Topic Review
The Intellectual Domains of Sustainability Leadership in SMEs
The intertwined range of conceptualizations that have blurred developing knowledge regarding environmental sustainability. An examination of the leadership literature reveals differential descriptions about sustainable, environmental, and sustainability leadership which are increasingly being used to imply what sustainability-focused leaders do, their interactions, their relationships, and how they address sustainable challenges. While extant research supports that leadership is a critical capability to respond and adapt to constant external environmental and economic upheaval in large firms, agreement about the types of leadership practices necessary to achieve positive environmental sustainability and eco-efficient outcomes is less clear in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). To resolve these problems, researchers synthesize the sustainable, environmental and sustainability leadership literature by (a) reviewing and clarifying these leadership constructs, (b) theoretically unravelling these overlapping concepts, and (c) developing an integrated framework of intellectual capital and sustainability leadership practices. The entry is designed to advance a new way of thinking about sustainability leadership by presenting an original contribution that alters and reorganizes potential causal maps, that are potentially more valuable. Whilst most of the leadership research involves large firms, researchers seek to better understand and inform sustainability leadership in SMEs. 
  • 546
  • 24 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Product Claim and Negative Word of Mouth
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) messages about product sustainability have gotten the attention of scholars, who have shown that information related to sustainability significantly influences consumers’ intention to purchase products. eWOM is a positive or negative statement about a product available to society and institutions or the company that makes the product by someone who has used it. It has a great influence on consumers’ purchasing decisions.
  • 372
  • 24 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Food Consumption Water Footprint in Tunisia- MENA Region
Tunisia, like most countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, has limited renewable water resources and is classified as a water stress country. The effects of climate change are exacerbating the situation. The agricultural sector is the main consumer (80%) of blue water reserves. These dietary water footprint estimates can be used to assess potential water demand scenarios as food consumption patterns change. Analysis at the geographic and socio-demographic levels helps to inform policy makers by identifying realistic dietary changes.
  • 716
  • 24 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Energy-Saving of New Residential Building Projects
The government’s supervision of new residential building projects’ (NRBPs) energy-saving can promote carbon neutrality policies within its jurisdiction. A scientific and systematic evaluation of NRBPs energy-saving reflects a government’s management performance. However, achieving accurate and reasonable results with unitary evaluation standards without considering regional characteristics is not easy.
  • 500
  • 23 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Business Development
In the context of open innovation, enterprises’ thirst for innovation resources is increasing day by day. Faced with limited resources, innovation search behavior, as a way to collect and learn information such as knowledge and technology to increase the novelty of resources, is an important way for enterprises to break through the status quo in order to obtain a wider range of resources and improve the innovation of enterprises. However, in the existing literature, there are many studies on the impact of innovation search behavior on innovation performance, but the existing studies are scarce and paradoxical regarding the influencing factors of antecedent variables of innovation. In today’s rapidly evolving society with faster product iterations and changing consumer needs, the market competition environment is becoming increasingly fierce, which leads to higher standards for enterprises to carry out innovation activities. More and more enterprise managers find that by relying on their own resources, they cannot adapt to the changing market environment and cannot obtain sustainable innovation advantages. Enterprises need to actively conduct innovative search behaviors to obtain resources according to their own state, and innovative resources need not only include internal resources but also external resources, which are open. In this context, the open innovation behavior of enterprises is promoted through innovation search behavior, and sustainable competitive advantages are obtained to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises.
  • 439
  • 22 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Management Accounting Practices in the Hospitality Industry
The tourism and hospitality industries are key to the economies of many countries, and governments are interested in these sectors because of their multiplier effect. Management accounting allows the control, the anticipation of problems, and the opening up of perspectives in companies; this tool is very powerful in preparing accounting information to improve the company’s costs, revenues, and results.
  • 3.9K
  • 18 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Metaverse, Experience, and Gameful Experience
The metaverse is expected to turn imagination into reality through the convergence of various technologies and should be considered as a medium for sustainable education, free from the constraints of time and space.
  • 829
  • 17 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Measuring the Efficiency of Energy and Carbon Emissions
The International Energy Agency (IEA, 2013) believes that energy efficiency should be taken as the first fuel rather than a hidden fuel and regards it as “a key tool for boosting economic and social development. From an economic perspective, efficiency is defined as the full and most efficient use of limited and scarce resources to satisfy people’s wants and needs given the technology, that is, produce more with less. If there is no way to make someone better off and nobody worse off, then the situation is Pareto efficient. Extending this concept to production economics, a 100% Pareto–Koopmans efficiency is achieved if and only if no inputs or outputs of any decision-making unit (DMU) can be improved without worsening the other inputs or outputs. However, in most management and social science applications, the theoretically possible Pareto efficiency is unknown. Therefore, it is replaced by relative efficiency, which is fully efficient if and only if other DMUs cannot improve inputs or outputs without worsening some of its other inputs or outputs on the basis of empirically available evidence. In this case, measuring production efficiency is actually evaluating whether there is waste of input by comparing the minimum input with the actual input while the output is unchanged or evaluating whether there is an output shortage by comparing the actual output with the maximum output with the input unchanged.
  • 526
  • 17 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Socially Responsible Human Resource Management
At the intersection of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and human resource management (HRM), a specific research strand has been forming and considerably flourishing over the past years, contributing to the burgeoning academic debate of what has been called “socially responsible human resource management” (SRHRM). The SRHRM debate seeks to proactively enhance employees’ work experiences and meet their personal and social expectations in ethical and socially responsible ways.
  • 4.2K
  • 16 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Financial Assessment of Renewable Energy Projects
Financial assessment of renewable energy projects is to help decision-makers invest in renewable energy sources (RES) technologies, it is essential to have reliable indicators capable of measuring a project’s total performance. Despite the global increase in renewable energy sources (RES) investments associated with economic and population growth, few studies have presented a comprehensive evaluation mechanism for RES projects, mainly due to the multiplicity of variables capable of influencing the viability of these endeavors. Therefore, building models that allow an efficient and holistic measurement is a difficult task.
  • 2.4K
  • 16 Feb 2022
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