Topic Review
Social Media in Sustainable Tourism Recovery
The way tourists use SM during and after their trip differs by generation and gender what could be used in promoting responsible behaviour for sustainable tourism. Differences between generations can be observed in behaviours such as ongoing planning the trip, obtaining information about the place to stay, keeping a photo album for friends, and writing reviews. Moreover, more often than men, women use SM to obtain information about the place of stay and share their impressions of the trip by sending MMS or emails. Tracking tourists’ travel behaviour on social media will allow city managers to gather information and respond to their needs and expectations and ensure effective urban management and city promotion.
  • 637
  • 24 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Social Media for Team Feedback and Team Performance
Construction work is challenging due to the unique nature of construction projects, and construction project management requires the application of knowledge to meet project requirements. It is common for construction teams to seek additional knowledge to complete work tasks because of the dynamic and complex nature of construction projects.
  • 196
  • 28 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Social Entrepreneurship Opportunities via Distant Socialization
Social entrepreneurs are catalysts for social change on account of social value creation and opportunity identification, thereby improving the quality of life. Their contribution to society is particularly significant in times of crises and pandemics. Hence, the world health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for social entrepreneurship across the globe. ICT-based services and industry 4.0 hold a promising future during and post-COVID-19 scenario. They can facilitate a transformation of the threats of social distancing into distant socialization benefits and demand fulfillment.
  • 454
  • 10 Mar 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Social Entrepreneurship Conceptual Approaches
Social entrepreneurship defines organizations or initiatives that, by producing and/or transacting goods or services, seek new solutions to persistent social problems, thus generating high social value. In other words, that deliberately subject their economic strategy to social priorities and place the social mission at the center of their concerns. Such social priorities include poverty, unemployment, education, health, local development, or the environment. Outside this common base, the aggregation of other characteristics or delimitations has given rise to conceptual fuzziness, namely, as to the organizational forms to be adopted (restricted to non-profit organizations or open to for-profit businesses with clear social purposes) and the weight of the social dimension in SE. Another manifestation of conceptual malleability emerges from the coexistence of different schools of thought. On the opposite side, one notes the narrowing of the concept, which mainly derives from a Westernized vision and still pays little attention to the contributions from developing countries. In addition to analyzing these topics, the current entry points out some recommendations regarding the deepening of scientific research in this field. 
  • 956
  • 27 May 2022
Topic Review
Social Entrepreneurship and Triple Bottom Line
Social entrepreneurship (SE) has gained prominence as a key segment of entrepreneurship. The unique mission and the market expectations are the key differences between social and commercial entrepreneurship. The concept of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has grown increasingly important in the entrepreneurship context. 
  • 473
  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Social Entrepreneurship and Poverty Alleviation for Sustainable Development
The increasing social and environmental challenges, particularly poverty, have brought social entrepreneurship, a highly researched domain, to the attention of academicians. It has emerged as a critical issue in the context of economic development and societal well-being.
  • 120
  • 23 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Social Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is the field that entrepreneurs persue their activities to achieve their goal of creating social value. In recent years, there has been growing interest among researchers in the literature on social entrepreneurship. Unlike traditional entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurs prioritize creating social value rather than monetary benefits. Social entrepreneurship aims to address societal challenges and meet fundamental human needs through innovative resource integration. For instance, microcredit organizations (e.g., Grameen Bank) provide people with insufficient funds the working capital needed to start a business.
  • 116
  • 26 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Social Entrepreneurship and Crowdfunding
The term “social entrepreneurship” refers to business ventures which seek to create an enterprise with a social mission. In practice, it is extremely challenging for social entrepreneurs to obtain funding through conventional channels. Crowdfunding has emerged as a potential solution to those funding constraints, enabling social entrepreneurs to assess capital and build networks for supporters.
  • 563
  • 28 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Social Entrepreneurs for Innovative Professional Career Developments
Social impact and innovation are crucial aspects of any social entrepreneurship project. There are some fundamental common factors as critical determinants of the final social entrepreneurial decision and result: (i) motivations such as emotional connection, moral judgment, personal dissatisfaction, purpose achievement and change, and social needs; (ii) personal internal resources such as connection skills, conviction, creativity, efficiency skills, and learning orientation; (iii) facilitating external factors such as financial and social support, higher and social education, relevant past events, and previous professional experience. Putting together all these factors, there is a theoretical framework that can explain social entrepreneurship as an alternative career option and connect it with a dominant social entrepreneur’s narrative and profile.
  • 568
  • 13 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Smart Tourism Management Framework
This entry firstly suggests a workable definition for the Smart Tourism Management Framework. Secondly, it presents the key elements of this ST management framework at destination level. It is completed by outlining the current state of academic research in this field and suggesting directions for future research endeavours.
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  • 27 Oct 2020
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