Topic Review
Oil Prices and the Hydrocarbon Markets
There are two streams of studies that investigate the impact of oil price shocks on the selected hydrocarbon prices. First, the empirical studies that presume, due to the global nature of the crude oil market, the world oil price is an exogenous determining variable to the evolution of the local hydrocarbon markets such as natural gas or natural gas liquids (NGLs). Second, recent empirical studies that have improved our understanding of the source of oil price changes. They treat the real price of oil as an endogenous variable, identify the causes underlying oil price shocks, and then evaluate the impact of structural supply and demand shocks on the other hydrocarbon prices. The first strand of studies does not represent a consensus on the relationship between crude oil and other hydrocarbon prices -- some demonstrate stable and asymmetric relationships and some find no relationship or a very weak relationship. The second strand of studies shows that oil supply-side shocks have a transitory and temporary impact while oil demand-side shocks have a persistent and permanent impact on other hydrocarbon prices. In addition, it shows that the structural shocks in the global crude oil market explain approximately 50% of the variation in the other hydrocarbon markets in the long run.
  • 828
  • 05 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Oil Price and CO2 Emission in GCC Countries
Oil prices, economic growth and rapidly increasing urbanization could have a long-lasting impact on the environment in oil-abundant Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Moreover, the rising oil price has a positive impact on CO2 emissions and shows a scale effect in Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. Lastly, urbanization positively affects CO2 emissions in Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the UAE. Economic growth is found asymmetrical in all GCC countries, and the asymmetrical effect of oil price is also observed in all GCC countries except the UAE. Hence, these countries should impose a carbon tax on energy-intensive urban activities to discourage pollution emissions, and these tax revenues should be utilized to encourage the cleaner use of energy in the urban area. In summary, economic growth is responsible for increasing CO2 emissions in 4 out of 6 GCC countries and increasing oil price is increasing CO2 emissions in 3 out of 6 GCC countries. Overall, GCC countries should speed up the renewable energy transition process by installing renewable energy projects on an urgent basis, which would reduce the environmental consequences of rising oil price and economic growth. 
  • 696
  • 05 May 2022
Topic Review
Ohio’s 5G and Broadband Workforce
Advancements in fifth generation (5G) technology and broadband communications create novel opportunities in numerous sectors, especially with regard to workforce development. As modern society further shifts to become that of an ‘information society’, 5G and broadband investment, development, and use have been shown to increase income, employment, and business expansion, especially in rural areas.
  • 150
  • 06 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Oge Modie
Ogechukwu Olufunmilola Modie (born January 12, 1976) is a Nigerian public servant who works as the Chief of Staff (an unconstitutional office) to the Honorable Minister of State for Petroleum Resources. She was the Chief of Staff (an unconstitutional office) to the former Group Managing Director (GMD) of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Nigeria's National Oil Corporation. Subsequently, the GMD was named as the Chairman of the Board of the Corporation, as provided for under Section 1(2) of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Act of 1997, as amended on 4 July 2016. Her primary responsibility is the provision of administrative, organisational and advisory support to Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu. She assumed duty in August 2015. Prior to her present position, Modie was appointed by the Board of Directors of NOIPolls Limited as Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer in August 2012. Modie was featured in Business Day where she was referred to as "a dynamic woman with skills that show in the ways she carries out her work" and "the first woman to have headed Nigeria’s leading independent opinion polling and research organization". Under her leadership, NOIPolls grew in visibility across the West African region and the continent. The company won various awards; the Global Excellence Quality Award for the "Global Most Innovative Consumer Research and Data Analysis Company" for the year 2014 and the Pan-African Distinguished Achievers Awards (PADAA) for "West Africa's No.1 Opinion Polling Research Organization". In 2015, the company also won the African Quality Achievement Award for "Africa's Most Reliable Quality Opinion Research and Polling Service Provider", Nigerian Brands Organisation's "Most Innovative and Impactful Market Research Agency of the Year-Platinum Award" and "Opinion Polling Company of the Year" by the African Development Magazine. Modie has developed a career in corporate finance, SME development and finance, opinion research and now public service. She is a member of ESOMAR World Research (Netherlands), a Distinguished Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Brand Management of Nigeria (FIBN) and a Fellow of the Institute of Credit Administration of Nigeria (FICA). In addition, she is a Class 2015 member of the African Leadership Network (ALN). ALN creates and strengthens relationships between these leaders to encourage intra-African trade, investment and collaboration. Modie was conferred with an "African Leadership Excellence Award" by African Leadership Magazine, United Kingdom Limited. She also received an Award of Excellence as "Exceptional Contributor to the Development of Economics" from the University of Abuja chapter of the National Economics Students Association (NESA).
