight transport decarbonization is currently an urgent challenge. Decarbonization strategies have a specific time to take effect, and it is essential to consider their time dependence. The system dynamics approach is well suited to represent feedback, lagged responses, and the time dependence of decarbonization strategies. 
  • 692
  • 31 Mar 2022
Topic Review
French Geodesic Mission
The French Geodesic Mission (also called the Geodesic Mission to Peru, Geodesic Mission to the Equator and the Spanish-French Geodesic Mission) was an 18th-century expedition to what is now Ecuador carried out for the purpose of measuring the roundness of the Earth and measuring the length of a degree of latitude at the Equator. The mission was one of the first geodesic (or geodetic) missions carried out under modern scientific principles, and the first major international scientific expedition.
  • 2.0K
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Fresh Food Dual-Channel Supply Chain
The fresh dual-channel supply chain can be divided into a retailer dual-channel model, producer dual-channel model, and mixed dual-channel model. In the retailer dual-channel model, the producer sells products wholesale to the retailers. In addition to the traditional offline sales channels, retailers plan to open new online sales channels. For example, Hema Fresh, 7 Fresh, and Super Species adopt the retailer dual-channel supply chain model. In the producer dual-channel model, producers also intend to establish an extra online channel for sales alongside the original retailer’s offline sales channels. The mode of direct supply from the production base or community group belongs to the producer dual-channel model, which is adopted by enterprises such as Dolly Farm and Pagoda. A mixed dual-channel model means that the producer sells fresh food wholesale to the retailer at first. Then, the retailer sells it through online and offline channels, and the producer also plans to sell it online. For example, RT-Mart carries out both offline and online channels, while COFCO, one of its suppliers, has built its online sales channel named
  • 597
  • 28 Jun 2021
Topic Review
thumb|An example of usage of the term "freshet" is shown in the text on a historic marker at Durgin Bridge near Sandwich, New Hampshire. The term freshet is most commonly used to describe a spring thaw resulting from snow and ice melt in rivers located in upper North America. A spring freshet can sometimes last several weeks on large river systems, resulting in significant inundation of flood plains as the snowpack melts in the river's watershed. Freshets can occur with differing strength and duration depending upon the depth of the snowpack and the local average rates of warming temperatures. Deeper snowpacks which melt quickly can result in more severe flooding. Late spring melts allow for faster flooding; this is because the relatively longer days and higher solar angle allow for average melting temperatures to be reached quickly, causing snow to melt rapidly. Snowpacks at higher altitudes and in mountainous areas remain cold and tend to melt over a longer period of time and thus do not contribute to major flooding. Serious flooding from southern freshets are more often related to rain storms of large tropical weather systems rolling in from the South Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico, to add their powerful heating capacity to lesser snow packs. Tropically induced rainfall influenced quick melts can also affect snow cover to latitudes as far north as southern Canada, so long as the generally colder air mass is not blocking northward movement of low pressure systems. In the eastern part of the continent, annual freshets occur from the Canada Taiga ranging along both sides of the Great Lakes then down through the heavily forested Appalachian mountain chain and St. Lawrence valley from Northern Maine and New Brunswick into barrier ranges in North Carolina and Tennessee . In the western part of the continent, freshets occur throughout the generally much higher elevations of the various west coast mountain ranges that extend southward down from Alaska even into the northern parts of Arizona and New Mexico.
  • 576
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Freshwater Inflow
Environmental flows can be broken down into instream flow, freshwater inflow, and outflow, as shown in the depiction below. Instream flow is the freshwater water flowing in rivers or streams. Freshwater inflow is the freshwater that flows into an estuary. Outflow is the flow from an estuary to the ocean. This article's focus is upon freshwater inflow.
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  • 03 Nov 2022
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