Topic Review
Digitalization for Humanitarian Logistics
Mismanagement in disaster relief operations (DROs) has created a requirement for fast, fair, and safe humanitarian logistics (HL). As a result, humanitarian logistics (HL) is the most imperative process after a disaster, and it is critical for fast, fair, and safe DROs.
  • 660
  • 31 May 2022
Topic Review
Open Hardware for National Security
Free and open-source hardware (FOSH) development has been shown to increase innovation and reduce economic costs. The opportunity to use FOSH as a sanction to undercut imports and exports from a target criminal country. A formal methodology is presented for selecting strategic national investments in FOSH development to improve both national security and global safety. First the target country that is threatening national security or safety is identified. Next, the top imports from the target country as well as potentially other importing countries (allies) are quantified. Hardware is identified that could undercut imports/exports from the target country. Finally, methods to support the FOSH development are enumerated to support production in a commons-based peer production strategy. To demonstrate how this theoretical method works in practice, it is applied as a case study to a current criminal military aggressor nation, who is also a fossil-fuel exporter. There are numerous existing FOSH and opportunities to develop new FOSH for energy conservation and renewable energy to reduce fossil-fuel-energy demand. Widespread deployment would reduce the concomitant pollution, human health impacts, and environmental desecration as well as cut financing of military operations.
  • 660
  • 05 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Human Resource Management in Crisis Situations
Human resource management (HRM) is essential for the competitive advantage of firms. The entry  presents a systematic literature review in the field of human resource management in times of crisis since 2008. The study consists of an analysis of 56 articles published in journals indexed in the Web of Science database. Four themes were identified: economic crisis and HRM, health crisis and HRM, natural disasters and HRM, and political instability and HRM. 
  • 658
  • 17 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Social Media in Sustainable Tourism Recovery
The way tourists use SM during and after their trip differs by generation and gender what could be used in promoting responsible behaviour for sustainable tourism. Differences between generations can be observed in behaviours such as ongoing planning the trip, obtaining information about the place to stay, keeping a photo album for friends, and writing reviews. Moreover, more often than men, women use SM to obtain information about the place of stay and share their impressions of the trip by sending MMS or emails. Tracking tourists’ travel behaviour on social media will allow city managers to gather information and respond to their needs and expectations and ensure effective urban management and city promotion.
  • 657
  • 24 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Energy and Industry 4.0 Nexus in Spain
Technological development has profoundly marked the evolution of the economy. The constant changes brought about by scientific and technological advances have been decisive in the transition from an analogue to a digital world. In this context, the impact of the fourth industrial revolution (or Industry 4.0) manifests itself in many ways. Environmental impact is one of these. The energy sector has been evolving and changing just like the economy and society. 
  • 658
  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Job Satisfaction and Service Quality in Hotel Industry
The quality of service is one of the key assumptions of a sustainable and profitable business in the hotel industry. On the other hand, employees as direct providers of hotel services have a direct impact on the perceived quality of service. Establishing a relationship between job satisfaction and perceived intangible service quality is of great importance for customer relationship management and sustainable competitive advantage.
  • 657
  • 08 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Acquisition Initiation (ISPL)
Acquisition Initiation is the initial process within the Information Services Procurement Library (ISPL) and is executed by a customer organization intending to procure Information Services. The process is composed of two main activities: the making of the acquisition goal definition and the making of the acquisition planning. During the acquisition initiation, an iterative process arises in which questions about the goal of the acquisition are usually asked. In response to these questions the Library provides details of the requirements, covering areas such as cost, feasibility and timelines. An example of such requirements is the "planning of the acquisition", a component that may also lead to more questions about the acquisition goal (thus, it is reasonable to state that a relationship exists between the acquisition goal and the acquisition planning). The process-data model shown in the following section displays the acquisition initiation stages. It shows both the process and the data ensuing from the process, and parts of the image will also be used as references in the body of this article. The concepts and data found in the model are explained in separate tables which can be found in the section immediately following the model. A textual, and more thorough, explanation of the activities and concepts that make up the Acquisition Initiation process can be found in the remainder of this article.
  • 654
  • 30 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Monetary Policy Committee
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) is a committee of the Bank of England, which meets for three and a half days, eight times a year, to decide the official interest rate in the United Kingdom (the Bank of England Base Rate). It is also responsible for directing other aspects of the government's monetary policy framework, such as quantitative easing and forward guidance. The Committee comprises nine members, including the Governor (from 2013 Mark Carney), and is responsible primarily for keeping the Consumer Price Index (CPI) measure of inflation close to a target set by the government (2% per year as of 2016). Its secondary aim – to support growth and employment – was reinforced in March 2013. Announced on 6 May 1997, only five days after that year's General Election, and officially given operational responsibility for setting interest rates in the Bank of England Act 1998, the Committee was designed to be independent of political interference and thus to add credibility to interest rate decisions. Each member has one vote, for which they are held to account: full minutes of each meeting are published alongside the Committee's monetary policy decisions, and members are regularly called before the Treasury Select Committee, as well as speaking to wider audiences at events during the year.
  • 654
  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Unabsorbed Slack Resources and Enterprise Innovation
In 1963, Cyert & March defined slack resources as “the difference between total resources needed by the enterprise organization to maintain the status quo and the resources actually possessed by the organization”. There exist different forms of slack resources, such as idle machinery and equipment, surplus cash, extra employees, and semi-finished products in processing.  Technological innovation plays an important role in the success of enterprises and it is a critical factor for them to gain strong short-term market performance and long-term competitive advantage. Due to long cycles, large investments, and high adjustment costs, adequate resource support is essential to ensure the sustainability of innovation activities.
  • 652
  • 13 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Reverse Logistics
Reverse logistics is a term commonly used to describe the management of end-of-life products, and mostly refers to the terms reduce, reuse, remanufacture, and recycle. Reduce is a term that refers to waste reduction in manufacturing and the packaging of products. The term reuse refers to the return of an unused product to the manufacturer in order to put the product back into use. The term remanufacture refers to a process of repairing, restoring, or overhauling products to extend their lifespan. Recycle refers to a process in which any component of a product that contains a certain value is returned to the manufacturer. RL should be designed outside the company and should not be limited by waste collection and recycling actions, but other activities should also be included to preserve the value and usefulness of materials for the longest possible period, which would make significant gains for the company’s value chain. Implementing RL helps reduce production waste and helps companies make a profit.
  • 652
  • 21 May 2021
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