Topic Review
Exploring Digital Twins in Transport and Energy Fields
Logistics and transport are major sources of energy consumption that still rely heavily on fossil fuels. Especially in the freight sector, finding means to optimise fuel consumption and energy efficiency are increasingly important. Digital twins’ adaptation in logistics and transport is not as frequent as in production, but their implementation potential is immense. This technology can replicate real environments, allowing verification of various scenarios without real-life application, leading to optimal implementation outcome faster and more efficiently.
  • 474
  • 10 May 2023
Topic Review
Exploring Sign System Design for a Medical Facility
The National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) is a significant institution in modern medicine in Taiwan. Its West Campus, the oldest medical center in the country, has been recognized as a municipal historic site due to its architectural and historical importance. However, visitors have faced navigation difficulties for a long time.
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  • 20 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Exploring the Factors Influencing Heritage Tourism Development
It is clear in many nations that the development of historical and cultural tourism is correlated with brand value enhancement. The development of heritage and cultural tourism can help a location or attraction build a good name for itself, attract more tourists, and boost brand recognition. A destination’s reputation is an important factor when considering cultural heritage sites as tourist destinations. It is understood that the development of historical tourism and cultural tourism is a significant component of the tourism industry. Governments and stakeholders can contribute to enhancing a destination’s quality and bringing in more visitors by making investments in infrastructural development, promoting attractions, and offering cultural events.
  • 1.4K
  • 11 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Exploring the Viability of DAOS in Emerging Economies
In recent years, distributed technologies have garnered significant attention as a model for organizing collective action. Distributed Autonomous Organizations and Systems (DAOS) encompass not only the organizational structure of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), but also the collaborative technologies, ecosystems, and social structures necessary for a self-organizing system to emerge. The focus of a DAOS is on the distributed nature of the organization, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and emergence over decentralization. This paper will explore the guiding principles of DAOS, discuss their limitations, and propose experiments to establish a DAOS that enables collective participation in ecological conservation.
  • 261
  • 20 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Extended Reality Technology for Teaching New Languages
Much attention has been given to the use of extended reality (XR) technology in educationalinstitutions due to its flexibility, effectiveness, and attractiveness. However, there is a limited study of the application of XR technology for teaching and learning languages in schools. Thus, this paper presents a systematic review to identify the potential benefits and challenges of using XR technology for teaching new languages. This review provides a basis for adopting XR technology for teaching languages in schools. This research also provides recommendations to successfully implement the XR technology and ways to improve motivation, engagement, and enhanced accessibility of learning and teaching resources for both students and teachers. To fulfil the aims of this research, previous studies from 2011 to 2021 are collected from various academic databases. This study finds that there is still aneed to develop appropriate strategies for the development and implementation of XR technology for teaching new languages to school students.
  • 724
  • 16 Dec 2021
Topic Review
External Memory (Psychology)
External memory is memory that uses cues from the environment to aid remembrance of ideas and sensations. When a person uses something beside one's own internal memory tricks, traits, or talents to help them remember certain events, facts, or even things to do, they are using an external memory aid. External memory aids are used every day. A large part of these aids come from technology; people use their smartphones to remind them when they have meetings and Facebook reminds people of their friends' birthdays. These aids also include taking notes in class, carrying a grocery list to the supermarket, or jotting down dates on a planner. Even people, or prompters, can be used as external memory aids.
  • 389
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Externalizing Behaviors during Infancy in Latine
Externalizing behavior problems are among the top mental health concerns in early childhood, and many parenting interventions have been developed to address this issue. To better understand predictors of parenting intervention outcomes in high-risk families, this secondary data analysis evaluated the moderating effect of cumulative risk on child externalizing behaviors, parenting skills, and intervention dropout after completion of a home-based adaptation of the child-directed interaction phase of parent–child interaction therapy (PCIT) called the Infant Behavior Program (IBP).
