Topic Review
Digital Irrigated Agriculture
Entry on a new approach to decision modelling for ICT adoption in irrigated agriculture.
  • 586
  • 16 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Resilient and Sustainable Group Decision
Group decision-making should contribute to resilience and sustainability and, particularly, the achievement of the objectives in view of future risks. Further, transparency in and participation in the decision process are needed to limit problems in the implementation phase of the decision. The literature survey here presented suggests some of the key attributes for supporting sustainable and resilient group decisions. To this aim, a focused systematic review was conducted to study the existing group decision-making methods in the literature and how the concepts of sustainability and resilience have been employed.
  • 947
  • 13 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Low-Income Countries WSP Implementation factors
Water Safety Plan (WSP) implementation has the potential to greatly improve, commonly very challenging and resource limited, small drinking water supplies. Although slower than in urban or high-income settings, the uptake of WSPs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is accelerating. Understanding the factors which will make a WSP successful will further improve efficient uptake and assist with its long-term sustainability. Based on an extensive literature search using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISM-A) methodology, 48 publications, including case studies and guidance documentation, formed the basis of this review. These were analysed using inductive and deductive coding methods to (i) identify the success factors applicable to WSP implementation in small drinking water supplies in LMICs and (ii) to investigate which factors are more or less critical depending on the geography and level of development of the implementing country. Key challenges identified during the review process were also noted. A comparison of these success factors was made with those identified from high-income and urban settings. The three most important success factors identified are the development of technical capacity, community engagement, and monitoring and verification. Factors specific to small drinking water supplies in LMICs include support from non-government organisations, integration into existing water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programs, simplicity, and community engagement. Certain factors, such as adaptability, the use of guidance documentation, international collaboration, the role of pilot studies, knowledge sharing, and stakeholder involvement are applicable to all WSP settings. Due to the specific challenges faced by small drinking water systems and the limited number of original research publications on this topic, this study highlights the need for further data collection and research focused on success factors in these settings. It is anticipated that the consideration of the success factors identified in this study will assist implementers in improving the uptake and long-term sustainability of WSPs in small drinking water supplies in low- and middle-income settings.
  • 637
  • 11 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Fake News Consumption
This entry analyzes some of the psychological, partisan and ideological factors that influence the consumption of fake news. For a better understanding of the consumption of fake news, consult the review paper of the authors [1].
  • 1.5K
  • 04 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Private Forest Purchase Method
       South Korea's policy to expand national forests is implemented through the purchase of private forests. However, several problems are found in this process.
  • 631
  • 03 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Business Environment and Competitive Advantages
       Tourism destination competitiveness reflecting the generic characteristics should be considered diversified to notice the distinctive perspective between the business environment and competitive advantages. Criticism of some prior conventional literature stems from the lack of a rigorous process to find the structure and attributes of the measurement items for a destination’s business environment and competitive advantages. The available theoretical framework and measures containing the destination business environment and competitive advantages warrant further investigation. The vital dimensions of the destination business environment (i.e., dynamism,hostility,turbulence,investment,information technology,and governance) and destination competitive advantages (i.e., defensiveness, local acceptance, accessibility, reasonability, uniqueness, supportiveness, and image sustainability) were successfully identified through quantitative and empirical analysis, which could provide a significant basis for managerial and policy decisions in the tourism industry.
  • 6.2K
  • 03 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Residential Electricity Consumption of Seoul
This entry aims to determine the relationship between residential electricity consumption and other factors by analyzing the correlation and multiple regression between residential electricity consumption and three variables which are known as the factors affecting residential electricity consumption.  
  • 2.1K
  • 03 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Why Is Airline Food Dreadful?
       Food waste generated on flights is emerging as an issue in the aviation industry. Passengers are pivotal actors in airline food consumption and responsible for their unsustainable actions towards the in-flight catering process. This research investigated factors affecting passengers’ food wasting behaviour by conducting an in-depth survey.
  • 1.3K
  • 02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Decision Support for Patient-Centered Care
Care management strategies could be effectively used and augmented by shared decision support systems or artificial intelligence.  Evidence-based approaches to the determinants and consequences of chronic care management  are suggested. The proper utilization of care management strategies will not only enhance better patient care outcomes but also reduce the hospitalization or readmission.
  • 1.0K
  • 02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Entropy and Banks' Income Diversification
We collected data pertaining to Chinese listed commercial banks from 2008 to 2016 and found that the competition between banks is becoming increasingly fierce. Commercial banks have actively carried out diversification strategies for greater returns, and the financial reports show that profits are increasingly coming from the non-interest income benefits of diversification strategies. However, diversification comes with risk. We built a panel threshold model and investigated the effect of income diversification on a bank’s profitability and risk. Diversification was first measured by the Herfindahl–Hirschman index (HHI), and the results show that there is a nonlinear relationship between diversification and profitability or risk does exist. We introduced an interesting index based on the entropy to test the robustness of our model and found that a threshold effect exists in both our models, which is statistically significant. We believe the combination of the entropy index (ENTI) and the HHI enables more efficient study of the relationship between diversification and profitability or risk more efficiently. Bankers and their customers have increasingly been interested in income diversification, and they value risk as well. We suggest that banks of different sizes should adopt the corresponding diversification strategy to achieve sustainable development.
  • 1.6K
  • 02 Nov 2020
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