Topic Review
Residential Consumers’ Lifestyle Energy in Malaysia Selected States
Individual data about energy-related behaviour is classified in six primary areas, namely, housing, mobility, diet, consumption, leisure activities, and information.
  • 392
  • 04 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Predictors of GDP Growth
Over decades, economists devoted a substantial amount of effort to model economic growth. There exists a wide literature that supports the importance of different kinds of variables to predict the evolution of GDP. 
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  • 25 Jun 2023
Topic Review
The Shadow Economy in Earlier Researches
Information and communication technology (ICT) development is vital to the shadow economy. Mainly, internet usage is robust and negatively associated with the shadow economy. Furthermore, inflation and poverty emerge as key determining factors of the shadow economy. The research findings will aid in the development of recommendations for potential strategies to minimize the international extent of the shadow economy. 
  • 391
  • 01 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Big Data Analytics to Open Innovation Strategies
Dynamic business environment has pushed service-oriented firms such as banks to collaborate with external partners through open innovation (OI) to address issues of service differentiation, optimize customer experience, and create effective open innovation strategies (OIS).
  • 390
  • 07 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Supervision of Complex Banking Networks
The global financial crisis of 2008, triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, highlighted a banking system that was widely exposed to systemic risk. The minimization of the systemic risk via a close and detailed monitoring of the entire banking network became a priority.
  • 389
  • 14 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Surety Bond
A surety bond or surety is a promise by a surety or guarantor to pay one party (the obligee) a certain amount if a second party (the principal) fails to meet some obligation, such as fulfilling the terms of a contract. The surety bond protects the obligee against losses resulting from the principal's failure to meet the obligation.
  • 388
  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Sharing-Economy Ecosystem
Sharing economy (SE) is a new phenomenon that is growing around the world. Participants in the sharing economy (SE) ecosystem and its impact on the participants, creating and capturing value through increasing the understanding of the ecosystem’s novel models. The primary participants are subdivided into groups: customers are subdivided into New Customers (NC) and Current Customers (CC); providers into Product Providers (PP) and Service Providers (SP); and mediators are subdivided into Small and Medium Mediators (SMM) and Large Mediators (LM). The secondary participants are governments sub-grouped into Local Governments (NG) and National Governments (NG); Theories and methodologies within the academic literature on the sharing economy ecosystem are also examined. 
  • 388
  • 10 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Originating Sources of Complexity
Complexity is born under the wing of the social sciences, promoting the transposition of some contents of biology and natural sciences to the social sciences and behavior of humans. The sources of complexity are diverse and often divergent some coming from immaterial and subjective sources, such as those of the human mind, which implies appreciating behaviors and individual behaviors, for example, of men and women, and of groups that affect the global system, to which other sources that derive from the rise and fall of technologies that are expected to generate progress and social development.
  • 387
  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Metaverse Technologies
The metaverse as a concept is not new, having been introduced in the sci-fi novel Snow Crash over 30 years ago. The metaverse is widely discussed and is generally seen to be the next “big thing” in the application of technology in business and society. A wide range of digital technologies will be deployed in the metaverse, bringing increased focus on corporate digital responsibilities that will likely require government regulation.
  • 387
  • 17 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Knowledge Transfer and the K-NACK Model
The possession of diverse knowledge is vital for countries to maintain competitive advantages as new technologies and other disruptive changes emerge. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has become an important instrument to access knowledge and innovation available in other countries with the increasing trend of globalization. However, little is known about how the knowledge base of a country can be enriched in the context of knowledge sourcing through FDI, drawing upon general contexts of knowledge and innovation in countries. 
  • 386
  • 15 Dec 2023
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