Topic Review
System Dynamics-Based Interactive Learning Environment for Formative (Self-)Assessment
An online system dynamics-based interactive learning environment (ILE) can be designed to assess the trainees' capabilities, in accordance with the formative assessment paradigm. Through a simulated business environment, trainees have the opportunity to virtually manage their own company (system) while taking on various roles that mirror real-life scenarios related to the phenomenon analyzed by the ILE. The ILE has a feature that allows the assessment of such capabilities by measuring key indicators that determine the feasibility, effectiveness, and efficiency of their decision-making when running a firm within a specific operational context. From this standpoint, implementing a practical approach that enables trainees to confidently evaluate their capabilities in a protected environment (simulations) would produce the following different benefits for them: a) Personalized Learning: Interactive learning environments can adapt to suit trainees' individual learning styles, making the learning experience more personalized and effective; b) Interactive Learning Experience: Interactive learning environments offer learners the opportunity to engage actively in the learning process, facilitating better retention of knowledge; c) Real-time Feedback: Interactive learning environments provide learners with instant feedback, which helps them to identify gaps in their knowledge and improve immediately; d) Collaborative Learning: Interactive learning environments encourage learners to work collaboratively, which has proven benefits for memory retention and enhanced peer learning.
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  • 11 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Housing Choices of Young Adults
As young adults’ living arrangements affect decisions about marriage, education, childbirth, and participation in the workforce, more knowledge for policymakers is crucial to implementing effective policies to support young adults and promote financial independence and well-being.
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  • 03 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Location Selection for Urban-Networks of Less-than-Truckload Express Enterprises
With the transformation and upgrading of the world economy entering a new normal, changes in the fields of industry and consumption have brought new business opportunities, and there is a large space for the less-than-truckload (LTL) express market.
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  • 21 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Difference Between Hot Rolled And Cold Rolled Steel
Sonic Steel is a leading manufacturer, supplier & exporter of Rolled Steel. Hot and cold rolled ste­el are differe­nt because of their proce­ssing methods. Steel he­ated and rolled at high tempe­ratures is called hot rolled ste­el. In contrast, cold rolled stee­l is simply hot rolled steel that’s be­en through extra cold treatme­nt steps. This involves cooling, then e­ither annealing or tempe­rs rolling. You can roll different grades and spe­cifications of steel, eithe­r hot or cold. By knowing the difference­s between hot rolled and cold rolle­d steel, you can choose the­ right type for your use.
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  • 26 Jun 2024
Topic Review
Linking Informative and Factual CSR Communication to Reputation
The way corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication relates to corporate reputation has attracted an increasing amount of attention from communication and business researchers and practitioners. Informativeness and a factual tone in CSR communication were positively related to employee perceived intrinsic/other-serving motives of their organizations’ CSR activities. Employee perceived intrinsic/other-serving motives of their organizations’ CSR activities were positively associated with employee organizational identification. Employee organizational identification was positively related to corporate reputation. In addition, employee perceived intrinsic/other-serving motives of their organizations’ CSR activities and employee organizational identification turned out to be two significant mediators in the proposed model. 
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  • 29 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Empowerment Dynamics in Health Management and Entrepreneurship
Empowerment dynamics refer to the processes and factors that enhance individuals' capacity to control their personal and professional lives. This concept is especially significant in various contexts, such as the health management of chronic patients and entrepreneurship, particularly in post-crisis scenarios like the COVID-19 pandemic. It encompasses access to resources, support, and opportunities that help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their objectives. A theoretical framework was developed through PhD research, elucidating the mechanisms behind these challenges and their implications for fostering diversity, social innovation, and sustainability. This approach not only compares chronic patients with entrepreneurs and validates the theoretical framework in a group of chronic patients but also proposes practical strategies to harness diversity, innovation, and entrepreneurship in post-crisis contexts.
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  • 07 Aug 2024
Topic Review
Digital Credit and Its Determinants
Digital credit has gained much attention from academic researchers, practitioners, and policymakers worldwide. Digital credit models may include invoice trading, peer-to-peer and balance sheet lending, and equity crowdfunding or funding. Researchers aim to investigate the drivers of digital credit when considering the importance of money laundering and terror financing risks and to answer the research question “What are the key determinants of digital credit?”
  • 174
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Regulations, Renewable Energy, and Energy Efficiency
European Union (EU) countries pay meticulous attention to environmental issues and achieve carbon-free development. In this direction, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and extending renewable energy are the primary goals. At the same time, the energy price and declining energy efficiency increase countries’ environmental expenditures and hinder their capabilities for economic growth. Renewable energy is crucial for furthering a country’s green economic growth. At the same time, environmental regulation has a significant role in extending renewable energy.
  • 173
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Climate Change and Adaptation Policies on Pakistan Agriculture
Climate change (CC) is a worldwide environmental issue affecting all economic sectors, especially agriculture. Pakistan is one of the countries most affected by CC due to the country’s vulnerability to catastrophic events and limited ability to adapt. Adaptation has been described as the act of reducing a community’s sensitivity to change. Climate adaptation requires reducing sensitivity to existing and future threats of CC.
  • 173
  • 21 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Energy Structure Optimization for Eco-Efficiency
Increasing environmental pollution, resource depletion, and climate change have led to policymakers paying increased attention to the environmental and ecological impacts of economic activities.
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  • 26 Sep 2023
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