  • 288
  • 29 May 2023
Topic Review
Externalizing Disorders
Externalizing disorders (or externalising disorders) are mental disorders characterized by externalizing behaviors, maladaptive behaviors directed toward an individual's environment, which cause impairment or interference in life functioning. In contrast to individuals with internalizing disorders who internalize (keep inside) their maladaptive emotions and cognitions, such feelings and thoughts are externalized (manifested outside) in behavior in individuals with externalizing disorders. Externalizing disorders are often specifically referred to as disruptive behavior disorders (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder) or conduct problems which occur in childhood. Externalizing disorders, however, are also manifested in adulthood. For example, alcohol- and substance-related disorders and antisocial personality disorder are adult externalizing disorders. Externalizing psychopathology is associated with antisocial behavior, which is different from and often confused for asociality.
  • 1.8K
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Extreme Online Service-Learning during the Pandemic
Service-Learning (SL) is an experience that allows students to (a) participate in activities co-designed in partnership by universities and local organizations and (b) reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain an enhanced sense of responsibility. These experiences represent significant ways to meet and experience real-world contexts for students. The COVID-19 pandemic required Higher Education Institutions to rethink and shift in-presence courses to online platforms. This transition included SL courses as well. 
  • 433
  • 01 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Eye Injuries in the 2019–2020 Chilean Protests
The 2019–2020 Chilean protests are characterised by widespread eye injuries, including many globe ruptures ("exploded eyes"), among protesters as result of Chilean riot police's use of "rubber" bullets and tear gas grenades. Data from the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH) shows that the use of "rubber" bullets and pellets by security forces has left at least 1863 injured, including 268 with eye problems. According to the Chilean Ophthalmology Society, this is the highest number of injuries of this type registered during protests or in conflict zones in the world. In late November, security forces announced the suspension of the use of "rubber" pellets as a crowd control method in the protests. The INDH updated figures at the end of January 2020 reporting that 427 persons had received eye injuries at the hands of the police. Almost 90% of the injured are men. As of early January 2020 the age of injured goes from 14 to 59 years, and averages 28 years. UTO, the Ocular Trauma Unit (Spanish: Unidad de Trauma Ocular) of Hospital del Salvador has treated the majority of eye injuries. By November 18 it was estimated that nearly 30% of the cases of eye injury that had occurred in the context of the protests involved "exploded eyes", a trauma for which there is no remedy, and results in complete blindness of the affected eye. Monday October 21 is reported by ophthalmologist Mauricio López as one of the days with most eye injuries, that day Hospital Salvador received twenty cases of which ten alone came in the span of a single hour. The high command of the Chilean police ordered an end to the use of supersock cartridges on October 31. Despite this and other initiatives declared by the high command the number of severe eye injuries in November was about the double as in October. As result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile many of the injured have not been able to continue their treatments. In the cases where injured have gone to hospital for treatment and supervision some have had to share rooms with COVID-19 patients. Bandaged eyes had become so common that they become a symbol for protesters. Among protestors the injured are considered "martyrs" and "proof of police brutality". The eyes bandages featuring in the "A Rapist in Your Path" performances are references to the victims that have suffered eye injuries 2019–2020 Chilean protests. Singer-songwriter Nano Stern released the song Regalé mis ojos (lit. "I gave away my eyes") on November 19 paying homage to Gustavo Gatica, who lost both eyes in the protests. Álex Anwandter covered one of his eyes in homage to the injured during the Olmué Festival in January 2020. Anwandter then added that he hoped that "this time, in difference to the [Pinochet] dictatorship, there will be accountability. And the politically responsible, such as Piñera, will pay." During Mon Laferte's show in the Viña del Mar International Song Festival members of her crew covered their eye in reference to the eye injuries. Fabiola Campillai and Gustavo Gatica, two well-known victims, were part of campaign advertising for the "Approve" option in the 2020 Chilean national plebiscite held on October 25, 2020. Gatica subsequently received a string of offers to run in the 2021 Chilean Constitutional Convention election which he declined.
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  • 02 Dec 2022
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