Topic Review
Framework of Circular Economy Applied to Agriculture
Circular economy (CE) arises as an economic approach within the framework of sustainable development, which aims to produce goods and services while reducing the consumption and waste of raw materials in the production chain, water, and sources of energy. Hence, CE is a model of production and consumption that contrasts with linear models and aims at the efficient use of resources through waste minimization, long-term value retention, a reduction of primary resources, and closed loops of products, product parts, and materials within the boundaries of environmental protection and socioeconomic benefits. In relation to the principles of sustainable production, it focuses on the reuse of waste to create new products, the reduction of the environmental impact of production, and the regeneration of natural systems.
  • 776
  • 04 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Consumers’ Preference for Local Food
The discussion on local food has been gaining attention in recent years, but there is still a lack of clear understanding of the term ‘local food’ in the literature. The relationship between local food and sustainability issues is still unclear and has various connotations. The discordance leads to further discussions on whether buying local food should be considered a sustainable behavior and whether consumer preference for local food can be perceived as a sustainable practice.
  • 791
  • 04 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Energy Potential of Biogas Production in Ukraine
The production and use of biogas in Ukraine has great prospects due to favorable climatic conditions and great potential for the development of biogas production. Obtaining biogas from organic leftovers that come from the agricultural sector is considered to be an important vector of renewable energy development. Biogas can be used in different ways. It can be burned in heating installations, for example, or, in its enriched form, it can be employed in vehicle engines as a fuel. Moreover, cogeneration plants can produce electricity, which then can be sold or used in the manufactories’ own production.
  • 560
  • 03 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Dual Cycle Development Pattern
China has proposed a dual cycle development pattern. The dual cycle is primarily based on the domestic large-scale cycle. Under the circumstance of high uncertainty in the external environment, the domestic industrial base is strong, the industrial chain is complete, and the strategic maneuvering space is large. The characteristics of the super large market scale, smooth production, distribution, circulation, consumption, and other aspects of economic operation promote the realization of internal self-circulation, including supply and demand circulation, industrial circulation, regional circulation, urban and rural circulation, and factor circulation. 
  • 678
  • 03 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Recreationist-Environment Fit Hospitality Experiences of China's Green Hotels
To develop the hotel industry’s competitiveness, research on satisfaction and revisit intentions has always been important. More research has recently focused on guests’ pro-environmental behaviors and low-carbon management in the hotel industry.  The suitability of a leisure environment could positively impact guest satisfaction, which positively affected their willingness to revisit.
  • 564
  • 28 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Multidimensional Aspect of Corporate Entrepreneurship in Family Business
Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) research in family businesses or SMEs is sparse in Scopus-indexed journals. A thorough discussion is presented that touches on actors, variables consisting of behaviors and activities, and outcomes in the form of financial and non-financial performance. 
  • 669
  • 28 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Evaluating Labour Market Flexibility Using the TOPSIS Method
TOPSIS is employed by comparing spatial (i.e., different countries) and temporal (i.e., long-time horizon) terms. Sustainable industrial relations processes are considered in shaping the flexibility of the labour market in 15 European Union Member States from 2009 to 2018. Countries are grouped into classes to provide a basis for benchmarking results against social and employment policies implemented at the national level. 
  • 562
  • 28 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Influence of Tourism Safety Perception on Destination Image
Tourism safety perception affect multiple dimensions of destination image to varying degrees. Tourists with a high safety perception evaluate and affectively experience destination attributes more positively with higher satisfaction and stronger willingness to revisit and recommend. Tourism safety perception affects the stereotype image of the destination to a certain extent. Tourists in general produce a broadly homogeneous stereotype image, but there are differences in diversity and emotions. Tourists with a high safety perception have a richer and more positive stereotype image. 
  • 1.3K
  • 28 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Customer Segmentation Analysis
Customer segmentation analysis is an important way to better understand customers in an era of increasingly fierce competition. Many market segmentation methods classify consumers according to criteria such as socio-economic, demographic, and psychographic factors, but previous studies have shown that these segmentation bases are of limited value in investigating consumer behavior, given that other factors influence customer behavior in service settings, such as customers’ emotions and affect. In this vein, given that emotions differ among different customers, the conceptualization of using emotion as a segmentation variable has received considerable theoretical support; in turn, emotions could be used as the basis for market segmentation.
  • 625
  • 28 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Logical Framework with Risk Management Approach Methodology
When working with international development projects (IDPs), the use of the logical framework approach (LFA) prevails as the most important tool to plan and manage these projects. How to enrich the methodology has been studied, including risk management (logical framework with risk management approach (LFRMA)), proposing an original contribution, tested with professionals that will improve the effectiveness of IDPs by increasing their success rate and their sustainability. The steps followed to design the methodology, case study analysis and design of LFRMA  and the methodology itself are presented.
  • 1.5K
  • 28 Feb 2022
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