Topic Review
Measuring the Sustainability of the Orange Economy
Creative and cultural activities, more recently encompassed in the Orange economy, have been the subject of great interest in recent decades. They have been attributed great potential as engines of economic growth and sustainable development, a role that has been encouraged by various international organizations. There has been much commentary on the important capacity of the creative and cultural sector to generate sustainable growth from the triple economic, social, and environmental perspective. Accepting this premise, there is a commitment to the creative and the cultural economy that is manifested in the proposal and the implementation of various economic policy measures.
  • 1.4K
  • 25 Mar 2022
Topic Review
New Human Resource Management Practices on Innovation Performance
The conventional set of human resource management practices as an important source should create a flexible and innovative view to maintain the significant effects in unique organizational strategies that distinguish committed employees, wherever continuous innovation is essential for gaining organizational sustainability. The competitive and unpredictable situation requires new human resource practices (NHRM) to deal with problems in the organizations to enhance their climate, contribute and heighten innovation performance. This shifts the entire scenario to technological processes such as E-recruitment selection, training, reward systems, employee involvement in decision-making, and teamwork linked strongly with organizational performance and HR outcomes. Evolutionary research is required on HRM practices because different researchers have indicated that the studies are scarce, as such research examines the relationship between NHRM and innovation performance. 
  • 1.2K
  • 24 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Perceived Authenticity in Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism
In the era of the experience economy, intangible cultural heritage (ICH) is now much a richer in terms of authenticity, which largely enriches the tourist experience. The dual dimensions of authenticity (constructive and existential) have significantly different effects on experience quality and satisfaction. Furthermore, with regard to the mediating effect of experience quality, experience quality plays a partially mediating role between existential authenticity and satisfaction. 
  • 1.1K
  • 24 Mar 2022
Topic Review
South Korean Transitional Periods from Imitation to Innovation
The technology transfer and development model of South Korea is unique. After other countries refused to license and transfer modern technologies to this country, Korea resorted to its national research system to add innovative content to its imitative products. 
  • 2.3K
  • 23 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Circular Economy and Financial Aspects
The barriers faced by companies adopting the circular economy in relation to financial performance are defined by (i) the size of the business and the initial investment cost, (ii) difficulties for micro and small companies, (iii) to a more complex structuring of the business, and (iv) greater exposure to risk, as the circular economy is a new concept and is and not as representative as a linear standard system. Thus, there is a need for accounting control of process costs, since resources for different products can have different life cycles. Therefore, factors like financial incentives, subsidies for the projects, and the awareness of nations, companies and consumers are of great importance for the evolution of the circular economy.
  • 651
  • 23 Mar 2022
Topic Review
The Impact of Environmental Uncertainty on Corporate Innovation
Innovation activity is a long-term investment activity with long cycles and high risk. When the external environment situation is serious, enterprises, in order to deal with emergencies that may result from environmental uncertainty, based on preventive motivation, usually tend to choose conservative investment strategies, reduce the capital of innovative investment, and maintain a high free cash flow to deal with market shocks and fierce market competition and ease the pressure of survival. 
  • 474
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
E-Commerce in Agri-Food Sector
Agricultural e-commerce (AE) has attracted substantial attention within various research disciplines for several years. In this paper, we present a literature review of the recent state of AE research published from 2000 through to 2021 in 83 journals. Based on Service-Dominant Logic (S-D logic) and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), we identify six research themes, and a theoretical continuum is applied to reveal how research themes and scholarly approaches fit into the S-D logic framework. A general increasing trend in the number of articles confirms the escalating interest in AE research; however, different themes perform unevenly with S-D logic. Even though research themes such as Consumer Willingness are getting closer to S-D logic premises, and ideologies that are increasingly approaching S-D logic have been applied to analyzing AE topics, unfortunately, there remains a paucity of papers that wield S-D logic in the AE field. Our research focuses on an innovative emerging AE field and, simultaneously, provides an approach of integrating S-D logic into analyzing academic papers in the AE domain. This research may shed some light on future possibilities that S-D logic could support the co-creation of value between consumers and agribusiness managers, and other broader disciplines such as management and marketing.
  • 762
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
PERVAINCONSA Scale to Measure Consumer Behavior
The PERVAINCONSA Scale (acrostic formed with the initial letters of the Spanish words “Percepción de Valor”, “Intención de Compra”, “Confianza” and “Satisfacción”) was constructed. It aims to validate an instrument designed to measure the variables value perception, purchase intention, trust, and satisfaction of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) dedicated to selling clothing.
  • 6.3K
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Factors That Drive Purchasing of Groceries through E-Commerce
Online shopping is a rapidly evolving industry, as Internet technologies and applications provide customers with more accessible, convenient, and cost-effective ways to find a wider range of products than traditional shopping. A crisis such as COVID-19 also causes consumers to learn or adapt to new shopping habits. Understanding consumer purchasing patterns during crises is critical to any business’s success.
  • 1.0K
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Improving Local Food Systems
A local food system is defined as a supply chain system that distributes food from local producers for consumption by local customers. It is an alternative food network that shortens and more effectively structures the supply chain system. An intermediary actor functioning as an aggregator is needed in the local food system. The food hub is one such intermediary actor with an essential role in strengthening the local food system and increasing the competence of small farmers to compete with large-scale food distribution. The results show that two transformations are needed to achieve a local food system: changing the supply chain system to one that is shorter and more structured and increasing quality consistency.
  • 580
  • 22 Mar 2022
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