Topic Review
Enhancing SMEs’ Resilience against COVID-19
COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant and multiple challenges for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). While SMEs have traditionally faced financial and non-financial crises, the pandemic has brought about additional uncertainties on how to maintain business continuity.
  • 655
  • 23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
I4.0, Servitisation, and Circular Economy
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies have been highlighted in recent literature as enablers of servitisation. Simultaneously, businesses are advised to implement a circular economy (CE) to bring new opportunities. However, it is pertinent to mention that little attention has been given to assess the role of I4.0 in adopting the CE and servitisation in a fully integrated manner. This research fills this gap by developing a conceptual framework through a systematic literature review of 139 studies investigating the relationship between the I4.0, CE, and servitisation. This study identifies the impact of these variables on a firm’s operational and financial performance (revenue stream, growth, and profitability). Our research findings advocate that adopting I4.0 technologies to the business and manufacturing model enables sustainability, energy and resource efficiency while enhancing performance and offering innovative products through smart services. Thus, firms must systematically adopt I4.0 technologies to support a CE model that creates value through servitisation. This study identifies the research gaps that are unexplored for practitioners and future researchers while providing insight into the role of I4.0 in implementing CE in the servitisation business model.
  • 780
  • 23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Tourism Commercialization and Perceived Authenticity
The concept of authenticity is closely related to heritage tourism, especially cultural heritage tourism. Seeking authenticity is one of the main trends in heritage tourism because people want to identify and understand themselves or reminisce about the past by looking back to the old ways of life and cultural traditions. Compared with actual authenticity, perceived authenticity has more value. It is a bridge between heritage authenticity and tourist experience. Heritage tourism is essentially a form of tourism that attracts tourists based on the commercialization of historical and cultural assets. A heritage site not only draws tourists to experience the authentic past, but it also provides them with a place for entertainment, relaxation and consumption. That is, heritage tourism development inevitably encounters commercialization. From a demand perspective, heritage tourism is an emotional experience, the perception of tourists at its core.
  • 5.9K
  • 22 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Electricity Price and Quantity Uncertainty
Electricity is usually traded in a short-term market (spot market) and a long-term market via contracts for future delivery (forward contracts). The electricity market is characterized by being highly volatile when compared to other commodity markets. This high volatility in terms of price and quantity is due to market circumstances (e.g., expectations or strategies of each company and economic dynamics) and physical conditions (e.g., climate, water availability, fuel production, or damage to the power transmission network).
  • 629
  • 18 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Outbound Open Innovation
The nature of the bio-pharmaceutical industry is innovation as the main driving force behind its growth. To overcome the challenges that the industry has been facing for several years and to inflect stagnating Research and development (R&D) productivity, bio-pharmaceutical companies started to disclose their R&D results to external innovation [1]. The bio-pharmaceutical industry has distinguished features that make it a fertile ground for adopting open innovation and for studying its managerial and organizational implications. Due to the high risk in development process, the bio-pharmaceutical industry has transformed itself into an open innovation framework in order to overcome economic risk.
  • 888
  • 17 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Additive Manufacturing and Circular Economy
Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as three-dimensional (3D) printing has emerged as a disruptive and powerful tool for industrial systems in the Industry 4.0 era by helping businesses flourish in the contemporary dynamic competitive landscape. However, their achievements and development highly rely on “take-make-waste” linear business models, which come, all too often, to the detriment of the environment. Hence, a shift to Circular Economy (CE) practices promoting the acceleration of the transition to resource-efficient systems and the minimization of environmental degradation is now more imperative than ever. 
  • 1.5K
  • 17 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Marketing of Healthcare Systems
By using market orientation, the managers of healthcare systems could stimulate the innovation, the efficiency of funds allocation and the quality of medical services. The results will lead to a better quality of population life and to an increasing of life expectancy. 
  • 441
  • 16 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Sustainability Performance & Sustainable Banking
In the light of Agenda 2030 awareness of sustainability is steadily growing all over the world. Devastating phenomena like pandemics (Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)), poverty (Sustainable Development Goal 1 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)) as well as climate change (Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)) threaten humanity, calling for more sustainable solutions. Although economic growth (Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDGs—Agenda 2030)) is one of the principal goals for a sustainable future, little research has been devoted to the interface of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability and their contribution to the financial sector, in view of sustainable banking. Even fewer are the studies concerning sustainable banking in Greece. This paper attempts a comparative overview of sustainability integration into businesses, focusing on the banking industry. The current theoretical analysis initially provides an extended review of the CSR and sustainability concepts, which is followed by a comprehensive analysis of non-financial disclosures (NFDs) and their business value, providing some evidence from Greece. 
  • 2.9K
  • 15 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Impact of COVID-19 on Social/Health/Economy
The COVID-19 pandemic is the most large-scale pandemic on earth this century, and the impact in all life sectors is devasting and directly affected human activity in the first wave. The impact on the economy, social care systems, and human relationships is causing an unprecedented global crisis. SARS-CoV-2 has a strong direct acute impact on population health, not only at the physiological level but also at the psychological level for those who suffer it, those close to them, and the general population, who suffer from the social consequences of the pandemic. In this line, the economic recession increased, even more, the social imbalance and inequity, hitting the most vulnerable families, and creating a difficult context for public institutions to address. 
  • 1.9K
  • 15 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Circular Economy Implementation
The circular economy, as a promising response to sustainability issues, is a crucible for carefully designed ecofriendly actions and integrative mechanisms in enterprises, households, and societies for the attainment of the desired outcomes. It is in this context that CE strategies are examined, with the use of metrics, indicators, and standards. The desired outcomes of the CE are well embedded and articulated in the sustainable development goals that the UN and its member countries have vowed to achieve along a designated timeline.
  • 499
  • 15 Jun 2021
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