Topic Review
Double Auction
A double auction is a process of buying and selling goods when potential buyers submit their bids and potential sellers simultaneously submit their ask prices to an auctioneer, and then an auctioneer chooses some price p that clears the market: all the sellers who asked less than p sell and all buyers who bid more than p buy at this price p. Buyers and sellers that bid or ask for exactly p are also included. As well as their direct interest, double auctions are reminiscent of Walrasian auction and have been used as a tool to study the determination of prices in ordinary markets. A simple example of a double auction is a bilateral trade scenario, in which there is a single seller who values his product as S (e.g. the cost of producing the product), and a single buyer who values that product as B.
  • 579
  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Doubling Time
The doubling time is time it takes for a population to double in size/value. It is applied to population growth, inflation, resource extraction, consumption of goods, compound interest, the volume of malignant tumours, and many other things that tend to grow over time. When the relative growth rate (not the absolute growth rate) is constant, the quantity undergoes exponential growth and has a constant doubling time or period, which can be calculated directly from the growth rate. This time can be calculated by dividing the natural logarithm of 2 by the exponent of growth, or approximated by dividing 70 by the percentage growth rate (more roughly but roundly, dividing 72; see the rule of 72 for details and derivatiatives of this formula). The doubling time is a characteristic unit (a natural unit of scale) for the exponential growth equation, and its converse for exponential decay is the half-life. For example, given Canada's net population growth of 0.9% in the year 2006, dividing 70 by 0.9 gives an approximate doubling time of 78 years. Thus if the growth rate remains constant, Canada's population would double from its 2006 figure of 33 million to 66 million by 2084.
  • 8.8K
  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Driving Factors for R&D Intensity
Research and development (R&D) has long been recognized as an important component of sustainable development, with a key role in the combatting of climate change. Moreover, R&D activity is increasingly acknowledged as an important contributing factor to global post-pandemic economic recovery. However, little is known about the determinants of R&D intensity (the share of R&D expenditure in GDP) and countries have repeatedly missed their set targets for this indicator. 
  • 490
  • 19 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Društvo Sa Ograničenom Odgovornošću
Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću (Serbian Cyrillic: друштво са ограниченом одговорношћу; abbr. d.o.o., Serbian Cyrillic: д.о.о.) is a kind of legal corporate entity in and Serbia which literally means (but is not entirely equal to) "limited liability society". It is often confused with the American term limited liability company, with which it shares some characteristics, but it is more similar to a limited partnership.
  • 837
  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Dual Cycle Development Pattern
China has proposed a dual cycle development pattern. The dual cycle is primarily based on the domestic large-scale cycle. Under the circumstance of high uncertainty in the external environment, the domestic industrial base is strong, the industrial chain is complete, and the strategic maneuvering space is large. The characteristics of the super large market scale, smooth production, distribution, circulation, consumption, and other aspects of economic operation promote the realization of internal self-circulation, including supply and demand circulation, industrial circulation, regional circulation, urban and rural circulation, and factor circulation. 
  • 630
  • 03 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Dual-Channel Supply Chain Coordination with Service Free Riding
Service free riding is a kind of strategic behavior that customers conduct to maximize their purchasing utilities. However, such behavior will make the retailer feel unjust because the manufacturer’s online channel takes away her would-be orders, which may further intensify channel competition and eventually lead to negative impacts on the overall supply chain performance. It is important to investigate how to coordinate a dual-channel supply chain composed of a manufacturer and a retailer when customers utilize the retailer’s service to conduct free-riding behavior. 
  • 337
  • 21 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Dynamic Capabilities View
Globally, food supply chains are facing difficult times of volatility and uncertainty. Not even a few months after recovering from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, food supply chains have been hit with a new disruption: the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the loss of Ukrainian exports. These unexpected events have disrupted the food supply chains and increased oil prices, increasing transportation and manufacturing costs.
  • 160
  • 11 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Dynamic Corporate Governance and Sustainability
Recent complex changes of the organizational environment urge the boards of directors of energy corporations to step up quickly in crises (e.g., COVID-19) and foster innovation, to seize new strategic opportunities (e.g., environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments). ESG projects could face serious challenges in the fast-changing organizational environment generated by unpredictable and impactful factors like COVID-19. The success of ESG projects might depend on proper board-level answers to resource-based constraints and opportunities generated by a dynamically changing environment. This dynamic board behavior could involve board intervention, regarding, for example, innovation, inter-organizational networks, and organizational changes. 
  • 560
  • 25 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Dynamic-Nexus between Cross-Border Dollar Claims and Economic Growth
The term “Eurodollar” first appeared in the public realm in 1960 when William Clarke gave name to a fledgling market. Nowadays, the terms “Eurodollar”, “Eurodollar system”, “ledger money”, “shadow money” and “ghost money” are all used interchangeably to describe U.S. dollars that exist offshore, that is, outside the U.S. domestic currency system and out of sight of its primary regulator, the Federal Reserve.
  • 216
  • 01 Apr 2024
Topic Review
E-Cigarette Industrial Clusters in Shenzhen
As an emerging industry, e-cigarettes have been greatly prosperous globally in recent years. In China, Shenzhen is the center of e-cigarette production, and a complete business ecosystem has been built at this point. 
  • 825
  • 30 May 2022
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