Topic Review
The Gracchi brothers, Tiberius and Gaius, were Romans who both served as tribunes of the plebs between 133 and 121 BC. They attempted to redistribute the occupation of the ager publicus— the public land hitherto controlled principally by aristocrats—to the urban poor and veterans, in addition to other social and constitutional reforms. After achieving some early success, both were assassinated by the Optimates, the conservative faction in the senate that opposed these reforms.
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  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Education 4.0
Education 4.0 promotes visualizing how teachers’ traditional digital competencies adopt innovative practices.
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  • 21 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Climate-Smart Agriculture of Hungarian Agribusiness
Climate change and agriculture interact with each other in many ways and have a complex impact. The agriculture sector needs to be prepared to adapt to the expected effects of climate change, and emphasis must be placed on prevention to achieve emission reduction targets. The research explores the current situation in the agricultural sector, the risks of climate change, as well as the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) solutions that appear at Hungarian agribusiness. Examining the climate innovation activities of farms shows a coherence of the practical application. The research is based on a questionnaire survey of Hungarian agribusiness and the country directorates of the National Chamber of Agriculture. The investigation confirmed that although farmers are susceptible to Agri-Innovation, they only partly exploit the potential of digitalization. For agriculture, the spread of agricultural digitalization and technology transfer is an excellent opportunity to increase agricultural production, maintain and improve its market position, and increase its digital maturity, which can also enhance the integration of climate innovation and sustainability aspects supporting the green economic development.
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  • 24 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Basic Properties of Ethics
Ethics is a discipline concerned with good and bad moral values and norms that can be right and wrong. Norms define standards of acceptable behavior by groups. Specific ethical systems, through their norms (computable conventions), constrain and partially solve the problem of life. The importance of ethics for society is paramount, as no social group can stay cohesive and in existence if there are no constraints on the behavior of individuals. For example, frequent, reasonless escalations and attacks with killing or injuring others would dissolve any group. Hence, the problem that ethics tries to solve is improving group performance in a setting that is multi-criteria, dynamic, and poised by uncertainties. It operates on a large societal scale, making for a complex setting in which adaptability is crucial. Ethics emerged collaterally through cultural evolution on a longer time scale where all changes have been slow and gradual.
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  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Place Branding and Territorial Brand
Place branding is linked to economic development, which includes tourism as a product. The territorial brand also has these two approaches, a mercantilist perspective and one linked with tourism. However, the brand of a product and the brand of a territory have differences in the way they are created, communicated, and managed. 
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  • 23 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Smart City Collaboration
Collaboration is problematic in the public sector, yet many smart city theorists advocate relationships fully dependent upon collaboration to address the intense complexity encountered by city governments and achieve city objectives of quality of life, efficiency, effectiveness, and economic and environmental sustainability.
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  • 27 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Historic Gardens Heritage
Historic Garden is a category of historic heritage enshrined in the Florence Charter as a Living Monument (ICOMOS, 1982). They belong to the category of landscape designed and created intentionally by Man (UNESCO, 2021). As the expression of the relationship between Man and nature (ICOMOS, 1982; Kimber, 2004), gardens are part of the cultural landscape of any civilization and society and reflect the culture, identity and history of a people (Añón, 1993; Kimber, 2004). As such, constitutes cultural, artistic and historical documents (Doolitle, 2004) and horticultural compositions (ICOMOS, 1982) of great importance and interest. Since it is composed of living plant material, a garden is a dynamic and constantly changing environment where different types of time (ecological, social and subjective) are brought together and interact (Bhatti et al., 2009). A garden therefore becomes an unfinished work (Estadão, 2005) and one that is necessarily ephemeral (Gollwitzer, 1993). This dynamic transformation leads Sales (1993) to say that a garden is not an object, but rather a process undergoing constant development and decomposition.
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  • 26 May 2022
Topic Review
Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
The conservation and restoration of cultural heritage focuses on protection and care of tangible cultural heritage, including artworks, architecture, archaeology, and museum collections. Conservation activities include preventive conservation, examination, documentation, research, treatment, and education. This field is closely allied with conservation science, curators and registrars.
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  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Owner and Cat Relationship
This entry provides a short overview of the different ways cat owners describe the relationship with their cat, how this might relate to an antropomorphic view of (role of) the cat, which owner-and cat-related charateristics are related to such views and how different views are associated with different living environments of cats.  
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  • 24 Jan 2022
Topic Review
China’s New-Type Urbanisation
China’s new-type urbanisation, as a national strategy, is one of the reasons why the leap in development has been made in the last decade. Existing studies mainly focus on the status and outcomes of china’s new-type urbanisation while stressing not enough the overlooked aspects of new-type urbanisation policies that are currently in use. 
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  • 27 Jun 2022
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