Topic Review
Open Innovation: SDG-4 Quality Education
The introduction of sustainable development goals has made sustainability a top priority for most nations. This has raised the investment into the educational system for potential growth and for creating an innovation culture in any country; the role of institutional investors in the development of financing clean energy infrastructure, entrepreneurial development, poverty reduction, and driving corporate social responsibility and firm development has been found significant.
  • 521
  • 14 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Millennials and Turnover Intentions in the Banking Industry
Millennials are individuals born after 1980 and before 2000 and have interesting characteristics that make it pertinent for organizations to desire to attract and retain them in contemporary times. Whilst these attributes are relevant to employment in contemporary times saddled with COVID-19, they tend to increase turnover intentions. This study provides a case of the Banking industry in Ghana and offers recommendations for the management of millennials. 
  • 572
  • 14 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Social Entrepreneurship Opportunities via Distant Socialization
Social entrepreneurs are catalysts for social change on account of social value creation and opportunity identification, thereby improving the quality of life. Their contribution to society is particularly significant in times of crises and pandemics. Hence, the world health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for social entrepreneurship across the globe. ICT-based services and industry 4.0 hold a promising future during and post-COVID-19 scenario. They can facilitate a transformation of the threats of social distancing into distant socialization benefits and demand fulfillment.
  • 509
  • 10 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Blockchain Technology in Aviation
The aircraft maintenance sector has high complexity with many intermediaries, multiple actors sharing data and needs to ensure high data security. The implementation of Blockchain technology can significantly contribute to the aforementioned characteristics. 
  • 987
  • 09 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Innovative Strategies to Fuel Organic Food Business Growth
Whether consumers seek organic food for a healthy body or more as food for thought continues to be debated. Consumers do not need to be protected from the reality of organic food. The recommendation for marketers is to enhance the education of consumers and to pursue clear communication with them, as honesty may be the best policy here. Customers’ loyalty lies in trust, not in the brand. Availability, variety, and taste are the top three factors affecting consumers’ purchase decisions. Surprisingly, price or health consciousness is not the first concern for consumers.
  • 1.2K
  • 08 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Psychological Effects of Digital Companies’ Employees during COVID-19
The ways people use words online can furnish psychological processes about their beliefs, fears, thinking patterns, and so on. Extracting from online employees’ reviews on the workplace community websites, the psychological effects of employees during the phase of the COVID-19 pandemic can be quantified. Affected by the pandemic after 2020, although the overall evaluation of digital companies employees was tending to be better, were work–life balance, culture and values, senior management, career opportunities, and salary and benefits, which were still getting worse. 
  • 636
  • 07 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Resource Curse and Economic Diversification
Economic diversification is an essential aspect of sustainable development as diversification enhances macroeconomic stability and promotes structural and long-term transformation not only in the economy but also in other pillars of development such as social institutions and dimensions. 
  • 1.1K
  • 07 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Tools for Estimating the Cost of Carbon
Concepts and models of climate economics developed by researchers and modelers in recent decades have been suitable primarily for large scales of analysis and often in a top-down manner. The local dimension of climate policy is increasingly testing the adequacy of these concepts and models, as local governments begin to explore how to estimate the cost of carbon locally and thereby a local carbon price to formulate progressive climate policy. The question is what existing concepts, models, and methods can do for local climate governance and for incorporating local GHG emissions reduction into national targets. The cost of carbon is the value attributed to one unit of carbon (per ton) and the price of carbon is the explicit price for that unit of carbon for the market. In climate policy, the cost of carbon should inform the price of carbon. Carbon pricing embraces these concepts as the “polluter pays” principle and in practice, carbon tax and the carbon market (e.g., emissions trading, carbon credits) are the most well-known carbon pricing mechanisms that reflect this principle. The cost-benefit considerations and impact assessment of climate policies need to include carbon cost concepts such as the SCC or MAC, which also can influence the structure of a given IAM that analyzes the impacts and associated costs. SCC and MAC as concepts are different and complementary, while IAMs as tools operationalize these concepts inclusively. IAMs have been developed to expand and integrate additional components as scientific knowledge on the climate system and climate economics advances. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that IAMs will include more features that take into account the increasing nuances required in carbon cost calculation and become more complex. The progresses of IAMs are expected to focus on microscales.
  • 460
  • 07 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Digitalization of CSR during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has become a global problem since first appearing in 2020. Not only does it heavily affect the health sector, but it also spreads to other sectors such as social, economic, and education. Studies have shown that many global companies, including those based in Indonesia, contribute to the global pandemic mitigation by implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. So far, the implementation of CSR is mainly focused on providing food, medicines, and vitamins, as well as medical facilities and equipment. On the other hand, other reviewed studies showed that the pandemic has transformed the CSR implementation from offline to online, also known as CSR digitalization. The limitation in mobility and strict social distancing rules by the government have resulted in this emergence of CSR digitalization initiatives.
  • 893
  • 07 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Economic Innovation Caused by Digital Transformation
Different drivers trigger economic innovation in different times. Digital economic innovation results in changes in the industrial structure and helps productivity improvement and cost reduction in the production sector. The impact of economic innovation on technology and society spheres interacts with economic innovation. 
  • 1.9K
  • 07 Mar 2022
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