Topic Review
Efficiency-Based Global Green Manufacturing Innovation Index
Manufacturing Innovation Index (GGMII) was developed by formulating an input-oriented data envelopment analysis model. Criteria such as the value added to the gross domestic product (GDP), corresponding CO2 emissions, and unemployment rates were examined in order to represent the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of SD, respectively. Other scientific and technological dimensions were also considered. The data corresponding to all ten of the criteria were collected from World Bank Open Data. 
  • 751
  • 21 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Project Managers as Knowledge Workers
Studies have shown that project managers are responsible for the successful management of various projects. Increasingly, this success depends on the project manager being a knowledge worker (KW)—i.e., possessing and utilizing both “hard” and “soft” skills/competencies to manage assigned projects. Nonetheless, there has not been enough studies on what these competencies are, especially in the context of developing countries (DCs). This study, therefore, seeks to conceptualize project managers as KWs by identifying the key competencies and their relationships needed to effectively manage projects in DCs. To achieve this objective, a survey was conducted among 112 project management (PM) practitioners in Ghana. The opinions from the respondents were edited, summarized and categorized by creating word queries, thus, making it easier to make deductions from them. Finally, content analysis was conducted to help establish links in the responses so as to deduce appropriate recommendations. The findings provide a set of “soft” and “hard” skills/competencies and their unique combinations for effective PM in DCs. The primary contribution of this study stems from highlighting the key competencies that project managers need to ensure effective PM in DCs, thus, helping these countries to make a more efficient use of their scarce resources. 
  • 467
  • 19 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Travel sentiment after COVID-19
Tourism and hospitality actors face an unprecedented challenge in reigniting these industries through digital communication. All past knowledge regarding tourist behavior and preferences has been rendered less relevant since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes result in enforced changes that need to be acknowledged. Several reports have pointed to the existence of a travel sentiment. This travel sentiment integrates the travel intentions and concerns, and trip planning which can be actionable by digital communication.
  • 1.3K
  • 18 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Rawlsian Cost-Benefit Analysis
The use of a Rawlsian perspective in cost-benefit analysis is proposed. For the purposes of the cost-benefit analysis, this perspective is at least as adequate as the traditional perspective, of a utilitarian nature.
  • 594
  • 17 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Society 5.0
Big Data, the Internet of Things, and robotic and augmented realities are just some of the technologies that belong to Industry 4.0. These technologies improve working conditions and increase productivity and the quality of industry production. However, they can also improve life and society as a whole. A new perspective is oriented towards social well-being and it is called Society 5.0. Industry 4.0 supports the transition to the new society, but other drivers are also needed. 
  • 2.2K
  • 17 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Banking Sector
The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) extends the responsibility of companies beyond the interest of their owners to other stakeholder groups (including employees, customers, regulators, and community), highlighting the necessity to internalize the impact of business activities on the natural environment and the society. CSR is inevitably becoming an increasingly important part of almost every business. This is particularly true for the banking industry, which suffered substantial losses in reputation and public trust in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Not surprisingly therefore, banks around the world have visibly intensified their CSR efforts.
  • 20.8K
  • 17 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Human Resource Management in Crisis Situations
Human resource management (HRM) is essential for the competitive advantage of firms. The entry  presents a systematic literature review in the field of human resource management in times of crisis since 2008. The study consists of an analysis of 56 articles published in journals indexed in the Web of Science database. Four themes were identified: economic crisis and HRM, health crisis and HRM, natural disasters and HRM, and political instability and HRM. 
  • 703
  • 17 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Consolidating Unorganised Retail Businesses through Digital Platforms
Digitalisation of unorganised retail (UR) businesses in emerging markets have a positive socio-economic impact on the lives of the subsistence consumer–merchants who perform the dual role of being, not only consumers providing for themselves and their families, but also the managers of micro-UR businesses. 
  • 625
  • 16 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Support Tool for Supplier Evaluation and Selection
The supplier selection process is considered one of the most relevant decisions in supply chain management due to its effect on the product quality and on buyer performance. Supplier selection is often unstructured, and is generally based on the lowest-price proposal. However, this type of selection involves a high risk, sometimes resulting in project delays, poor quality of acquired goods, and large financial losses. Price is undoubtedly an important criterion when choosing a supplier; however, other equally important criteria must be considered. Therefore, supplier selection should be formulated as a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem.
  • 1.2K
  • 15 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Chief Financial Officer Compensation and Corporate Sustainability
CFO compensation describes the remuneration of CFOs, which can be short-term and long-term oriented, cash based and non-cash based, and fixed or variable. The design of CFO compensation is crucial to aligning the interests of the CFO with the financial and non-financial interests of other stakeholders, making it an important corporate governance tool. 
  • 663
  • 15 Nov 2021
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