Topic Review
Sustainability in Smart Tourism
Sustainability is a widely accredited concept in economic and territorial development—especially in the tourism sector, where it has become not only an essential working tool that is intimately related to the maintenance of and respect for environmental resources but also a defining element of new conceptualisations in the field of tourism, such as smart tourism destinations (STDs) and so-called sustainable tourism, whose “development is indispensable for economic growth”. Though sustainability must be considered in its entirety in order to cope with the current crisis, actions related to environmental sustainability have been scarce, practically limited to capacity control, and in accordance with health and prevention criteria but not with the protection of environmental resources.
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  • 08 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Globalization of the Football Transfer Market
The football transfer market has been affected by the increased freedom of movement, trade and communications between different countries since the 1990s. This globalization of the transfer market has impacted the way in which football clubs trade with one another and the relationship between players and their clubs. When professional leagues were first founded, there were significant restrictions preventing footballers from joining whomever they liked. These limitations were put in place by both the clubs these players were tied to, and the leagues in which they played. International labor movement regulations and the difficulties of scouting less developed nations also hindered the development of a liberalized transfer market.
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  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Impacts of COVID-19 on Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector
Fish is a major source of food and nutritional security for subsistence communities in developing countries, it also has linkages with the economic and supply-chain dimensions of these countries. It is revealed that COVID-19 has posed numerous challenges to fish supply chain actors, including a shortage of inputs, a lack of technical assistance, an inability to sell the product, a lack of transportation for the fish supply, export restrictions on fish and fisheries products, and a low fish price. These challenges lead to inadequate production, unanticipated stock retention, and a loss in returns. COVID-19 has also resulted in food insecurity for many small-scale fish growers. Fish farmers are becoming less motivated to raise fish and related products as a result of these cumulative consequences. Because of COVID-19’s different restriction measures, the demand and supply sides of the fish food chain have been disrupted, resulting in reduced livelihoods and economic vulnerability.
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  • 09 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Global Supply Chain Finance
Global supply chain finance refers to the set of solutions available for financing specific goods and/or products as they move from origin to destination along the supply chain. It is related to a quickly growing use of a battery of technologies and financial business practices that allow for discounting of Accounts Receivable and financing of companies' confirmed Accounts Payable. A global supply chain refers to the network created among different worldwide companies producing, handling, and distributing specific goods and/or products.
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  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Technologies and Industry 4.0 in Forest Supply Chain
Forestry products and forestry organizations play an essential role in our lives and significantly contribute to the global economy. They are also being impacted by the rapid development of advanced technologies and Industry 4.0. More specifically, several technologies associated with Industry 4.0 have been identified for their potential to optimize traditional forest supply chains. This research systematically investigated these technologies and the scientific evidence on their impact on forest supply chains. 
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  • 16 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Bioeconomy and Circular Economy
The joint application of bioeconomy (BE) and circular economy (CE) promotes the sustainable use of natural resources, since by applying a systemic approach, it improves the efficiency of these resources and reduces the impact on the environment. Both strategies, which belong to the area of green economy, provide a global and integrated approach towards environmental sustainability, as regards the extraction of biological materials, the protection of biodiversity and even the primary function of food production in agriculture.
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  • 04 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Using Business Excellence Models to Achieve Corporate Sustainability
Sustainability is defined as the assurance that human needs are satisfied today without harming the ability to fulfill the needs of a future generation. In a similar vein, corporate sustainability can be defined as “the ability of firms to address the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs". The concept of sustainability includes three pillars: social, economic and environmental. Business Excellence Models (BEMs) are models used all over the world as a means of achieving and sustaining outstanding levels of organizational performance by improving the quality and management of their operations, and have been regarded to promote sustainable development.
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  • 01 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Informal Methods (Validation and Verification)
Informal methods of validation and verification are some of the more frequently used in modeling and simulation. They are called informal because they are more qualitative than quantitative. Whereas many methods of validation or verification rely on numerical results, informal methods tend to rely on the opinions of experts to draw a conclusion. While numerical results are not the primary focus, this does not mean that the numerical results are completely ignored. There are several reasons why an informal method might be chosen. In some cases, informal methods offer the convenience of quick testing to see if a model can be validated. In other instances, informal methods are the best available option. In all cases though it is important to note that informal does not mean it is any less of a true testing method. These methods should be performed with the same discipline and structure that one would expect in "formal" methods. When executed in such a way, solid conclusions can be made. In modeling and simulation, verification techniques are used to analyze the state of the model. Verification is completed by different methods with the focus of comparing different aspects of the executable model with the conceptual model. On the other hand, validation methods are the methods by which a model, either conceptual or executable is compared with the situation it is trying to model. Both are methods by which the model can be analyzed to help find defects in the modeling methods being used, or potential misrepresentations of the real-life situation.
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
China Automotive Firms' Efficiency Evaluation
DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), as a methodology for the efficiency evaluation of Decision-Making Units (DMUs) with multiple inputs and outputs, is widely used in various areas. The basic idea of DEA is to fit a non-parametric efficient production frontier with DMUs and measure the efficiency relative to the best-performance observations in the sample. In this paper, the China’s listed firms in the automotive industry are seen as the DMUs, and our goal is to measure the efficiency of each DMU and identity the ones that use the inputs more efficiently than the others that have resources over-utilized, namely, the firms can reduce the inputs while the outputs remains constant (input-oriented) rather than the firms can increase the outputs while their inputs remains constant (output-oriented). Therefore, the input-oriented model of DEA is appropriate for our research.
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  • 06 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Buddhist Tourism
Religious tourism is a distinct tourism product with significant cultural implications. The excavation and transmission of cultural meanings lie at the heart of its growth. The sustainable development of religious tourism is fundamental in the sustainable development of its culture. In fact, Buddhist tourism is thriving in Asia, particularly in India, Nepal, South Korea, and Thailand, as a form of religious tourism. Social, political, and cultural life in these countries has been profoundly affected.
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  • 25 Mar 2022
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