Topic Review
Mortuary Archaeology
Mortuary archaeology, also known as bioarchaeology, is the study of human remains in their archaeological context. Mortuary archaeology aims to generate an understanding of disease, migration, health, nutrition, gender, status, and kinship among past populations. Ultimately, these topics help to produce a picture of the daily lives of past individuals. Mortuary archaeology tends to focus how individuals can contribute to understanding the population. Mortuary archaeologists draw upon the humanities, as well as social and hard sciences to have a full understanding of the individual. Mortuary archaeologists also use living groups to their advantage when studying populations that are no longer living. Mortuary archaeologists also are involved in conflict archaeology, and study mass burials from different historical events, like World War II and the Guatemalan genocide. These particular events will deal with comingled individuals. However, not all events are involved in mass burials or of historic context. One instance of a single individual involved in conflict, is that of Otzi. This is an example of a single individual that had been shot and killed. There are different methods that contribute to mortuary archaeology including analyzing different burial techniques between and within populations and creating a biological profile of the individual(s).
  • 689
  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Precision Agroecology
Precision agroecology provides a unique opportunity to synthesize traditional knowledge and novel technology to transform food systems. Merging precision agriculture technology and agroecological principles offers a unique array of agricultural solutions driven by data collection, experimentation, and decision support tools. Precision agroecology can offer solutions to agriculture’s biggest challenges in achieving sustainability such as pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change, as well as broader societal issues of rural depopulation and corporate consolidation of the agricultural sector.
  • 689
  • 14 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station
The Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (FMARS) is the first of two simulated Mars habitats (or Mars Analog Research Stations) established and maintained by the Mars Society.
  • 689
  • 10 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Phosphorus-Solubilizing Microorganisms
Phosphorus (P) is one of the essential macronutrients for plant growth, being a highly required resource to improve the productive performance of several crops, especially in highly weathered soils. However, a large part of the nutrients applied in the form of fertilizers becomes “inert” in the medium term and cannot be assimilated by plants. Rationalizing the use of phosphorus is a matter of extreme importance for environmental sustainability and socioeconomic development. Therefore, alternatives to the management of this nutrient are needed, and the use of P-solubilizing microorganisms is an option to optimize its use by crops, allowing the exploration of less available fractions of the nutrient in soils and reducing the demand for phosphate fertilizers.
  • 688
  • 06 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Sunscreen-Derived Inorganic Ultraviolet Filters in Aquatic Environments
The active ultraviolet filters (UVFs) in sunscreens can be organic or inorganic and can reflect and scatter UVR, which protects human skin from direct sunlight radiation. However, sunscreen-derived inorganic UVFs are considered to be emerging contaminants; in particular, nZnO and nTiO2 UVFs have been shown to undergo absorption and bioaccumulation, release metal ions, and generate reactive oxygen species, which cause negative effects on aquatic organisms.
  • 687
  • 07 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Food Systems
The term food system is used frequently in discussions about nutrition, food, health, community economic development and agriculture. A food system includes all processes and infrastructure involved in feeding a population: growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, marketing, consumption, and disposal of food and food-related items. It also includes the inputs needed and outputs generated at each of these steps. A food system operates within and is influenced by social, political, economic and environmental contexts. It also requires human resources that provide labor, research and education. Food systems are either conventional or alternative according to their model of food lifespan from origin to plate.
  • 687
  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Rangeland Biodiversity and Climate Variability
Rangeland biodiversity related closely with climate variability. Rainfall plays an important role in arid rangeland restoration. Under favorable conditions, one-year grazing exclusion considerably enhanced species richness and evenness diversity compared to longer resting durations under dry to average rainfall conditions. The decision to how long livestock grazing exclusion would last should not be decided upfront as it depends on the climatic and the site-specific conditions.
  • 686
  • 27 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Indoor Air Quality
Along with the penetration of outside air pollutants, contaminants are produced in indoor environments due to different activities such as heating, cooling, cooking, and emissions from building products and the materials used. As people spend most of their lives in indoor environments, this has a significant influence on human health and productivity. Despite the two decades of indoor air quality (IAQ) research from different perspectives, there is still a lack of comprehensive evaluation of peer-reviewed IAQ studies that specifically covers the relationship between the internal characteristics of different types of building environments with IAQ to help understand the progress and limitations of IAQ research worldwide.
  • 685
  • 17 May 2021
Topic Review
NdFeB Permanent Magnet Uses
Rare earth element (REE) permanent magnets (NdFeB) are a critical element in a vast and growing number of industrial applications. In consumer electronics, a broad category encompassing computer, CD, and DVD hard drives, in addition to the ubiquitous cell phones, the nominal NdFeB magnet content may be small, but the global market share for this sector accounts for almost 30% of NdFeB demand, due to a large and continually increasing consumer base. It is estimated that wind turbines that primarily employ permanent magnets will add roughly 110 GW annually of on- and off-shore capability over the next few years. Electric vehicles (EVs) and E-bicycles (EBs) equipped with permanent magnet motors comprise the transportation contribution. Permanent magnet motors have garnered nearly 100% of the market share among EV manufacturers worldwide. Industrial, professional service, and personal robots, most using permanent magnets, are also included in the projected global need for rare earths, particularly Nd and Dy.
  • 685
  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Deep Learning-Based Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
Building extraction from remote sensing (RS) images is a fundamental task for geospatial applications, aiming to obtain morphology, location, and other information about buildings from RS images, which is significant for geographic monitoring and construction of human activity areas. In recent years, deep learning (DL) technology has made remarkable progress and breakthroughs in the field of RS and also become a central and state-of-the-art method for building extraction. 
  • 684
  • 15 Dec 2021
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