Topic Review
Hotels' Services and Amenities for Family Tourism
Travelling families are interested in urban tourism due to its cognitive and entertainment aspects. Some expectations of parents travelling with children are the same independent of the accommodation location. It can be stated that the most important factor regarding family tourism, which should make the services and amenities offered by hotels diverse, is the age of children. It is their age that determines childrens’ needs and interests from the earliest period of infancy to early school age. The biggest challenge for the hoteliers is to prepare an offer that meets the expectations of families with children of different ages (the greater the age difference is, the more difficult it becomes to meet parents’ requirements regarding amenities and hotel facilities).
  • 2.6K
  • 04 Aug 2022
Topic Review
House Music Events in the Time of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent social lockdowns necessitated an immediate cessation of events, replaced entirely by virtual events—a concept present in the existing events literature, but one not fully conceptualised.
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  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
House of Jamalullail (Perak)
The House of Jamalullail of Perak is one of the oldest Syed (Saiyid) clans in Malaysia. It was established in early 16th century when Syed Husain Al Faradz Jamalullail from Hadramaut arrived in Perak to spread Islam. He flourished as an ulama in the state during the reign of Sultan Muzaffar Shah I (1528 - 1549), the first sultan of Perak. According to R.O. Winstedt in his article titled "The Hadramaut Saiyids of Perak and Siak", Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, No. 79 (September 1918), the Sayid family of Perak exercised great influence on the history of Perak from its founding in the 16th century. The Saiyid family acquired the highest state offices, those of Orang Kaya Besar and of Menteri. One of its members, Syed Abu Bakar bin Syed Jalaluddin was made a Bendahara during the reign of Sultan Muzzafar Shah III (1728-1744). The Jamalullails of Perak held the position of the Orang Kaya Menteri six times in the period from the founding of Perak in 1528 until 1862, reflecting the special position given to them. This hereditary tradition in Perak was interrupted upon the death of menteri Syed Usman in 1862, during the reign of Sultan Jaafar Muazzam Shah (Marhum Waliullah) (1857-1865). According to Buyong Adil, "Sejarah Perak", Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, (2020:156) this change in tradition was a part solution to ending the Larut Wars of 1861-1862.
  • 929
  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Household Food Waste in Bangkok
Food waste (FW) is one of the world’s major crises in both developed and developing countries. Up to 1.3 billion tons of food across the globe is thrown away each year, accounting for one third of all food produced for human consumption and presenting tremendous social, economic, and environmental challenges. In Thailand, FW causes a significant problem when it comes to waste management, particularly in metropolitan areas. Studies conducted between 2005 and 2009 indicated that FW made up the greatest proportion of all waste collected in Bangkok at between 42% and 45%. This waste was generated in households and was usually thrown away into garbage bins, to be collected and buried in landfills by governmental and private sector companies.
  • 2.7K
  • 04 Aug 2021
Topic Review
A housewife (also known as a homemaker) is a woman whose work is running or managing her family's home—caring for her children; buying, cooking, and storing food for the family; buying goods that the family needs for everyday life; housekeeping, cleaning and maintaining the home; and making, buying and/or mending clothes for the family—and who is not employed outside the home (a career woman). A housewife who has children may be called a stay-at-home mother or mom. Webster's Dictionary defines a housewife as a married woman who is in charge of her household. The British Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (1901) defines a housewife as "the mistress of a household; a female domestic manager; a pocket sewing kit". (A small sewing kit is sometimes called a housewife or hussif.)
  • 18.5K
  • 06 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Housing Choices of Young Adults
As young adults’ living arrangements affect decisions about marriage, education, childbirth, and participation in the workforce, more knowledge for policymakers is crucial to implementing effective policies to support young adults and promote financial independence and well-being.
  • 154
  • 03 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Housing Resources and Mismatched Housing Needs in China
In today's China, almost 90% of households own their own home. At the same time, more than 20% of Chinese households own several properties, which is higher than in many developed countries. Only fifty years ago, China was recognized for its communist welfare-oriented housing system, which distributed public rental homes to urban residents centred around their work unit, which was the mechanism through which citizens accessed not only housing, but also education, care for preschool children, and eldercare, thus giving women, in particular, the opportunity to engage more fully in waged work. In 1998, the government proclaimed the end of state involvement in allocating housing and, in the short period since, China has shifted from a society dominated by public renters to one of the countries with the greatest rate of homeownership.
  • 476
  • 01 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Housing Sustainability
Housing plays an essential role in sustainable governance due to its socio-economic and environmental connection. In terms of housing sustainability, the housing market is influenced by how sustainability is defined, driving factors, policy objectives, and the way demand and supply are managed in response to housing market activities.
  • 821
  • 08 Jul 2022
Topic Review
How Chinese Young Adults Perceive E-Cigarettes
Medical discourse is an important evidence-directed outcome of scientific debates, but value-based voice cannot be ignored. This entry discusses Clients' perspectives on e-cigarette use and the meaning they give to the substance. Researchers find that users refer to e-cigarettes as a 'snack', suggesting that their frequency of use and addiction is manageable and can be stopped at any time. This is a cultural symbol that is very different from medical perceptions.
  • 298
  • 30 May 2023
Topic Review
How Pupil–Teacher Relationships Contribute to Alienation of Pupils
Pupil–teacher relationships have been widely researched, reaching the consensus that they have a significant impact on an individual’s development throughout their education. 
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  • 16 Oct 2023
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