Topic Review
Contact Zones in the Energy Transition
The success of energy transition relies on what happens in the contact zone, the area between citizens and municipality governments, which still awaits more thorough research. Contact zones are an issue studied mainly in the humanities, although one can also find applications of the concept to the study of human relations with animate and inanimate nature. However, these ideas are basically unknown in economics, social sciences, technical sciences, and natural sciences. 
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  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Relational Benefits, Post-Experience Behaviors and Habitual Behavior
The intention to repurchase is a key component in relationship marketing. However, minimal attention has been paid to how customers’ habitual behavior moderates the relationship between customers’ evaluation of benefits received from a service provider and the intention to revisit, specifically in a personal service business where customer-service provider interactions likely constitute the core of a sustainable relationship. 
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  • 20 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Greenfield Investment and Green Economic Growth
The intensification of countries’ growth causes the depletion of natural resources, biodiversity degradation, ecological imbalances, damage, and disasters. The aggravation of ecological issues requires the development of mechanisms for simultaneous achievement of economic, social, and ecological goals. The energy sector is the core direction of economic decarbonization. Therefore, green economic growth requires economic development due to the extension of innovative technologies for renewable energies and relevant investment for that. The concept of “green economic growth” is linked to the paradigm of sustainable development and reflects economic growth considering the rational use of natural capital, prevents and reduces pollution and developed opportunities to improve social well-being due to providing carbon-neutral economy. The concept of “greenfield investment” is wider and complex definitions, the scholars define it as the investment on environmental, social and governance projects which aims to achieve sustainable development goals in long-term.
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  • 05 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Influence of COVID-19 on the Retail Experience
E-commerce’s convenience, speed, and ability to overcome geographical barriers have made it increasingly popular across industries.
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  • 01 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Global Economic Policy Uncertainty on Manufacturing
Events such as COVID-19 and the Russia–Ukraine conflict have significantly increased the uncertainty and volatility of global economic policies. In the context of economic globalization, the key question researchers investigate is whether global economic policy uncertainty will have different impacts on the manufacturing of the three major economies in China, the United States, and Europe Union.
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  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Development and Sustainability Reporting
Sustainability reporting has received increasing business and academic attention. There has been an increased number of companies communicating their sustainability performance and practices through reporting. As stakeholders have become more demanding, they expect from companies and entrepreneurs a diverse range of actions regarding the three pillars of sustainable development: environment, society, and economy. Except for stakeholder demand, laws and regulations force companies to disclose not only their financial information but also their practices concerning social and environmental capital.
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  • 22 Sep 2023
Topic Review
The Optimal Supply Chain Network Design
Minimizing a company's operational risk by optimizing the performance of the manufacturing and distribution supply chain is a complex task that involves multiple elements, each with their own supply line constraints. Traditional approaches to optimization often assume determinism as the underlying principle. In this study, the implications of decision making, and causal uncertainties have been considered and analyzed for their impact on the system response.
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  • 13 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Fuzzy VIKOR and Fuzzy Preference Relation
The process of evaluating and ranking alternatives, including the aggregation of various qualitative and quantitative criteria and weights of criteria, can be recognized as a fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. In fuzzy MCDM problems, qualitative criteria and criteria weights are usually indicated in linguistic values expressed in terms of fuzzy numbers, and values under quantitative criteria are usually crisp numbers. How to properly aggregate them for evaluating and selecting alternatives has been an important research issue. This research proposes a fuzzy preference relation‑based fuzzy VIKOR method to help decision‑makers make the most suitable selection.
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  • 25 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Assessing Reporting of Firms
In corporate reporting, anti-corruption disclosures are generally included within the broad category of non-financial disclosures as part of social disclosure, including employee information (gender pay gap, for example), social engagement, and modern slavery reporting. Such corporate anti-corruption disclosure (ACD) purports to inform investors and other stakeholders of a company’s commitment to eliminating corruption and promoting transparency and accountability.
  • 228
  • 20 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Digital Transformation on Carbon Performance
The continuous proliferation of the global digital wave has increased the contribution of firms’ digital transformation as a vital force propelling economic growth and sustainable development, highlighting the importance of digital transformation and the environment.
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  • 25 Sep 2023
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