Topic Review
Determinants of Sustainable Profitability of the Insurance Industry
Risk is a natural satellite of everyday reality, whether business or private life. Although insurance professionals are highly competent in understanding the entire world of risks, both individuals and households (in some cases even governments) that use insurance services are important stakeholders in this game. Firm size, level of specialization, GDP, population, and political stability are positively related to profitability, whereas risk-exposures, HHI (in ME specification), and inflation tend to detract from financial performance.
  • 375
  • 22 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Project Management and Interorganizational Projects
Interorganizational cooperation in engineering projects is associated with many opportunities and risks that continue to be a challenge for today’s world. It is important to identify and assess relationship-specific risks and risk determinants threatening to achieve the intended benefit of interorganizational cooperation and to develop assumptions for the risk management model in such projects. It will support sustainable project management in interorganizational engineering projects and increase their sustainability. 
  • 375
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Dual-Channel Supply Chain Coordination with Service Free Riding
Service free riding is a kind of strategic behavior that customers conduct to maximize their purchasing utilities. However, such behavior will make the retailer feel unjust because the manufacturer’s online channel takes away her would-be orders, which may further intensify channel competition and eventually lead to negative impacts on the overall supply chain performance. It is important to investigate how to coordinate a dual-channel supply chain composed of a manufacturer and a retailer when customers utilize the retailer’s service to conduct free-riding behavior. 
  • 375
  • 21 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Targeted Reserve Requirement Ratio Reduction
In China’s bank-centered financial and economic environment, bank risk attitudes have an important impact on the effective implementation of structural monetary policy, and monetary policy can have an impact on the corporate ecosystem through risk taking by banks. To make an economic assessment of the evolution of the banking ecosystem and empirically explore the correlation between targeted Reserve Requirement Ratio (RRR) cuts and banks’ risk-taking levels in the context of financial supply-side structural reforms, multiple regression analysis and a fixed-effects model are used to analyze the causal impact of targeted RRR reduction on the risk taking of Chinese commercial banks.
  • 373
  • 30 May 2022
Topic Review
Product Claim and Negative Word of Mouth
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) messages about product sustainability have gotten the attention of scholars, who have shown that information related to sustainability significantly influences consumers’ intention to purchase products. eWOM is a positive or negative statement about a product available to society and institutions or the company that makes the product by someone who has used it. It has a great influence on consumers’ purchasing decisions.
  • 373
  • 24 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Reverse Factoring
Unlike traditional factoring, where a supplier wants to finance its receivables, reverse factoring (or supply chain financing) is a financing solution initiated by the ordering party (the customer) in order to help its suppliers to finance its receivables more easily and at a lower interest rate than what would normally be offered. In 2011, the reverse factoring market was still very small, accounting for less than 3% of the factoring market.
  • 372
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Inventory Information Approval System
The Inventory Information Approval System, or IIAS, is a point-of-sale technology used by retailers that accept FSA debit cards, which are issued for use with medical flexible spending accounts (FSAs), health reimbursement accounts (HRAs), and some health savings accounts (HSAs) in the United States. By the end of 2007, all grocery stores, discount stores, and online pharmacies that accept FSA debit cards must have an IIAS; by the end of 2008, most pharmacies have an IIAS as well. The predecessor to the current IIAS was developed by the online retailer for its "FSA store" in 2005; it was first introduced to brick-and-mortar retailing by Walgreens in 2006. Wal-Mart became the first discounter with an IIAS in late 2006.
  • 372
  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Pareto-Efficient Envy-Free Division
Efficiency and fairness are two major goals of welfare economics. Given a set of resources and a set of agents, the goal is to divide the resources among the agents in a way that is both Pareto efficient (PE) and envy-free (EF). The goal was first defined by David Schmeidler and Menahem Yaari. Later, the existence of such allocations has been proved under various conditions.
  • 372
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Green Knowledge Management—Bibliometric Analysis
The current article delves into the concept of green knowledge management (GKM), aiming to elucidate the intricate web of intellectual connections within the literature already published on this subject. The significance and value of this pursuit lie in its endeavor to pinpoint the most pivotal works in the field and to elucidate the overarching research directions that have been pursued. Through this process, the ability to centralize and encapsulate the knowledge within the GKM domain is achieved. Employing bibliometric analysis tools, the apparently elusive or intangible body of the literature on GKM is given structure and form through the creation of bibliometric analysis maps, which are then scrutinized through the discerning eyes of the author. Consequently, this paper seamlessly integrates the benefits of systematic literature review methodologies with those of computer-aided software, thereby efficiently processing a substantial volume of data on GKM and transforming it into tangible representations of this specialized literary niche. Thus, this undertaking serves as an open invitation to the advancement of the GKM field, providing a solid foundational platform for further research endeavors. In essence, it serves as a stepping stone towards the development of a GKM encyclopedia, offering a comprehensive repository of knowledge and insights for scholars and practitioners alike.
  • 372
  • 02 Jul 2024
Topic Review
Carbon Footprint and European Green Pact
Agriculture and related activities generate a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions with environmental and biodiversity implications. In the European region, the organically cultivated area and economic growth reduce the carbon footprint, while fertilisers, aquaculture production, investments in road infrastructure and agricultural area determine its increase. The EU has changed its paradigm since 2008–2009. Economic growth has been slowly decoupling from the carbon footprint since 2016, and the rest of the factors analysed have become more environmental since the late 2010s. The EU has positioned itself towards achieving the objectives set by the Green Pact at a slow pace, justified by the heterogeneity of members’ national characteristics, in addition to its purpose not to harm the food security of the population. In order to achieve the objectives proposed by the Green Pact, it is necessary to focus on more extensive organic farming and traditional production methods, more extensive efforts to reduce nitrogen surplus in fertilizer content, to support short agri-food chains and to identify new production techniques, including the use of nanotechnology and high-performance technologies.
  • 372
  • 04 Jul 2022
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