Topic Review
CO2 Emissions in Economy
The rise in carbon dioxide emissions (CO2e) is one of the most critical environmental problems confronting the world today. Burning fossil fuels is the main cause of CO2e. The environmental degradation (ED) brought on by increasing energy consumption (EC) has been another problem for the global economy in addition to positive effects of continuing of economic growth (EG) unless coupled with efficient environmental policies.
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Large Mammals as Vitamin C Sources for MIS 3 Hominins
The acquisition of large prey by hominins living during the Marine Isotope Stage 3, including Neanderthals and Anatomically Modern Humans, had nutritional and bioenergetic implications: these contain high fat amounts, provide a high energy return, and the strategies and skills required to acquire small prey were different from those required to acquire the former. Vitamin C availability at several MIS 3 periods could have had a strong seasonal variability and would have been decisive for hominin groups’ survival. 
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  • 19 Jan 2024
Topic Review
First Grinnell Expedition
The First Grinnell Expedition of 1850 was the first American effort, financed by Henry Grinnell, to determine the fate of the lost Franklin Polar Expedition. Led by Lieutenant Edwin De Haven, the team explored the accessible areas along Franklin's proposed route. In coordination with British expeditions, they identified the remains of Franklin's Beechy Island winter camp, providing the first solid clues to Franklin's activities during the winter of 1845 before becoming icebound themselves.
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  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Flow Experiments of CO2 in Complex Pore Structures
To prevent CO2 leakage and ensure the safety of long-term CO2 storage, it is essential to investigate the flow mechanism of CO2 in complex pore structures at the pore scale. 
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  • 12 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Emissions, Decarbonization, and Alternative Fuels in Inland Navigation
In response to the pressing need for transportation decarbonization, the often overlooked domain of inland waterway transport and seeks to answer which alternative fuel or power source is the most promising for that sector. As the shipping industry significantly contributes to global carbon emissions, it has been shifting towards alternative fuels and decarbonization measures in the effort to reduce them, whereas the inland waterways, operating predominantly on diesel engines, have not achieved equivalent substantial progress. Liquified natural gas (LNG) initially emerged as a favored alternative fuel, but recent studies emphasize a shift towards “greener” solutions like batteries and hydrogen. Europe and Asia lead in these developments. This investigation uncovers critical gaps in research and development, particularly in the Northern European countries that have extensive inland waterway networks. It also calls for future studies to explore the performance of vessels that have adopted LNG compared to other emerging alternatives and emphasizes the importance of considering the time lag between technology development and research publication.
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
COVID-19 and Housing Injustice
In the United States, there has been a long history of environmental injustice that disproportionately affects racial and ethnic minorities and low-income communities due to racially targeted policies and widespread discrimination. Environmental racism can be revealed in housing discrimination that perpetuates inequities in exposure to environmental pollutants. Biased credit and mortgaging practices such as redlining have led to housing segregation of racial and ethnic minorities in the USA, permitting policymakers to diminish and disinvest in these communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified housing instability for families of color, including Black and Hispanic/Latinx communities, putting them at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure. There is a need to investigate how environmental injustice intensifies the COVID-19 pandemic, illuminates racial and ethnic inequities in exposure to environmental contaminants, and fuels disparities in COVID-19 outcomes.
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  • 14 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Tethys (Database)
Tethys is an online knowledge management system that provides the marine renewable energy (MRE) and wind energy communities with access to information and scientific literature on the environmental effects of devices. Named after the Greek titaness of the sea, the goal of the Tethys database is to promote environmental stewardship and the advancement of the wind and marine renewable energy communities. The website has been developed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Wind and Water Power Technologies Office. Tethys hosts information and activities associated with two international collaborations known as OES-Environmental and WREN, formed to examine the environmental effects of marine renewable energy projects and wind energy projects, respectively.
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  • 12 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Production of Hydrogen from Lignocellulosic Biomass
Hydrogen is considered one of the most important forms of energy for the future, as it can be generated from renewable sources and reduce CO2 emissions.
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  • 06 May 2023
Topic Review
Autonomous Navigation Framework for Holonomic Mobile Robots
Due to the accelerated growth of the world’s population, food security and sustainable agricultural practices have become essential. The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled robotic systems in cultivation, especially in greenhouse environments, represents a promising solution, where the utilization of the confined infrastructure improves the efficacy and accuracy of numerous agricultural duties.
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  • 13 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Farmland Consumption of Biogas Slurry
Biogas slurry (BS) is an attractive agricultural waste resource which can be used to regulate soil microbial communities, enhance nutrient absorption capacity of crops, promote plant–soil interactions, and consequently, increase crop productivity.
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  • 16 Nov 2023
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