Topic Review
Smart Technologies in Regional Innovation Systems
Innovation systems consist of different organisations from the quadruple helix, as well as the interactions and linkages between them. Smart technologies and ICT play a key role in the efficiency of systems. At the same time, regional scale is considered crucial for studying innovation in systems.
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  • 17 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Wedding cake toppers
Wedding cake toppers have long been a beloved tradition in wedding celebrations, serving as the crowning piece on a couple's wedding cake.
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  • 29 May 2024
Topic Review
Digital Technique-Enabled Container Logistics Supply Chain Sustainability Achievement
With the rapid development of digital technology, the smart sensor-based container equipment and intelligent logistics operations contribute to achieving the efficiency improvement and sustainability achievement of container supply chain under the IoT-based logistics 4.0 scenarios.
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  • 27 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Selection of Industrial Sites to Minimize Risks
Industrial sites are essential for the development of an area and they are even more crucial considering the increasing population, which results in an increasing demand for the supply of industrial products. The procurement of products requires a particular place, specifically set as an industrial site location, to produce different products that society needs. An industrial site is an area where industrial activities are centralized and supported by facilities and infrastructure that are developed and managed by industrial site companies with an industrial estate business license. The efficient selection of a perfect site for the development of an industrial site in spatial planning should consider the land condition and environmental factors to minimize the impacts and risks.
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  • 05 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Bank Market Power on Firm Performance
The term “Banking relationship” stems from the informational dynamics established between banks and companies, especially when the latter are credit customers. It can also be understood as a close and continuous interaction between a bank and a company that allows the former to reduce the information asymmetry inherent in this relationship.
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  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Social Entrepreneurship and Poverty Alleviation for Sustainable Development
The increasing social and environmental challenges, particularly poverty, have brought social entrepreneurship, a highly researched domain, to the attention of academicians. It has emerged as a critical issue in the context of economic development and societal well-being.
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  • 23 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Sustainable Development of National Innovation Systems
National innovation systems (NIS) are generally perceived as a set of interconnected organizations (or structures) that domestically produce and commercially implement scientific knowledge and technology. The development of any national innovation system is the key element for shaping up the scientific values in every country. 
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  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Internet Development on Regional Inclusive Finance in China
Internet has affected China’s financial inclusion from the standpoint of developing internet technologies. Financial inclusion is critical for achieving sustainability because it provides access to affordable financial services to underserved individuals and businesses, and brings them into the formal financial sector, thereby improving their livelihoods while reducing poverty and inequality.
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  • 08 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Novelty and Sustainability
Compared to incremental business model innovation, the impact of original business model innovation on both enterprises and societal development is more significant. The process of its emergence has attracted considerable attention.
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  • 14 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Entrepreneurship Education, Self-Efficacy and The “PElEO” Program
Youth unemployment has been the focus of attention of international and community bodies in the area of social rights. Specifically, there is a need to promote attitudes and skills to access employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship. The measures implemented have not been effective. In 2023, Spain had the highest youth unemployment rate in the European Union (29.6%). An improvement in the level and quality of education and training of young people would reduce their level of unemployment. Entrepreneurship education is, therefore, a necessary value in the society of the 21st century since it is a tool for the development and growth of the younger population.
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  • 15 Jan 2024
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