Topic Review
Smart Streets as a Cyber-Physical Social Platform
Smart streets are part of a cyber-physical social infrastructure in the public realm, including data obtained from sensors, the interconnection between different services, technologies and social actors, intelligence derived from analysis of the data, and optimisation of operations within a street. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) integrate computation with physical objects and processes, a literal co-mingling of the physical world and the cyber world (including computation, communication, and control systems). A cyber-physical social platform represents a recent expansion of CPS that bridges the gap between human intelligence and machine intelligence by including a social domain characterised by human participation and interactions.
  • 499
  • 14 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Sharing-Economy Ecosystem
Sharing economy (SE) is a new phenomenon that is growing around the world. Participants in the sharing economy (SE) ecosystem and its impact on the participants, creating and capturing value through increasing the understanding of the ecosystem’s novel models. The primary participants are subdivided into groups: customers are subdivided into New Customers (NC) and Current Customers (CC); providers into Product Providers (PP) and Service Providers (SP); and mediators are subdivided into Small and Medium Mediators (SMM) and Large Mediators (LM). The secondary participants are governments sub-grouped into Local Governments (NG) and National Governments (NG); Theories and methodologies within the academic literature on the sharing economy ecosystem are also examined. 
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  • 10 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Green and Renewable Energy Innovations
Taking into account factors such as unfavorable climate changes, shrinking fossil fuel resources, low energy efficiency, and the pace of population growth, the transformation towards green and renewable energy is one of the most important goals and challenges facing the world. The energy sector is the source of about 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and energy-related emissions are reaching new record levels. For the energy transition to succeed, innovation at the level of technology, business processes and policies (local, national, and international) are necessary.
  • 334
  • 08 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Knowledge Management and Tourism Business Enterprise Competitiveness
There has been a growing interest in understanding the correlation concerning knowledge management and competitiveness more so in the area of tourism. A synthesis on theoretical nexus of knowledge management and tourism business enterprise competitiveness is provided by giving an integrated overview of four micro economic related theories that influence competitiveness and knowledge management. 
  • 502
  • 03 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Worldwide Research Trends in Agrivoltaic Systems
An agrovoltaic system combines agricultural crop production and energy production in the same place, emphasizing the dual use of land. Researchers provided a bibliometric analysis of agrivoltaic topics based on publications indexed in SCOPUS, in which either economic assessments of agrivoltaics, agrivoltaic systems for crops and livestock animals, photovoltaic greenhouse and agrivoltaics with open field discussed, or its ideas are used to analyze certain locations. It is shown that scientific publications in recent years mainly focus on short-term predictions, there is no recognized evaluation standard for various prediction analyses, and it is difficult to evaluate various prediction methods so far.
  • 981
  • 01 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Road Infrastructure Projects
Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) is considered an effective evaluation method for fostering optimal decision-making and ranking of road infrastructures over decades. Eight distinct modelling categories used for CBA implementation were determined, each encompassing three different modelling approaches for capturing the data risk assessment (deterministic or probabilistic), CBA’s parameters interactive behavior (static or dynamic) and the considered economies (microeconomic or macroeconomic). In-depth content analysis led to the interpretation of the current status of extant models and the identification of three main knowledge gaps: the absence of the CBA’s inputs updating into a probabilistic environment, the deficiency of a dynamic interdependent framework and the necessity of homogenous cost datasets for road projects. Future research directions and a conceptual framework for modelling CBA into a microeconomic, probabilistic and dynamic environment are proposed providing decision-makers with new avenues for more reliable CBA modelling.
  • 3.1K
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Calendar of 13 Months
Has anyone of us missed an event because he was confused between days and dates? Do we really remember the date of any day if we do not have a calendar? Is the current Gregorian Calendar efficient enough for use, and does it really facilitate our life or make it more complicated?  Have you ever thought about a much simpler way to calculate days and dates in a year? All these questions are answered in this article, in which the author proposes an original calendar that might facilitate our lives if we can apply it.
  • 199.3K
  • 12 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Blockchain-Enabled Cross-Border E-Commerce Supply Chain Management
Driven by the internet-based advanced information technologies and logistics channel improvement, the cross-border e-commerce industry keeps an increasing trend in Chinese industrial market. Blockchain, as an empowered technology, contributes to the management innovations for industrial sectors. The blockchain technology, due to its transparency, visibility, and dis-intermediation characteristics, helps to improve operations management of cross-border e-commerce supply chain by innovative industrial applications.
  • 310
  • 11 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Consciousness on Environmental Management
As society’s view of the public good expands to include responsible corporate citizenship, profit performance alone no longer suffices as the sole measure of a company’s performance. Issues of environmental protection and contributions to society are also included in evaluating overall corporate strategy, thus broadening the evaluation beyond the income statement. As companies adopt the mantle of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) theories, their potential liabilities are no longer limited to operational costs. Investments in environmental protection and environmental management systems influence a company’s competitiveness and strategic considerations. When performed right, these investments not only reduce litigation and administrative costs, but also enhance long-term profitability and continuing development 
  • 358
  • 09 Jan 2023
Topic Review
The Free Banking School
The Free Banking School is a term used for economists who study the costs and benefits of the competitive issue of currency by banks. 
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  • 30 Dec 2022
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