Topic Review
Application of CMAQ during SOAS
Formation of aerosol from biogenic hydrocarbons relies heavily on anthropogenic emissions since they control the availability of species such as sulfate and nitrate, and through them, aerosol acidity (pH). To elucidate the role that acidity and emissions play in regulating Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA), we utilize the 2013 Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) dataset to enhance the extensive mechanism of isoprene epoxydiol (IEPOX)-mediated SOA formation implemented in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model (Pye et al., 2013), which was then used to investigate the impact of potential future emission controls on IEPOX OA.
  • 666
  • 29 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Hyperspectral Imaging Applied to Sediment Core Analysis
The color analysis of sediment in the laboratory has followed important technological developments in closely related fields, such as the analysis of soils and sedimentary rocks, as well as in more distant fields, such as remote sensing. This has led to the development of sensors allowing the analysis of color and, more generally, of the electromagnetic spectrum of light to answer problems of rapidity, high resolution, automation, and increasing the amount of interesting information remotely without affecting the sample. The hyperspectral imaging sensor will be the focus of this practical guide. 
  • 665
  • 23 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Wild Rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) Baby-Leaf
Wild rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC) is a cruciferous perennial herb, spontaneous in the Mediterranean Basin. Here, a study on evaluating the hyperspectral response of plants to bio-based disease resistance inducers is presented.
  • 663
  • 30 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Role of ACE2 in Gut
A vital factor of viral pathogenesis involves the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) cellular receptor, which facilitates entry of the virus into susceptible cells. The receptor-binding domain of the spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor activating membrane fusion of the virus to the host cell. Subsequently, viral RNA is released into the cytoplasm, and the infection is established. The gut microbiota is shaped by our diet; therefore, a healthy gut is important for optimal metabolism, immunology and protection of the host. 
  • 663
  • 21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Construction Waste Recycling
Construction waste is an issue that has attracted increasing worldwide attention recently. With the rapid development of socioeconomic and urbanization in China, the building industry has emerged as a pillar of the national economy. In particular, a large number of raw materials are used and massive construction waste is generated along a gradient of increasing urbanization, resulting in environmental pollution and scarcity of nature resource. At present, construction waste recycling has been proven to be the most effective method of managing construction trash. 
  • 663
  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Ferromanganese Crusts
Late Pleistocene–Holocene rocks from the western part of Cocos-Nazca Spreading Centre (C-NSC) include ferromanganese crusts that elucidate the geochemistry and mineralogy of a deep-sea geological setting. Geochemical, mineralogical and petrological signatures indicate complex formation influenced by mild hydrothermal processes. These crusts consist mostly of mixed birnessite, todorokite-buserite, and Mn-(Fe) vernadite with traces of diagenetic manganates (asbolane), Fe-oxides and oxyhydroxides or hydrothermally associated and relatively pure Mn-oxyhydroxides (manganite). The average Mn/Fe ratio is 2.7, which suggests predominant mixed hydrogenous-early diagenetic crusts with hydrothermal influences. The mean concentrations of three prospective metals (Ni, Cu and Co) are low: 0.17, 0.08 and 0.025 wt %, respectively. The total content of ΣREY is also low, and ranges from 81 to 741 mg/kg (mean 339 mg/kg).
  • 663
  • 27 May 2022
Topic Review
Biobeds are biological systems used to treat liquid residues derived from the operations related to the application of pesticides in crop fields. Their use helps minimize pesticide delivery into the environment, as well as protecting soil and water from pollution. Biobeds were first described as trenches packed with a mixture of 50% wheat straw, 25% soil, and 25% peat, covered with a grass layer; this composition is known as a “biomixture”. In biobeds, the biomixture absorbs the pesticide residues and supports the development of different microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, needed for pesticide degradation in the system. The effectiveness of biobed systems lies in the high pesticide retention in the biomixture and the degradation potential of the microorganisms growing in the system.
  • 662
  • 07 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Metabolic and Physiological Adaptations with Opuntia
Adapting our food production chain and increasing the flora and fauna’s livelihood in climate change-affected areas using Opuntia is not only theoretical but already exists in practice in many places. This cactus grows in unsuitable soil for most species as it is adapted to arid and semi-arid soils and hot weather. In these regions, Opuntia protects from erosion and contributes to soil health. Opuntia has a high potential as an invasive species, with caution always being recommended when dealing with this specie. The high content of specific compounds, such as proline, indicaxanthin, and betanin, found in Opuntia ficus-indica, influence the plant’s adaptation to unfavourable conditions.
  • 662
  • 24 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Water Resources Management in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is one of the most water-scarce nations in the world, with a huge demand-supply gap, and the situation is expected to worsen due to climate change. Conventional surface water resources are limited, while nonrenewable groundwater sources are depleted. To build a more resilient and sustainable water sector, the production of non-conventional water resources, specifically desalinated seawater and treated domestic wastewater, has steadily increased in recent years. As the country lacks perennial water resources, such as rivers or water bodies, it relies mainly on nonrenewable groundwater and desalinated water to meet its daily requirements. Although the government is attempting to regulate the agricultural sector, water consumption in agriculture remains relatively high. It presents an environmental challenge due to its heavy reliance on non-renewable groundwater resources. The anticipated increase in temperature and highly uncertain changes in the rainfall patterns in Saudi Arabia could lead to greater uncertainty when attempting to develop effective water resource management plans.
  • 662
  • 22 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Climate Change in Vietnam
Vietnam is considered, in coming decades, to be among the most affected countries by global climate change. A large number of studies that Vietnam is experiencing climate change and will be severely negatively affected in coming decades. These negative effects include sea level rise, salinity intrusion and other hydrological problems like flood, river mouth evolution, sedimentation as well as the increasing frequency of natural hazards such as cold waves, storm surges will all exert negative effects on the country's development and economy including agriculture, aquaculture, road infrastructure, etc. Some issues, such as land subsidence (caused by excessive groundwater extraction) further worsen some of the effects climate change will bring (sea level rise) especially in areas such as the Mekong Delta. The government, NGOs, and citizens have taken various measures to mitigate and adapt to the impact.
  • 661
  • 14 Nov 2022
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