Topic Review
Climate Economic Models in Malaysia
The concept of externalities in the production of goods and services by Arthur Pigou became part of economics with the publication of “The Economics of welfare”. GHG emissions became a negative global externality from production activities causing global warming and climate change. Society needs to adapt to the catastrophic consequences if governments across the globe delay in taking any unprecedented policy corrections.A price on GHG emissions determined from climate economic modelling is called Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) or carbon price. SCC is defined as the net present value of climate damages from one more tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) or equivalent, conditional on a global emissions trajectory over time . Among others, setting a price on greenhouse gas emissions is one of the effective policy instruments to address the negative externalities of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon pricing is implemented in almost 61 jurisdictions around the world covering 22% of global GHG emissions based on a report by the World Bank in 2020. According to this report, the range of carbon prices starts from 1 USD/tCO2e to 119 USD/tCO2e. However, the percentage coverage of global GHG emissions has almost doubled from 13% in 2016 with only 40 jurisdictions . The year 2016 was selected to compare the state of the global carbon pricing in the post-Paris Agreement in 2015. This is evidence by the adoption of carbon pricing which is expected to build its pace following this growing trend.
  • 462
  • 19 May 2021
Topic Review
M&A in Energy Industry
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in energy industry are increasing. The purpose of the M&A deals has changed remarkably. During 1995–2010, most M&A events were conducted in order to explore synergies and benefit from cost reduction. Since the last decade, firms are pursuing M&As in the search of growth opportunities, ensuring supply and reflecting demand for green development of ecological environment and ongoing changes in the nature of energy. 
  • 437
  • 18 May 2021
Topic Review
Monetary & Financial Sustainability
The attention focuses on the State’s coercive intervention according to the principles of political economy, capital theory and Austrian business economic cycles.
  • 603
  • 13 May 2021
Topic Review
Food Marketing
It would seem important to analyse the relationships between food marketing and consumer choice, highlighting the role of brands in these frameworks. For this purpose, a literature review was carried out considering 147 documents from Scopus database for the topics of search “food marketing” and“choices” (search performed on 16 October 2020). As main insights, it is worth highlighting that the main issues addressed by the literature, concerning food marketing and consumer choices, are the following: economic theory; label and packaging; marketing strategies; agriculture and food industry; market segments; social dimensions; brand and branding. In turn, food marketing heavily conditions consumer choices; however, these related instruments are better manipulated by larger companies. In addition, this entry highlights that bigger companies have dominant positions in these markets which are not always beneficial to the consumers’ objectives.
  • 5.6K
  • 07 May 2021
Topic Review
Conditional Frontier Analysis (DEA)
Conditional Frontier Analysis is part of the Nonparametric Robust Estimators proposed to overcome some drawbacks in the traditional Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Free Disposal Hull (FDH) measures for the technical efficiency. In special, this methodology extends the nonparametric input/output production technology to robustly account for extreme values or outliers in the data, and allow measuring the effect of external environmental variables on the efficiency of Decision Making Units (DMUs). 
  • 996
  • 01 May 2021
Topic Review
Circular Economy
Defining the circular economy (CE) as a material and energy model coincides with the definition given by multiple authors in which Industrial Symbiosis (IS) has been deemed as a foundational strategy to support the implementation of the CE. The consumption of secondary materials is essential to achieve a successful transformation from a linear economy to a CE focused on IS practices. In this scenario, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a major role as stakeholders in developing CE systems as it is not possible to create this model with each company working in isolation.
  • 1.4K
  • 01 May 2021
Topic Review
Efficient and Effective Rankings
In the simple words of Peter Drucker, efficiency is doing things right while effectiveness is doing the right things. Efficient and Effective Rankings are ranking classifications for Decision-Making Units (DMUs) based on a combination of the efficiency score (obtained by parametric or non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis frontier estimations) with a multiple effectiveness measure (often obtained using a Multicriteria Decision Analysis). This study aims at providing a non-compensatory ranking classification combining Conditional Frontier Analysis with the PROMETHEE II methodology for the multidimensional efficiency and effectiveness analysis of Police. The results on Pernambuco (Brazil) Police departments offer interesting perspectives for public administrations concerning prioritizations of units based on the mitigation of resources and strategic objectives.
  • 1.0K
  • 30 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Blockchain Applications in Agribusiness
Blockchain is a communication network where data is stored and shared in a distributed manner among all its nodes and links, eliminating any reliable authority centralized in different business models and where each node can assume coordination without a unified data center. Blockchain is a chain of blocks of information forming a distributed database where a group of people controls, records, and shares information used in various types of applications and is interconnected through platforms and hardware worldwide.
  • 1.2K
  • 27 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Distributed Ledger Technology
"Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a term used to represent a digital network of distributed models, consisting of blockchain-based ledgers, and collaborating on shared tasks and activities. Blockchain technology is a data structure, composed of “blocks”, that are cryptographically linked together in a chained sequence using cryptographic hashes, secured against manipulations. Due to wider functionality, DLT is a commonly used term for a computer-based system consisting of distributed ledger-based data structures, which can provide increased levels of trust, service availability, resiliency, and security of digital systems, as well as distributed storage, computation, and control."
  • 862
  • 27 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Globalization Impact on Multinational Enterprises
The world is rapidly becoming a global village, a term that is increasingly relevant to multinationals alike. These conglomerates’ development and growth encompass all regions of the world. The globalization era has transformed many multinational enterprises into highly efficient and productive entities that outweigh small countries and grow in power and control.
  • 19.3K
  • 21 Apr 2021
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