Topic Review
Green Entrepreneurship in the Agriculture Industry
Agriculture is one of those industries that is contributing significantly to environmental degradation. Globally, the agriculture industry causes soil erosion, pollutes lakes, rivers, sea, and ground water, pollutes the top layer of earth through the excess amount of chemical in the form of fertilizer, and causes the extinction of living species. Academic research suggests that one of the solutions to environmental degradation caused by the agriculture industry is promoting green agriculture enterprises and integrating agriculture with advanced sophisticated sustainable technology through green agriculture entrepreneurship. Green agriculture allows the achievement of established threshold sustainable criteria while advancing rural communities with regard to food, energy, and technological independence.
  • 1.1K
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Sustainable entrepreneurship is venturing to shift business practices towards environmental and social sustainability. It gained popularity worldwide, particularly in the US and Europe, due to promoting regulations for some sustainability areas, the availability of impact investment, and the large-scale entrepreneurial ecosystem of the country.
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  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
The Fourth Industrial Revolution
According to Schwab, the word, “revolution”, refers to a radical change, and revolutions occur in the world when new technologies and novel ways of perceiving the world come about, with changes in the economic systems and the social structures of the world. As was noted before, the 4IR is defined as: “Revolution that is blurring the lines between the physical, the digital, and the biological worlds. Massive advances in artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, 3D printing, quantum computing, genetic engineering, and various other technologies”. One of the easiest ways of understanding the 4IR is to start gathering knowledge about the First Industrial Revolution, the Second Industrial Revolution, and then the Third Industrial Revolution.
  • 1.2K
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
A Lean-Led Design Approach
Lean-led Design is a  user-empowering approach that gained popularity in some countries such as the USA. It is proposed to be used during the project definition of healthcare projects in order to enhance quality of healthcare and optimize pathways that patients could follow.
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  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Youth Associations and Entrepreneurship
The development of skills for entrepreneurship among young people has attracted interest at various levels, as a way of overcoming many problems that affect this group in the areas of economic development and job creation. It was possible to verify that youth associations assume a dual role, on the one hand contributing to the personal, social and professional development of its leaders, members and participants, and on the other hand, as a promoter of social transformation, particularly at the local level.
  • 810
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Project Management and Interorganizational Projects
Interorganizational cooperation in engineering projects is associated with many opportunities and risks that continue to be a challenge for today’s world. It is important to identify and assess relationship-specific risks and risk determinants threatening to achieve the intended benefit of interorganizational cooperation and to develop assumptions for the risk management model in such projects. It will support sustainable project management in interorganizational engineering projects and increase their sustainability. 
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  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Online Interpersonal Relationships and Data Ownership Awareness
The availability of online shopping and the convenience of having purchases accomplished without face-to-face interaction facilitates the migration of problematic conventional shopping habits to the online environment and results in the development and maintenance of problematic internet shopping. There has been a wide variety of terms introduced to characterize problematic buying–shopping, including compulsive buying, buying–shopping disorder, pathological buying, and shopping addiction, to name a few. Compulsive buying has been used to portray an individual’s inability to control their excessive purchases or refers to chronic, repetitive, and problematic behavior in which individuals fail to regulate their impulsive buying habits. While clinical psychology and psychiatry literature refers to compulsive buying as a behavioral addiction or a disorder of impulse control, it is, however, considered to be an “irrational way of purchasing” from the perspective of consumer behavior and marketing literature. Likewise, disorders emerging from internet shopping have been proposed, including online shopping addiction, online compulsive buying, or pathological buying online.
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  • 02 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Values of Cryptocurrencies Affected by COVID-19
Cryptocurrencies have become a popular economic and financial topic. When a cryptocurrency is defined as a digital currency, it is very different from a fiat currency because cryptocurrencies are not issued by any judicial body. Generally, a cryptocurrency does not have any original intrinsic value; however, it has an extrinsic value that is totally dependent on the expectation that future investors will be willing to pay for it in the cryptocurrency market. 
  • 517
  • 01 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Unconventional Tourism Services Based on Autonomous Vehicles
The spread of autonomous vehicles (AVs) could fundamentally change tourism-related mobility in the near future. However, the empirical research on tourism impacts is still very limited. 
  • 531
  • 31 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Evaluation
China is a major maritime country with numerous islands, which are rich in natural resources. Island resources exhibit excellent development potential; in this regard, the market demand for uninhabited island development has been strong. The scientific and reasonable utilization of the resources of uninhabited islands can create huge economic value for the region and the country, inject vitality into the national economy, and enhance the stability of the overall sustainable development of the national economy. However, previous research on islands focused on a limited area of economy or ecology, and few studies provide a comprehensive evaluation of uninhabited island development. Such development requires enormous investment and has a profound impact. Therefore, a comprehensive and scientific evaluation system is necessary for uninhabited island development planning. This entry accordingly develops an island planning and evaluation indicator system based on multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), and entropy analysis method, and the approach of Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS).
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  • 31 Mar 2022
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