Topic Review
Cultural Memory
Historic urban landscapes (HULs) are composed of layers of imbedded tangible and intangible features such as cultural memories. As the collective memories of city inhabitants, cultural memories can affect elements of social sustainability such as health, well-being, community identity, place perception and social engagement. This topic review points to the value of recalling cultural memory features in HULs, which can be used to achieve social sustainability.  In addition, it contributes to sustainable development through the contribution of cultural memory and its influence on the formation of place identity, sense of place, civic pride and quality of life in HULs. 
  • 5.5K
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Cultural Values in Water Management and Governance
Water is a fundamental resource for ecological and economic imperatives across the globe, contributing to the sustenance of livelihoods, food production and energy generation. Despite its importance, water resources are increasingly under threat due to overexploitation, pollution, scarcity, depletion and issues of accessibility/affordability. In addition to these threats, competitive water uses and strong interdependencies across different productive sectors. As such, “water crises” have been repeatedly identified among the top five global risks since 2012, with the international community acknowledging that water crises are regularly a crisis of management and/or governance. Cultural values associated with water management revolve around anthropocentrism, whereas values associated with water governance revolve around concepts of provenance/places. Implementation of ToC/cultural values is limited in practical applications, and an example is provided on how to improve on that. It's suggested that a succinct theory of culture such as Schwartz’s cultural values be considered to be an alternative to capture a greater heterogeneity across the breadth of water governance/management-related and basin-specific contexts. 
  • 1.4K
  • 18 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Culturally Relevant STEM (CReST)
Convergence education, driven by compelling or complex socio-scientific problems, is an approach to bring cultural relevance into secondary STEM education. National trends show the need to increase the STEM workforce by leveraging educational research and innovative practices within the secondary level to increase student interest prior to graduating high school.
  • 184
  • 04 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Culture is the collective expression of a community's identity and represents the sum of its members' shared experiences. It encompasses both tangible and intangible elements, ranging from material artifacts and technology to language, rituals, and social norms. As a pervasive force, culture influences individual behaviors, shapes societal structures, and contributes to the diversity of human societies.
  • 512
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Culture and COVID-19: Impact of Cross-Cultural Dimensions on Behavioral Responses
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has impacted every sphere of human life across all nations of the world. Countries adapted and responded to the crisis in different ways with varied outcomes and different degrees of success in mitigation efforts. Studies have examined institutional and policy-based responses to the pandemic. However, to gain a holistic understanding of the pandemic response strategy and its effectiveness, it is also important to understand the cultural foundations of a society driving its response behavior. Towards that end, this entry focuses on a few key cultural dimensions of difference across countries and proposes that national culture is related to the protective behavior adopted by societies during COVID-19. The cultural dimensions examined in relation to COVID-19 include the dimensions of individualism vs. collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity and femininity, and future orientation. Inferences are drawn from academic research, published data, and discernible indicators of social behavior. The entry provides pointers for each dimension of culture and proposes that cultural awareness be made an important element of policy making while responding to crises such as COVID-19. 
  • 1.9K
  • 05 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Culture Inside
CultureInside is a non-profit free social networking site for the artistic community. Founded by Gila and Dominique Paris in 2008, it has offices in Luxembourg and New York City (United States). They frequently use the network to organize online exhibitions, as well as international exhibits in the United States and European Union. In April 2009 they received the label Creativity and Innovation in the European Year 2009.
  • 481
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
CUNY Academic Commons
The CUNY Academic Commons is an online, academic social network for community members of the City University of New York (CUNY) system. Designed to foster conversation, collaboration, and connections among the 24 individual colleges that make up the university system, the site, founded in 2009, has quickly grown as a hub for the CUNY community, serving in the process to strengthen a growing group of digital scholars, teachers, and open-source projects at the university. As stated in the site's Terms of Service, members "seek to use the Academic Commons as a means of fulfilling our highest aspirations for integrating technology into our teaching, learning, and collaborating."
  • 352
  • 01 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Current Market for Functional Foods and Consumption Intention
Functional foods generally refer to foods with one or more particular functions and positive effects on human health, often in relation to nutrition or reducing disease risk. The growth of the functional food market has been largely caused by concerns about rising medical and healthcare costs, the desire to improve the quality of later life with the steady increase in life expectancy, and scientific evidence that functional foods are beneficial to health. Purchase intention, which is strongly associated with market expansion, is the likelihood that consumers plan to purchase specific products or services. Consumer attitude towards a certain product or brand, along with certain external factors, promote consumers’ purchase intentions and are crucial indicators for predicting consumer behaviour.
  • 762
  • 15 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Current State of Bestiality Law in the US
Laws punishing individuals who have sex with nonhuman animals have existed since the earliest written legal codes. In the United States, bestiality has long been prohibited. The rationale for criminalizing sex acts with animals has changed over time and has included moral condemnation, considerations of animal rights and animal welfare, and most recently, a concern about the relationship between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence, colloquially known as the Link. There exist important differences in language, specificity, and potential punishments for offenders depending on the jurisdiction.
  • 54.3K
  • 16 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Current Status of Internet Gaming Disorder
The World Health Organization recognizes internet gaming disorder (IGD) as a disorder that causes problems in daily life as a result of excessive interest in online games. The causes of IGD have become more apparent. Because of prolonged exposure to games, the mechanisms controlling the reward system, such as the prefrontal cortex, limbic system, and amygdala of the cerebrum, do not function properly in IGD. This mechanism is similar to that of various behavioral addictions, such as gambling addiction. IGD is particularly risky in children and adolescents because it easily causes brain dysfunction, especially in the developing brain.
  • 585
  • 15 Aug 2022
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