Topic Review
Determinant Factors of M&As in Emerging Economies
Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is an umbrella term for many types of transactions in which one organisation or the assets of one organisation become a part of another organisation or two organisations become one.
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  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Differentiated Development of Digital Economy on Employment Quality
In the context of the digital age, the digital economy, as a new economic model that the Chinese government is currently committed to developing, has played a positive role in driving consumption and creating employment opportunities. However, the differential development characteristics of the digital economy are becoming increasingly evident. The level of digital infrastructure and the application of digital facilities in China’s eastern regions are superior to those in the central and western regions. The increasing level of differential development in the digital economy will further accelerate the cross-regional mobility of labor. For the more developed eastern regions in China, in terms of the digital economy, the ability to empower employment is relatively high, which can create more job opportunities and attract a larger labor force seeking employment opportunities. In contrast, the central and western regions face slower development in the digital economy and relatively insufficient employment-empowering capacity, leading to labor force outflow. Proper cross-regional labor mobility can enhance the efficiency of labor resource allocation. However, excessive labor force mobility can lead to imbalanced labor resource allocation, causing job shortages and reduced employment quality in regions with an excess of labor force, while labor loss regions face labor shortages and talent drain, resulting in a loss of economic vitality in those regions.
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  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas
Developing more sustainable business models (BMs) has become increasingly crucial for the survival of agri-food industries as environmental and social pressures are escalating, and the fruit and vegetable (F&V) industry is no exception to this pattern.
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  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Agri-Food Export Competitiveness
The agricultural sector contributes to the national economy by engaging in export activities within the global market. Conversely, the rapid development of the Internet has greatly impacted output production and has introduced heightened competitiveness among various countries.
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  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Influencer Engagement on Social Media
The interactive capabilities of social media (SM) can provide a conceptual parallel to the conversational nature underlying the concept of engagement. For example, SM users’ interactions with specific brands are concrete manifestations of engagement marked by varying degrees of affective and/or cognitive and/or behavioral investment.
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  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Bioethanol for Cooking
Bioethanol has been identified by the academic literature and in the development community as a promising clean fuel to replace charcoal. Bioethanol is one of the cooking fuels considered to be clean based on the 2014 WHO guidelines, which aim to reduce the health risks associated with exposure to indoor air pollution from household fuel combustion. 
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  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Determinant Factors of Supply Chain Services Demand
Due to increased globalization and its subsequent rise in competitiveness, the role of supply chain services (3PL) in managing logistics, reducing operational and non-operational costs, and managing customer and supplier relationships, have become of utmost importance. 
  • 115
  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Applying Machine Learning in Retail Demand Prediction
In the realm of retail supply chain management, accurate forecasting is paramount for informed decision making, as it directly impacts business operations and profitability. 
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  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
CO2 Emission in OBOR Countries
Renewable sources of energy have been found to have a CO2 emission reduction effect, both in the long and short term. In the long run, there is a negative connection between globalization and CO2 emissions; however, in the short run, this connection is inconsequential, while economic growth (EG) has a positive association with CO2 emission. The development of ICT infrastructure carries the potential to directly mitigate the detrimental effects of CO2 emissions while also playing an important role in raising people’s environmental consciousness. One belt one road (OBOR) countries should welcome and encourage clean and green foreign investment that provides technical skills, environmental technology development, and carbon-free processes.
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  • 18 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Color Saturation of Travel Pictures on Consumer Appeal
In the Internet era, online channels have contributed significantly to tourism marketing and promotion. Consumers will receive tourism information online to reduce information asymmetry. Moreover, with overwhelming levels of information, consumers may only get a limited amount of information. Visual design is essential among the various factors researchers have thoroughly investigated. Studies have recognized the importance of the color characteristics of travel photos on consumer decisions.
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  • 18 Oct 2023
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