Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Strategic Intelligence: A Semantic Leadership Perspective
This paper explores the notion of strategic intelligence, namely with respect to leadership and business-oriented areas. Strategic intelligence is a researched concept that primarily concerns the collection and analysis of intelligence for policy and military planning, mainly at national and international levels, whereas this study of management and organizational decision-making application is an extension of that. This article’s subject is the necessity for strategic intelligence, a crucial competence for leaders, managers, and companies striving to remain competitive, to be utilized and best leveraged in today’s volatile and dynamic business contexts. This study follows a research design that includes a thorough literature review and bibliometric research, executed via VoSViewer, illustrating the concept of strategic intelligence from a leadership point of view as a driver of competitive advantage, enhanced by knowledge dynamics. Furthermore, this article points out that the limitations are acknowledged because the literature on the matter is limited, as strategic intelligence is relatively new to the business sector; moreover, more research is required to fully understand and use the potential of strategic intelligence in business growth. Overcoming these limitations and continuing to study the strategic intelligence concept could, on the one hand, use multiple platforms, such as scholarly articles or encyclopedias, and, on the other hand, support businesses in gaining a competitive edge and making informed decisions that can fuel their success in an ever-evolving market.
  • 324
  • 02 Jul 2024
Topic Review
Strategic Flexibility and Business Performance through Organizational Ambidexterity
Strategic flexibility (SF) is a firm’s capability to operate productively or more efficiently than their competitors. It is defined as “an organization’s ability to take appropriate actions in response to external environmental changes”. Business performance is the ultimate measurement tool for evaluating organizational outcomes and strategic goals. It is influenced by various market contingencies and organizational factors.
  • 208
  • 15 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Storage Inventory Model
The inventory-carrying scheme associated the proposed model consists of both rented and owned warehouse facilities, where the cost increases linearly with time. The numerical and visual simulation concludes the mathematical approach to analyzing the proposed inventory model in Mathematica software. The results show that a price hike enhances profit despite the negative impact on demand creation. Also, promotion frequency favors profitability, suppressing the corresponding costs. Another managerial intuition is revealed through the numerical result that the stock should be held in a rented warehouse when deterioration in the owned warehouse increases, despite the cost of a rented warehouse.
  • 210
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Stoozing is the act of borrowing money at an interest rate of 0%, a rate typically offered by credit card companies as an incentive for new customers. The money is then placed in a high interest bank account to make a profit from the interest earned. The borrower (or "stoozer") then pays the money back before the 0% period ends. The borrower does not typically have a real debt to service, but instead uses the money loaned to them to earn interest. Stoozing can also be viewed as a form of arbitrage.
  • 504
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Stock-Flow Consistent Model
Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) models are a family of macroeconomic models based on a rigorous accounting framework, which guarantees a correct and comprehensive integration of all the flows and the stocks of an economy. These models were first developed in the mid-20th century but have recently become popular, particularly within the post-Keynesian school of thought.
  • 1.7K
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Stock Selection Criterion
Stock selection criteria or stock picking is a multi-method technique for investing when specifically dealing with stocks (equity markets). The stock investment or position can be "long" (bought) (to benefit from a stock price increase) or "short" (sold) (to benefit from a decrease in a stock's price), depending on the investor or financial professional's expectation of how the stock price is going to move. The stock selection criteria may include systematic stock picking methods that utilize computer software and/or data.
  • 458
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Stock Index Prediction
The stock index is an important indicator to measure stock market fluctuation, with a guiding role for investors’ decision-making, thus being the object of much research. However, the stock market is affected by uncertainty and volatility, making accurate prediction a challenging task. 
  • 695
  • 07 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Step-by-Step Model for Implementing Open Innovation
Open innovation has attracted wide interest since it first appeared in the 2003 book by Chesbrough. It proposed that companies combining internal and external ideas when innovating would benefit more than by adhering to the traditional research and development model. As many definitions have been proposed for this term since then, it appears that open innovation is not something stationary and is constantly evolving. At this time, the most prevalent definition seems to be that open innovation is the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively. This means that firms wanting to advance their technology can and should use both internal and external ideas. Even though there are several definitions for open innovation, their common thread is the creation of relations and collaborations in order to create something new with the resources at hand. The differences in the definitions usually refer to different scopes concerning resources, the degree of openness, etc.
  • 362
  • 06 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Status Quo of 17 UN SDGs in Vietnam
The United Nations cautions that the Sustainable Development Goals may not be met by 2030, as COVID-19, the financial and energy crises continue to take a toll. Developing nations are grappling with many challenges, including sluggish economic growth, surging inflation, widespread supply chain disruptions, mounting debt, and declining job prospects. Governments, policymakers, and businesses need to develop specific strategies to address these issues.
  • 149
  • 28 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Statistics and Artificial-Intelligence-Based Price Prediction of Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies are nowadays seen as an investment opportunity, since they show some peculiar features, such as high volatility and diversification properties, that are triggering research interest into investigating their differences with traditional assets.
  • 204
  • 25 Aug 2023
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