Topic Review
Differentiated Development of Digital Economy on Employment Quality
In the context of the digital age, the digital economy, as a new economic model that the Chinese government is currently committed to developing, has played a positive role in driving consumption and creating employment opportunities. However, the differential development characteristics of the digital economy are becoming increasingly evident. The level of digital infrastructure and the application of digital facilities in China’s eastern regions are superior to those in the central and western regions. The increasing level of differential development in the digital economy will further accelerate the cross-regional mobility of labor. For the more developed eastern regions in China, in terms of the digital economy, the ability to empower employment is relatively high, which can create more job opportunities and attract a larger labor force seeking employment opportunities. In contrast, the central and western regions face slower development in the digital economy and relatively insufficient employment-empowering capacity, leading to labor force outflow. Proper cross-regional labor mobility can enhance the efficiency of labor resource allocation. However, excessive labor force mobility can lead to imbalanced labor resource allocation, causing job shortages and reduced employment quality in regions with an excess of labor force, while labor loss regions face labor shortages and talent drain, resulting in a loss of economic vitality in those regions.
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  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Organizational Resilience in Prisons and Police Forces
The concept of organizational resilience (OR) is based on a common perception of the meaning of resilience, illustrated by its Latin etymology resiliere, ‘to bounce back’.
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  • 27 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Real Estate Valuations with Small Dataset
In real estate markets, accuracy in property valuations is a fundamental element for making informed decisions and effective investment strategies. The complex dynamics that characterize real estate markets, together with the high differentiation of properties, make the adoption of advanced approaches crucial to obtaining accurate valuations.
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  • 08 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Smart Technologies in Regional Innovation Systems
Innovation systems consist of different organisations from the quadruple helix, as well as the interactions and linkages between them. Smart technologies and ICT play a key role in the efficiency of systems. At the same time, regional scale is considered crucial for studying innovation in systems.
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  • 17 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Selection of Industrial Sites to Minimize Risks
Industrial sites are essential for the development of an area and they are even more crucial considering the increasing population, which results in an increasing demand for the supply of industrial products. The procurement of products requires a particular place, specifically set as an industrial site location, to produce different products that society needs. An industrial site is an area where industrial activities are centralized and supported by facilities and infrastructure that are developed and managed by industrial site companies with an industrial estate business license. The efficient selection of a perfect site for the development of an industrial site in spatial planning should consider the land condition and environmental factors to minimize the impacts and risks.
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  • 05 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Development of National Innovation Systems
National innovation systems (NIS) are generally perceived as a set of interconnected organizations (or structures) that domestically produce and commercially implement scientific knowledge and technology. The development of any national innovation system is the key element for shaping up the scientific values in every country. 
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  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Digital Technique-Enabled Container Logistics Supply Chain Sustainability Achievement
With the rapid development of digital technology, the smart sensor-based container equipment and intelligent logistics operations contribute to achieving the efficiency improvement and sustainability achievement of container supply chain under the IoT-based logistics 4.0 scenarios.
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  • 27 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Bank Market Power on Firm Performance
The term “Banking relationship” stems from the informational dynamics established between banks and companies, especially when the latter are credit customers. It can also be understood as a close and continuous interaction between a bank and a company that allows the former to reduce the information asymmetry inherent in this relationship.
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  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Green Servant Leadership and Pro-Environmental Behaviour of Employees
Pro-environmental behaviour (PEB) refers to the practices that are helpful in promoting the natural environment through different practices of recycling, reusable initiatives, reprocessing, rebuilding, and the applications of different ideas to implement practices that reduce the harmful effect of an organization towards the environment by adopting the practices of green products and processes. Organizations that are involved in PEB practices are in a better position to gain a competitive edge over their competitors, as pro-environmental practices reduce costs, generate revenue, and help create a positive image through certain practices towards sustainability.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Untangling the Processes of Bitcoin
Secondary data from highly reputable Bitcoin-focused sources to systematically map the processes that enable Bitcoin to function as a peer-to-peer cash system. Novelty is achieved by applying the established and versatile “4I” organisational learning framework to provide a new lens through which to understand how the processes within Bitcoin enable and facilitate different types of changes to the protocol.
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  • 01 Mar 2024
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