Topic Review
Carbon Polygons and Carbon Offsets
The most important area of study concerning carbon polygons is the problem of assessing the reserves and trends in the stability of organic matter in the soil of natural ecosystems. An adequate assessment of these stocks should be based on verified methods for determining the content of organic matter (direct and indirect methods and the problem of the correlation of results) and on unified ideas about the depth and regularity of sampling within soil profiles and monitoring sites. This problem is particularly relevant to the development of a spatial network of carbon polygons in the Russian Federation.
  • 489
  • 17 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Sludge Co-Pyrolysis Technology
Pyrolysis, one of the main technologies for sludge treatment, has the advantages of thorough treatment, volume minimization, and the recovery of high-value products. However, sludge pyrolysis is often associated with problems such as high volatility and low ash content, as well as poor application performance of pyrolysis residues. Co-pyrolysis technology has reduced pyrolysis energy consumption and improved the range and quality of pyrolysis product applications.
  • 489
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Water Environment
Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) are a particularly dangerous group because they have estrogenic activity. Among EDCs, the alkylphenols commonly used in households deserve attention, from where they go to sewage treatment plants, and then to water reservoirs.
  • 489
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Graffiti, Paintings and Other Modifications of Tree Bark
By the word ‘graffiti’ one usually indicates messages, scribbles, patterns, or drawings written, carved, or painted on different types of surfaces including walls, monuments, and tree bark. Consequently, a ‘graffitist’ is a person who creates graffiti. Graffiti has existed as long as human society but has become a public issue in recent decades, being often considered as a recurrent and unacceptable form of vandalism especially when the victims are trees. The entry reports the problem of graffiti on tree barks and reviews some methodologies proposed by urban forestry specialists to remove graffiti and other paintings from the trees without damaging the plant itself.
  • 489
  • 02 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Potential Alternative Resources for Rare Earth Elements
Seventeen elements in the periodic table including fifteen lanthanides (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu) and Sc, as well as Y are often collectively referred to as rare earth elements (REE). The depleting REE ores and increasing mining costs are prompting us to consider alternative sources for these valuable metals, particularly from waste streams. Although REE concentrations in most of the alternative resources are lower than current REE ores, some sources including marine sediments, coal ash, and industrial wastes, such as red mud, are emerging as promising with significant concentrations of REE.
  • 489
  • 13 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Water Quality Monitoring Systems
Water quality monitoring (WQM) refers to the collection of representative information on the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of various water bodies in both spatial and temporal scales. Water quality monitoring systems are being developed and deployed to monitor changes in the aquatic environment. With technological progress, traditional sampling-based water monitoring has been supplemented with sensors and automated data acquisition and transmission devices, resulting in the automation of water quality monitoring systems. 
  • 488
  • 21 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Effects of Organic Amendments on Solanum tuberosum L.
The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the third most important food crop worldwide, after rice and wheat. The potato is one of the crops that produce more food per unit of time, water and area, even in more adverse climates in comparison with any other crop. It is also characterized by its extraordinary ability to adapt to different soil and climate conditions, occupying a leading role in the global food chain, and thus being considered by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a food security crop. Likewise, the increase in world population leads to uncertainties in the food supply chain and it shows the need for high-yield crops.
  • 487
  • 02 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Key Subsurface Policies in CO2 Geological Storage
One promising option for reducing carbon emissions is the deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage technologies (CCUS) to achieve climate goals. However, for large-scale deployment of underground carbon storage, it is essential to develop technically sound, safe, and cost-effective CO2 injection and well control strategies. This involves sophisticated balancing of various factors such as subsurface engineering policies, technical constraints, and economic trade-offs. Optimization techniques are the best tools to manage this complexity and ensure that CCUS projects are economically viable while maintaining safety and environmental standards.
  • 487
  • 30 May 2023
Topic Review
Development of Slope Treatment Technologies
In light of growing concerns regarding climate change and the finite availability of natural resources, it is imperative that modern slope treatment practices align with the principles of sustainable development. The attainment of environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially equitable infrastructure necessitates a holistic and long-term perspective on the impacts and tradeoffs associated with projects. Life cycle assessment (LCA) has emerged as a standardized framework for comprehensively evaluating the environmental impact of products, processes, and technologies throughout their entire life cycle. By quantifying resource use, emissions, and other environmental issues associated with a system from raw material extraction to its disposal, LCA aims to prevent the shifting of problems among assessment boundaries or phases. Against the backdrop of global energy conservation and carbon reduction efforts, LCA research has found widespread application in fields such as the chemical industry, civil engineering, agriculture, material science, and biological science. However, despite the rapid proliferation of LCA studies across many industries, its application in geotechnical engineering domains like slope treatment has remained limited.
  • 487
  • 16 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Managing World Heritage
World Heritage is the pinnacle of the recognition of the natural, aesthetic, and cultural value of a place on the planet. Since its inception in 1972, over 1100 sites have received World Heritage status. Many of these places are being challenged by the effects of climate change. Urgent action is needed to build the resilience and adaptive capacity of World Heritage sites in the face of climate change threats to come. The Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area (WTWHA) is one of the most effectively regulated and managed protected Areas in the world. This includes the scientific evidence upon which that regulation and management is based. However, there is growing evidence that climate change impacts are a clear and present threat to the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) upon which the listing is based. This challenges the very concept of OUV and points to the business-as-usual regulation and management not being sufficient to deal with the threat. It also calls for quantum changes in the approaches to protecting natural and cultural heritage and the OUV in World Heritage Areas.
  • 486
  • 15 Jun 2021
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