Topic Review
Building the Resilience of Local Governance Networks
Resilience has become more popular among researchers and practitioners of public governance. The variance-based structural equation modelling (SEM) based on the partial least squares path modelling method (PLS) has been used to analyze the data collected. Researchers found that social capital, primarily relational and cognitive, directly and significantly affects resilience, but transformational leadership impacts indirectly. In addition, the resilience of local governance networks is associated with bouncing back and change. 
  • 409
  • 13 May 2022
Topic Review
Bureaucracy is a concept that refers to a formal organizational structure characterized by a hierarchical arrangement of tasks, authority, and responsibilities. Rooted in the principles of efficiency, rationality, and specialization, bureaucracy represents a system of administration designed to streamline decision-making processes, facilitate coordination, and ensure the efficient functioning of complex organizations. The term is often associated with administrative entities, government agencies, and large corporations, where intricate tasks require systematic management.
  • 1.1K
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Business Simulation Games Analysis
The search for the best academic training of its students, increasingly aligned with the needs of organizations, has led educational institutions to use support tools in the development and improvement of knowledge, skills, and competencies. Therefore, technology in education is becoming increasingly relevant, and many institutions have been increasing their virtual education strategies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the importance of a deeper scientific look at the possible contributions of the Business Simulation Games (BSG) emerges. The few types of research related to the design of BSG, mainly associated with the user experience, point out the need for contributions from other studies. In this sense, the approximation results from investigations with Serious Games can provide relevant insights into the theme. They are active learning tools that present similar didactic principles of demonstrative, activity, accessibility, a combination of theory and practice, scientific character, and involvement, to develop skills and knowledge for its users.
  • 1.4K
  • 03 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Business Simulation Games in the 21st Century
Business simulation games are interactive tools used in education to enhance learning experiences. They allow students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, fostering skills like critical thinking and problem-solving. These games simulate real-world situations, providing a safe environment for students to experiment and learn. They offer a dynamic and interactive platform that encourages active participation and drives higher levels of understanding. Research in this field has identified trends and topics through systematic reviews, but has seen a stagnation since the 2000s. Despite this, the technology for these games is mature and continues to balance between learning-driven and domain-driven research.
  • 214
  • 26 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Button Pusher
A button pusher (Ukrainian: кнопкодав, Knopkodav) is a term in Ukrainian politics and society related to a member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the parliament of Ukraine) who votes on a motion by using own identity card as well as ones belonging to other deputies. This voting is done either with or without the consent of the absent deputies. On 2 March 2021 sensor technologies were installed in the Ukrainian parliament that were designed to make it impossible for MP's to vote on behalf of absent colleagues (since they need now to use both their hands for a single vote).
  • 442
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam
The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI) is a declaration of the member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) adopted in Cairo, Egypt, on 5 August 1990, (Conference of Foreign Ministers, 9–14 Muharram 1411H in the Islamic calendar) which provides an overview on the Islamic perspective on human rights, and affirms Islamic sharia as its sole source. CDHRI declares its purpose to be "general guidance for Member States [of the OIC] in the field of human rights". This declaration is widely acknowledged as an Islamic response to the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), adopted in 1948. It guarantees some, but not all, of the UDHR and serves as a living document of human rights guidelines prescribed for all members of the OIC to follow, but restricts them explicitly to the limits set by the sharia. Because of this limit, the CDHRI has been criticized as an attempt to shield OIC member states from international criticism for human rights violations, as well as for failing to guarantee freedom of religion, justifying corporal punishment and allowing discrimination against non-Muslims and women.
  • 1.9K
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Callous and Unemotional (CU) Traits
Behavioral disorders (BD), including disruptive, aggressive, and/or antisocial behavior, are some of the most common disorders in children and adolescents. The notion of BD used in our review is an umbrella term, including children and adolescents with a range of emotional and behavioral disorders. It includes a population with heterogeneous behavioral diagnoses such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), internalized disorders (ID), conditions often associated with aggressive and/or antisocial behavior. Retrospective research in the field notes heterogeneous developmental trajectories that could be explained by certain risk factors, including the severity of callous-unemotional (CU) traits, a constellation of emotional and personality traits in children considered as a precursor to adult psychopathy.
