Topic Review
State of Research on Agroecology Transition
As a sustainable and holistic approach to agriculture, agroecology has received considerable attention because of its potential to address the environmental, economic, and social challenges of agricultural systems. In order to identify key trends, influential authors, impactful journals, emerging research themes and gap in research on agroecological adoption, a bibliometric analysis based on the metadata of documents is performed to deal with agroecology adoption and the methods used for its evaluation over the period from January 1990 to July 2023, extracted from the Web of Science database. 
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
The Existing Remote Sensing Index Resources
Remote sensing indices are widely used in various fields of geoscience research. However, there are limits to how effectively the knowledge of indices can be managed or analyzed. One of the main problems is the lack of ontology models and research on indices, which makes it difficult to acquire and update knowledge in this area. 
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  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
NOAAS Murre II (R 663), previously NOAAS Murre II (FRV 63), was an American research vessel in commission in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) fleet from 1970 to 1989. Prior to her NOAA career, she operated under the United States Department of the Interior′s Fish and Wildlife Service from 1949 to 1956 and under the United States Fish and Wildlife Service′s Bureau of Commercial Fisheries from 1956 to 1970 as Murre II. The ship originally operated as a self-propelled barge, first as BSP-1915 for the United States Army during World War II and then for the Fish and Wildlife Service before undergoing conversion into a research ship in 1963.
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  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Effect of Gasification Agent on Underground Coal Gasification
The underground coal gasification (UCG) technology converts coal into product gas and provides the option of environmentally and economically attractive coal mining. Obtained syngas can be used for heating, electricity, or chemical production. Numerous laboratory coal gasification trials have been performed in the academic and industrial fields. Lab-scale tests can provide insight into the processes involved with UCG. Many tests with UCG have been performed on ex-situ reactors, where different UCG techniques, the effect of gasification agents, their flow rates, pressures, and various control mechanisms to improve gasification efficiency and syngas production have been investigated.
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  • 20 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Reliability of Driving Simulator
Despite constant technological innovation, road transport remains a significant source of pollutant emissions, and effective driver-behaviour changes can be considered as solutions that can increase the sustainability of road traffic in a short period. Thus, understanding driver behaviour plays a key role in assessing traffic-related impacts. Since real-world experiments entail some risks and are often not flexible, simulator-based experiments can be relevant to studying vehicle dynamics and driver behaviour. This research seeks to evaluate how reliable a simulator-based experiment can be for assessing the operational and environmental impacts of a typical light-duty vehicle.
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Dolomite Mineralogy
Dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2] is a rhombohedral carbonate mineral. The dolomite structure consists of an ordered arrangement of alternating layers of Ca2+ and Mg2+ cations interspersed with CO32− anion layers normal to the c-axis, which is in contrast to the disordered distribution of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the (high-Mg) calcite structure.
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  • 04 Dec 2023
Topic Review
A novel artificial intelligence (AI)-driven city classification method which provides a homogeneous and unbiased result, employing visual and publicly accessible data focusing on factual circumstances and complex visual causalities. It offers a new perspective in the research domain by developing a deep learning (DL) tool that analyzes visual information from city satellite image patches.
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  • 05 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Ecosystem Services in Forest Remnants
Analyzing the landscape configuration factors where they are located can ensure a more accurate spatial assessment of the supply of ecosystem services. It can also show if the benefits promoted by ecosystems depend not only on the supply of these services but also on the demand, the cultural values, and the interest of the society where they are located.
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  • 02 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Development and Effects of Organic Farms in Poland
Organic farms should, by definition, place particular emphasis on the protection of agricultural soils, landscape care and activities aimed at producing high-quality agricultural products. In Poland, its development strength largely depends on the presence of areas facing natural or other specific constraints (ANCs). Nearly ¾ of organic utilized agriculture area (UAA) is located in communes with a large share of them. Organic farms achieve lower production effects in comparison to conventional farms, and their disproportions also depend on the quality of natural farming conditions. In Poland, the personal competences of farmers are also an important determinant in joining organic farming.
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  • 26 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Biochar Utilization
Carbon (C) in gaseous form is a component of several greenhouse gases emitted during the combustion of fossil fuels. C movement between the atmosphere, land (biosphere and lithosphere), and ocean (hydrosphere) alters the total amount in each pool. Human activities accelerate C movement into the atmosphere, causing increases in temperature.
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  • 28 Feb 2024
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