  • 713
  • 08 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Offshore Software R&D
Offshore Software R&D is the provision of software development services by a supplier (whether external or internal) located in a different country from the one where the software will be used. The main reason behind companies using offshore software development services is the higher development cost of the local service providers. The global software R&D services market, as contrasted to ITO and BPO, is rather young and currently is at a relatively early stage of development.
  • 476
  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Occupational Burnout
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), occupational burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic work-related stress, with symptoms characterized by "feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and reduced professional efficacy". While burnout may influence health and can be a reason for people contacting health services, it is not itself classified by the WHO as a medical condition or mental disorder. WHO additional states that "Burn-out refers specifically to phenomena in the occupational context and should not be applied to describe experiences in other areas of life."
  • 1.1K
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
O2O Commerce and Consumer Behavior
Online-to-offline (O2O) commerce is a popular business model which links offline business activities with online channels. Consumer behavior in O2O commerce is more complex than in other traditional business models as both online and offline channels are involved.
  • 939
  • 07 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Nowcasting Unemployment
In contrast to researchers who used only a small number of search queries or limited themselves to job agency explorations, researchers incorporated keywords from the following six dimensions of Google Trends searches: job search, benefits, and application; mental health; violence and abuse; leisure search; consumption and lifestyle; and disasters.
  • 255
  • 14 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Novelty and Sustainability
Compared to incremental business model innovation, the impact of original business model innovation on both enterprises and societal development is more significant. The process of its emergence has attracted considerable attention.
  • 116
  • 14 Dec 2023
Topic Review
North–South Divide in the World
The North–South divide (or Global North and Global South) is a socio-economic and political division of Earth popularized in the late 20th century and early 21st century. Generally, definitions of the Global North include the United States , Canada , almost all the European countries, Israel, Cyprus, Japan , Singapore, South Korea , Taiwan, Australia , and New Zealand. The Global South is made up of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Pacific Islands, and the developing countries in Asia, including the Middle East. It is generally seen as home to: Brazil , India and China , which, along with Indonesia and Mexico, are the largest Southern states in terms of land area and population. The North is mostly correlated with the Western world, while the South largely corresponds with the developing countries (previously called "Third World") and Eastern world. The two groups are often defined in terms of their differing levels of wealth, economic development, income inequality, democracy, and political and economic freedom, as defined by freedom indices. States that are generally seen as part of the Global North tend to be wealthier, less unequal and considered more democratic and to be developed countries who export technologically advanced manufactured products; Southern states are generally poorer developing countries with younger, more fragile democracies heavily dependent on primary sector exports and frequently share a history of past colonialism by Northern states. Nevertheless, the divide between the North and the South is often challenged and said to be increasingly incompatible with reality. In economic terms, as of the early 21st century, the North—with one quarter of the world population—controls four-fifths of the income earned anywhere in the world. 90% of the manufacturing industries are owned by and located in the North. Inversely, the South—with three quarters of the world population—has access to one-fifth of the world income. As nations become economically developed, they may become part of definitions the "North", regardless of geographical location; similarly, any nations that do not qualify for "developed" status are in effect deemed to be part of the "South".
  • 79.2K
  • 01 Dec 2022
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