Topic Review
Information Technology Specialist (Military)
Information Technology Specialist or Information Systems Operator-Analyst is a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) in the United States Army. Information Technology Specialists have the responsibility of maintaining, processing and troubleshooting military computer systems and operations.
  • 1.3K
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Informational Social Influence
Social proof is a psychological and social phenomenon wherein people copy the actions of others in an attempt to undertake behavior in a given situation. The term was coined by Robert Cialdini in his 1984 book Influence: Science and Practice, and the concept is also known as informational social influence. Social proof is considered prominent in ambiguous social situations where people are unable to determine the appropriate mode of behavior, and is driven by the assumption that the surrounding people possess more knowledge about the current situation. The effects of social influence can be seen in the tendency of large groups to conform. This is referred to in some publications as the herd behavior. Although social proof reflects a rational motive to take into account the information possessed by others, formal analysis shows that it can cause people to converge too quickly upon a single distinct choice, so that decisions of even larger groups of individuals may be grounded in very little information (see information cascades). Social proof is one type of conformity. When a person is in a situation where they are unsure of the correct way to behave, they will often look to others for clues concerning the correct behavior. When "we conform because we believe that others' interpretation of an ambiguous situation is more accurate than ours and will help us choose an appropriate course of action", it is informational social influence. This is contrasted with normative social influence wherein a person conforms to be liked or accepted by others. Social proof often leads not only to public compliance (conforming to the behavior of others publicly without necessarily believing it is correct) but also private acceptance (conforming out of a genuine belief that others are correct). Social proof is more powerful when being accurate is more important and when others are perceived as especially knowledgeable. In 2020, a young scientist from Poland , Michal Klichowski, proved that this phenomenon also applies to interactions with artificial intelligence. His results show a new AI proof mechanism: AI that people have more and more contact with is becoming a new source of information about how to behave and what decisions to take.
  • 854
  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Using infotainment for science communication is a two-edged sword: while it may help engagement, making light of a topic can reduce perceptions about its seriousness. The researchers suggest that the use of infotainment should be determined by the aims of the communicators and the nature of the target audience. If the purpose is simply to convey information, then infotainment is likely to be the most effective and it has the additional benefit of engaging recipients that lack a university education. However, if the purpose is to affect attitudes and persuade an audience, then an expository narration is likely to be most effective. 
  • 549
  • 13 Sep 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Inhabited Institutionalism
Inhabited Institutionalism is a meso-level theoretical approach for evaluating the recursive relationships among institutions, social interactions, and organizations. This theoretical framework offers organizational scholars a multi-faceted consideration of coupling configurations that highlight how institutional processes are maintained, challenged, and transformed without reverting to nested yet binary arguments about individual agency and structural conditions.
  • 1.0K
  • 18 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Innovating Occupational Safety Training
Digital games have been successfully applied in different working sectors as a highly-engaging occupational safety training method. Nonetheless, they found a very limited application in agriculture. Engagement in safety training is widely acknowledged to play a pivotal role in promoting occupational safety in the agricultural sector. Based on a scoping review of 42 studies, the present entry discusses how occupational risks are addressed during game-based safety training in different productive sectors and how this can be transferred to agriculture. 
  • 437
  • 05 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Innovation Ecosystem and Its Compositions in Network Perspective
Innovation ecosystems (IE) have gained significant attention due to the pivotal role of innovation in implementing sustainability. Network science serves as a crucial perspective for studying the innovation ecosystem, acting as a driving force for innovation development.
  • 244
  • 21 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Innovation Management Systems
Standardized innovation management systems (SIMS) are homogeneous management systems which accelerate the conversion of an organization’s innovation strategy into effective actions. Thus, SIMSs ensure that innovation means not mere shiny novel inventions, but rather an organization’s ability to recognize and pursue new areas of opportunity while reacting to fluctuating conditions in its environment. In 2006, the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) issued the Spanish UNE 166002: 2006, the first innovation management standard, as sets of principles intended to aid organizations in navigating the multifaceted process of innovation, schematizing their activities and improving management efficiency.
  • 623
  • 27 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Innovation Pattern Heterogeneity
The firm’s ability to innovate is one of the usual suspects for explaining differences in firm performance according to a strong and diversified theoretical framework. Innovation facilitates the high rate of growth of ‘‘superstars’’ as well as the establishment and continued existence of profitable companies that do not seek to become large enterprises Understanding the diversity that exists within the population of innovative firms is essential for developing appropriate innovation policies. By applying factor analysis to a wide array of survey variables and a large sample of firms, we identified eleven typical approaches to innovation. 
  • 505
  • 24 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Innovation Vouchers
Innovation voucher is a credit note that allows innovative SMEs or entrepreneurs to work with knowledge providers, such as universities and research intuitions, on innovative projects. Innovation vouchers can provide SMEs with opportunities to obtain new and persuasive evaluative information to improve investment decisions.
  • 453
  • 14 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Innovation-Driven Strategy on High-Quality Economic Development
The positive role of innovation-driven strategy is mainly realized through high-tech markets in China. Therefore, R&D investment should focus on high-tech industries or fields related to the national economic lifeline or strategic industries, such as environmental protection, microchips, and high-end instruments industries in China. 
  • 1.6K
  • 26 Apr 2022
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