Topic Review
The African Ecological Futures
The African Ecological Futures (AEF) planning project, a joint initiative between the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) that took place between 2013 and 2015, is an example of how participatory scenario planning can benefit the continent. The process involved a series of analytical studies combined with workshops with policy makers and development partners with skill sets ranging from conservation and ecology to economics and international development. The outcomes of these workshops were four expert-developed and collectively-owned scenarios for the evolution of Africa’s ecological resource base over the next 50 years (2015–2065).
  • 483
  • 12 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Mortars of the UNESCO Site of Panamá Viejo
Characterization of the mortars belonging to the UNESCO site of Panamá Viejo is here presented. The monumental site is located in Panama City (Panama) and it represents the first Spanish settlement on the Pacific Coast, founded 500 years ago, in 1519.
  • 482
  • 16 May 2022
Topic Review
Precision Oliviculture
Precision oliviculture (PO) is having an increasing scientific interest and impact on the sector. Its implementation depends on various technological developments: sensors for local and remote crop monitoring, global navigation satellite system (GNSS), equipment and machinery to perform site-specific management through variable rate application (VRA), implementation of geographic information systems (GIS), and systems for analysis, interpretation, and decision support (DSS). 
  • 482
  • 26 May 2022
Topic Review
Determinants Affecting Public Intention to Use Micro-Vertical Farming
Vertical farming is a new branch of urban agriculture using indoor vertical space and soil-less cultivation technology to obtain agricultural products. Despite its many advantages over traditional farming, it still faces some challenges and obstacles, including high energy consumption and costs, as well as uncertainty and a lack of social acceptance.
  • 482
  • 10 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Bioconversion of Corn Crop Residues
Corn is the fourth largest crop in the world, and its residues represent a potentially renewable feedstock for industrial lactic acid production through simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). Different frameworks of bioconversion surged as alternatives for biomass disposal, which depend on the nature of the residue.
  • 482
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Indoor Bioaerosol
Indoor bioaerosol is bioaerosol in an indoor environment. Bioaerosols are natural or artificial particles of biological (microbial, plant, or animal) origin suspended in the air. These particles are also referred to as organic dust. Bioaerosols may consist of bacteria, fungi (and spores and cell fragments of fungi), viruses, microbial toxins, pollen, plant fibers, etc. Size of bioaerosol particles varies from below 1 µm to 100 µm in aerodynamic diameter; viable bioaerosol particles can be suspended in air as single cells or aggregates of microorganism as small as 1–10 µm in size. Since bioaerosols are potentially related to various human health effects and the indoor environment provides a unique exposure situation, concerns about indoor bioaerosols have increased over the last decade.
  • 482
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Cooling Effect of a Green Area
Green façades have a cooling effect on the building and the surrounding climate. Furthermore, the cities are becoming increasingly dense, which makes the space-saving characteristic of vertical greening an optimal solution. 
  • 482
  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Diver-Based Optical Survey Techniques for Coral Monitoring
Monitoring the health of coral reefs is essential to understanding the damaging impacts of anthropogenic climate change as such non-invasive methods to survey coral reefs are the most desirable. Optics-based surveys, ranging from simple photography to multispectral satellite imaging are well established. The techniques are broadly separated by the primary method in which data are collected: by divers and/or robots directly within the environment or by remote sensing where data are captured above the water’s surface by planes, drones, or satellites.
  • 481
  • 01 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Microseismic Monitoring and Analysis with Cutting-Edge Technology
Microseismic monitoring is a useful enabler for reservoir characterization without which the information on the effects of reservoir operations such as hydraulic fracturing, enhanced oil recovery, carbon dioxide, or natural gas geological storage would be obscured. The global energy demand is projected to increase. To meet the increasing energy demand requires new technologies to exploit unconventional reserves. Similarly, calls for climate actions such as carbon geosequestration, hydrogen generation, and geological hydrogen storage will require an improvement in reservoir characterization methods.
  • 481
  • 02 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Distant Past
The concept of water–energy–food (WEF) nexus is gaining favor as a means to highlight the functions of the three individual nexus elements as interrelated components of a single complex system. In practice, the nexus approach projects forward from the present, seeking to maximize future WEF synergies and avoid undesirable tradeoffs. This article seeks to gain insights into how the ancients dealt with WEF relationships, whether currently relevant principles were practiced millennia ago, and how past WEF dynamics compare to today. 
  • 480
  • 08 Apr 2021
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