Topic Review
Theory of Planned and Sustainable Waste Management Behaviour
The theory of planned behaviour evolved from the notion of reasoned action. As stated in the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), a person’s behaviour is influenced by their intention to act and their perception of their ability to control their behaviour, whereas their intention to act is influenced by their attitude towards the behaviour, their perception of societal pressures and expectations (subjective norm), and their perception of their ability to control their behaviour. In this theory, individuals will be more willing to perform a behaviour when they have favourable attitudes towards performing the behaviour, perceive greater social pressures and expectations to perform the behaviour, perceive the behaviour to be easy and convenient, and perceive that they have the capacity to perform the behaviour. 
  • 1.2K
  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Theory of Addiction
Drug addiction is characterized by a loss of control over drug-seeking and -consumption, despite the profound negative consequences this has on the individual’s life [1]. While the acute effects of a substance depend on its psychoactive properties, the progression of addiction converges into a series of problems that are common and severely impact all spheres of the individual’s life, compromising interpersonal, economic, and health status. Thus, in chronic drug users it is common to present several physical problems including brain damage and atrophy, circulatory system issues, premature aging, among others. From a socio-economic perspective, common problems include homelessness, criminal behavior, unemployment, social isolation, and dependence.
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  • 01 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Theories on Addiction of Smartphone and Internet
Excessive use of smartphones has been associated with a number of negative consequences for individuals. Some of these consequences relate to many symptoms of behavioral addiction. Addiction is defined as a pleasure-inducing behavior that through repeated exposure gradually leads to loss of control and further negative consequences.
  • 31.8K
  • 24 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Theories of International Trade
Economists have developed theories explaining World Trade, which are called” theories of international trade”. Theories of international trade explain what exactly happens in international trade, such as mercantilist theory. This theory was popular in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. During that time, a nation’s wealth consisted only of gold or other types of precious metals, so theorists suggested that nations begin to accumulate more and more gold and other types of metals. 
  • 4.3K
  • 08 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Thematic Lessons and Cultural-Historical Activity Theory
Thematic learning features sustain exploratory activities focused on a selected theme, which contributes to developing students’ core competencies, including problem solving, collaboration, and communication skills, supporting sustainable development in learning. For teachers and students, this emerging pedagogical approach may encounter various contradictions in the classroom activity system. 
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  • 12 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Thematic Apperception Test
Thematic apperception test (TAT) is a projective psychological test developed during the 1930s by Henry A. Murray and Christiana D. Morgan at Harvard University. Proponents of the technique assert that subjects' responses, in the narratives they make up about ambiguous pictures of people, reveal their underlying motives, concerns, and the way they see the social world. Historically, the test has been among the most widely researched, taught, and used of such techniques.
  • 1.1K
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
The Water–Energy–Food Nexus Index
The water–energy–food (WEF) Nexus Index is a quantitative measure and representation of country-level WEF security based on 21 water, energy, and food security indicators. The WEF nexus has emerged as a leading tool for assessing integrated resource management strategies and for monitoring progress towards the WEF-related Sustainable Development Goals. A notable outcome of WEF nexus research has been the calculation of the global WEF Nexus Index, which provides a quantitative ranking of country-level WEF security for 170 nations.
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  • 11 Feb 2022
Topic Review
The Use of “Lifestyle” in Health Psychology
Lifestyle is a complex and often generic concept that has been used and defined in different ways in scientific research. There is no single definition of lifestyle, and various fields of knowledge have developed theories and research variables that are also distant from each other. In health psychology, the use of this concept has spread widely, especially in the preventive medicine sector, despite a definition that is not always precise and unambiguous. Indeed, it is often confused and assimilated to the health behaviours that have been defined as behavioural patterns, actions, and habits that relate to health maintenance, to health restoration and health improvement. There are two main definitions of lifestyles. The first one was formulated by the WHO, for which lifestyle is defined as “patterns of (behavioural) choices from the alternatives that are available to people according to their socio-economic circumstances and the ease with which they are able to choose certain ones over others”. The second major definition of lifestyle formulated by Cockerham is “collective patterns of health-related behaviour based on choices from options available to people according to their life chances”.
  • 2.2K
  • 09 Mar 2023
Topic Review
The Tryptophan-Kynurenine Metabolic Pathway
Tryptophan (TRP) is one of the essential amino acids, which participates in protein synthesis. The tryptophan’s main metabolic route is the kynurenine pathway (KP) through which approximately 90-95% of TRP degrades into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and other bioactive metabolites. The appropriate amount of NAD+ is essential to maintain the operation and the viability of cells. The other molecules are neurotoxic, neuroprotective, oxidant, antioxidant, and/or immune modifiers. They play an important role in the function of the brain and the peripheral tissues. The change in the levels of the bioactive molecules is considered to contribute to the development of a wide range of illnesses from cancer to immunologic, neurodegenerative, and psychiatric diseases.
  • 11.1K
  • 10 Aug 2021
Topic Review
The Transition to Adulthood
The transition to adulthood is a process that brings childhood to an end and turns the individual into a young adult. This process is characterised by the acquisition of new roles for young people, roles linked to the development of personal autonomy that culminate in their emotional and functional independence.
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  • 31 Aug 2021
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