  • 774
  • 18 May 2021
Topic Review
Canada’s Open Work Permit for Vulnerable Workers Policy
In June 2019, the Government of Canada implemented the Open work permit for vulnerable workers (OWP-V) policy, authorizing immigration officers to issue open work permits to migrant workers on employer-specific work permits if they demonstrate reasonable grounds to believe that they are experiencing abuse or are at risk of abuse in their workplace. Drawing on research conducted by a community organization on the impact of the policy, the policy’s potential to remedy the problematic effects of the employer-specific work permit and whether it has been implemented efficiently are examined here. The research concludes that the OWP-V policy cannot be expected to counteract the high risk of abuse imposed on workers through the employer-specific work permit. Numerous barriers were identified that make it difficult for migrant workers to apply for the permit. The small number of OWP-V permits issued in proportion to the number of employers authorized to hire migrant workers makes it unlikely that the policy will significantly impact employers’ propensity to comply with the program conditions.
  • 1.2K
  • 28 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Cantonal Rebellion
Script error: No such module "Infobox military conflict". The Cantonal rebellion was a cantonalist insurrection that took place during the First Spanish Republic between July 1873 and January 1874. Its protagonists were the "intransigent" federal Republicans, who wanted to establish immediately the Federal Republic from the bottom-up without waiting for the Constituent Cortes to draft and approve the new Federal Constitution, as defended by the president of the Executive Power of the Republic Francisco Pi y Margall, a Proudhonian Mutualist supported by the "centrist" and "moderate" sectors of the Federal Democratic Republican Party. Pi y Margall was the principal translator of Proudhon's works, according to George Woodcock "These translations were to have a profound and lasting effect on the development of Spanish anarchism after 1870, but before that time Proudhonian ideas, as interpreted by Pi, already provided much of the inspiration for the federalist movement which sprang up in the early 1860s." According to the Encyclopædia Britannica "During the Spanish revolution of 1873, Pi y Margall attempted to establish a decentralized, or “cantonalist,” political system on Proudhonian lines." The rebellion began on July 12, 1873 in Cartagena - although three days earlier the Alcoy Petroleum Revolution had broken out at the initiative of the Spanish section of the International Workers Association (AIT) - spreading in the following days through the regions of Valencia, Murcia and Andalusia. In these areas, cantons were formed, whose federation would constitute the base of the Spanish Federal Republic. The political theory on which the cantonal movement was based was the "pactist" federalism of Francisco Pi y Margall against whose government the "intransigent" federal republicans (paradoxically) rose up against. When the policy of the Pi y Margall government failed to combine persuasion with repression to end the insurrection, the government that replaced him chaired by the "moderate" Nicolás Salmerón did not hesitate to employ the army led by generals Arsenio Martínez Campos and Manuel Pavia to crush the rebellion, a policy that accentuated the next government of the also "moderate" Emilio Castelar, who, after suspending the sessions of the Cortes, began the siege of Cartagena, the last stronghold of the rebellion. Cartagena would not fall into the hands government until January 12, a week after the coup of Pavia that ended the federal Republic giving way to the dictatorship of Serrano. Although the cantonal rebellion was considered a "separatist" movement by the Government of the Republic, the current historiography highlights that the rebellion only sought to reform the structure of the state, without ever wanting to break the unity of Spain.
  • 563
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Cape Verde Tourism Online Reviews
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) depend on the tourism industry as an important source for their Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Indeed, tourism is seen as a viable and sometimes the only means of economic growth, job creation, and earnings. Lack of studies was found both in SIDS, including Cape Verde, in regard to analyzing customers perception and satisfaction, and even more so when considering online reviews as a proxy of tourism experience.
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  • 28 Jul 2021
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